Potty Training...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by debbie_long83, May 25, 2010.

  1. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Being a teacher, I am now officially off until August 4th :) Which means it would be really great if we could potty train over the summer. I know that they need to be ready and all of that so for awhile now I've been letting them follow me into the bathroom while I go. They know what the potty is and they know if they are wet or have gone poop. We've kinda casually let them try sitting on the potty and tonight, Hannah wanted to sit on it two different times and went pee both times! In both instances, Hailey had asked first as I was changing her diaper so I took her and she did nothing. Then Hannah wanted to go and she actually went! I made a pretty big deal over it and told her it was so great that she went pee pee in the potty.

    So I'm thinking they may be ready... I've bought them some little chairs but haven't gotten them out yet. I've been reading through some of the stories in the sticky, but does anybody have just some quick advice... i.e. any good methods, books, etc. I came across a website called 3 Day Potty Training... it sounds too good to be true and I'm skeptical. You have to pay to purchase the e-book. Anybody use this?

    TIA for any tips!
  2. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    We did "naked" potty training. LOL! We trained the girls over the summer as well and kept them in little knit dresses with out any panties on. I just made sure that I loaded them up with fluids and took them to sit on the potty every 30 minutes or so. We had some accidents at first, but it didn't take them long to associate the feeling of having to go with the fact that there was something warm running down their legs.

    They loved treats. M&Ms and dum-dums were their favs. I also got the book, Big Girls use the potty and they still like to "read" it when they go now.

    GL! :youcandoit:
  3. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    I've heard of doing the naked thing. I would be OK with it, but convincing DH it's a good idea is another story... lol

    We are definitely going to try rewards.
  4. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I trained mine during the summer as well. I just kept them outside as much as possible and kept their pottys on the deck. That way if they had an accident, it was on the grass and not my floors. I did sticker charts and rewared them for peeing with M&M's. For us, the chart worked better because they LOVE stickers. AFter they filled up their chart, they got a special toy.

    I've heard about the 3-Day training, but I didn't try it. Actually, the first go around for us did not work. I had to stop and try again in a few months, but it was good experience. You'll know within a week if they are ready or not when you actually get down to trying.

    Good Luck!!
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I just got DD potty trained. She actually trained in 3 days (no joke) and by a full week she was staying dry through the night so we stopped diapers completely. We did rewards (chocolate) and went straight to big girl panties. At first we timed (every 20 minutes or so) and would have her sit on the potty. She would usually go. After 2 days, she was telling me when she needed to go...so we quit timing. I would suggest putting them in panties for one week (or naked train). Commit to doing it for one week. You will know by then if they are ready. After the first day, DS started throwing a fit to be put back in diapers. I took that as a sign that he was not ready...plus he could careless if he is soaking wet or standing in a puddle of pee. :rolleyes: I'll give him a few months and try again. One down, one to go!
  6. alexafaeh

    alexafaeh Well-Known Member

    both potty trained in 1 week, at 2 years old, right after b-day.
    would let them waking up from nap and night and ask, do you want naked, diaper or undies? over 3 days, they would pick more and more just undies and always went on potty. I did it very natural and they always watched me too.

    I never did rewards, just lots of praise and high 5's. it took them 1 week, after 1 week dry at home, we started outings, no problems on public restrooms either.

    I waited until they were ready, they did want wet or poopy diaper right off and started telling me right when they went in it. I still use a diaper at nap and night, but naps now, they wake up often dry. I give it some more time with that.

  7. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the replies. I let the girls both sit on their potties this afternoon and they were really excited about it. Then they didn't want to get OFF the potties... They did both go pee in them though! Then at church tonight, I could tell Hailey was about to poop and asked her if she wanted to try the potty. She wanted to and she pooped in the potty! Whoo hoo! I think they understand the concept but we still have a little ways to go... Thanks again for the advice!
  8. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :clapping: That sounds like an excellent start to PT'ing!!!!!!!!!
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