Bouncer tipped over!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by janicecris, May 22, 2010.

  1. janicecris

    janicecris Active Member

    Help me! I had my DS in the bouncer when the bouncer tipped over and he fell face flat on the carpet! It happened so fast I did not know what happened! He cried when it happened but when I picked him up, he was ok and even smiled. Our bouncer has a really steep angle, around 60 degrees so its a steep fall considering he fell face flat. We went for a WBV the day after and informed the pedi abt it. He was not too concerned about it because he does not have any symptoms. When we got back home he was very sleepy which I assumed was from the shots. Now today (48 hrs later) he was very cranky and very different. He would not be put down for naps coz he will cry. He is ok if he was carried but not if we put him down. At bedtime, he woke up about 30 mins later and would not stop crying. He will only stop and sleep when picked up! That is so not him at all! After his last bottle, he usually sleeps straight and wont wake up until abt 8 am the next day. Is this from the fall or just from the shots or was this just a bad day? I am so concerned I want to take him to the ER to be examined but its been 48 hrs and he does not show any signs other than change of behavior. Oh, we also noticed some spit up with milk but not much so I do not know of it is related at all. Any advice would help....
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    It sounds to me like he is just a bit off from the shots. If you are very concerned about head injury, then by all means take him.
  3. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    definitely call your pedi but mine were total crankypants for 2 days after their 4 month shots.
  4. piccologirl

    piccologirl Well-Known Member

    it doesn't seem likely that he would be okay all day and fine during his WBV and only develop injuries later. you did the right thing by explaining it to your pedi and i would take some comfort in the fact that he wasn't concerned. is there any visible bruising or red marks? i would keep an eye on it but if he's still acting uncomfortable by tomorrow you might want to call your pedi back.
  5. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you are really concerned that he might have a head injury, by all means get him seen. But it sounds to me like it might just be crankiness from the shots. Sometimes, depending on which shots they get, they can be pretty miserable for a few days after. :hug:
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I agree that you need to call if you're concerned but it does sound like it's from the shots. :hug:
  7. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    :hug: I hope you both are feeling better today. :grouphug:
  8. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    How's he doing today, it's scary when those things happen! Hope it was just his shots that threw him off and his little noggin is fine!!
  9. janicecris

    janicecris Active Member

    much better today! Thank you all. Not as cranky but he still woke up around 2 am cryung but we gave him a paci and he went back to sleep. One other idea we have is teething. We notice his gums are protruding in front, he has been extra cranky last few weeks (not as much as day after shots though) and drooling a lot more. I don't know. It just gets confusing coz lots of possibilities!!! Anyway, thank you all for the concern and i hope its nothing serious.
  10. christy.fisher

    christy.fisher Well-Known Member

    Sounds like the shot crankies to me, too.

    And don't feel bad about your baby falling. My babies were still sleeping in their car seats at two months until one morning when we woke up and found a car seat tipped over and Claire sleeping on the floor, half under the bed. Then we broke out the crib!

    Babies are very resilient and I'm sure there will be plenty more falls for them in the future! :)
  11. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    So glad he's doing better ♥
  12. carries lads

    carries lads Member

    Hi glad your little one is feeling better my ds1 fell out of a walker when he was small you get a terrible fright we had a hospital apt. that morning so dr. saw him said he was fine , is there any chance your lo is getting teeth thats what mine were like for a while before getting teeth?
  13. janicecris

    janicecris Active Member

    That's what I was thinking too. I can see his front gums are protruding more than usual so maybe it's also teething. So far, he has been better. Still cranky but not too bad. Also, for the last 2 nights, he has slept through the night again... he just woke up a little like from a dream but not enough to wake up. SO I just hope it will all be better! ^_^
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