Another PT Question.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by christie76, May 19, 2010.

  1. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I'm wondering if one of mine might be getting ready to be trained. She is constantly taking her diaper off and running around naked. It drives me crazy. I try putting her on the big toilet, but she freaks. I haven't gotten a ring yet or a potty chair. Do you think I should just go straight to the potty chair or try the ring? I just assume she'll be scared on that too. She does tell me when she poops. I assume this means she is getting ready, right? I don't want to push it if she's not ready, but I'm sooooooo ready to be done with diapers.

  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    The fact that she is telling you that she went poop is great, but it's not necessarily sign that she is ready. When she starts telling you beforehand, then that's more of a sign that she is ready.

    My girls were nudists far before they were ever ready to potty train. They just love to be naked! :booty:

    It definitely doesn't hurt to get a potty seat (or ring) for exposure. I wouldn't force the issue though, that will only make it frustrating for all of you.

    Good Luck!!
  3. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Good to know. I don't feel like she is truly ready yet. Their b-day is next week, so I thought I'd get one then. Let them sit on it and see what happens. The naked phase wouldn't bother me so much, if it was nice enough to put them outside. I can just hose down the deck:)
  4. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Same advice as Kyrstyn. It doesn't hurt to have a potty for exposure, but don't force it.
  5. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    Any advice on getting her to keep her diaper on? I've spent most of my day chasing her naked bum around. She thinks it's hysterical. I'm waitinng for her sister to copy her. I might lose my mind. Dh is bringing home a potty chair tonight. We'll see what she thinks of it. This is by far the most stressful stage we've hit. I know it's only going to get crazier too!
  6. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Duct Tape!!! It works great! GL!
  7. alexafaeh

    alexafaeh Well-Known Member

    we have nudists here as well ;) but then, I am european too, hehe!

    as for being naked, is there a reason why it drives you crazy? does she pee or poo anywhere when she's naked?
    my girl was lots of times naked and I just let her, as long as we staid at home, it wasn't an issue. eventually it was eating time and she did not want to sit on chair with her bare butt :)

    my son did it less, the nakedness. it was a first sign for my to get ready for PT, couple weeks after all nakedness, I did put out 2 potties and the ring, nothing fancy, just simple ones. they would tell me right when they were doing pee/poo in diaper and so once they started to be naked and had potties around, they would just go on them. after 2 days, they would really "GO" and not just sit, and from then on, I asked after nap or night sleep, do you want undies or diaper? and over the course of 1 week, they only picked undies, went on potty all the time and a couple days later the same on the go.

    do not rush, let them decide, then it will be very fast and easy and fun, just have the options out. we were also very natural about it, they always watched us doing potty and we never made funny or jucky face with poo, we let them know it's good and natural and lots of praise.
    if yours will have an accident or pee on floor or something, do not make a big deal about it, I really waited with mine to PT until I knew they were ready, I also did not want them to have bad accidents, I think it's not good for the process and their self esteem.

    I realize mine did it young and super fast, same wishes to you!
    let me know if you have more questions,
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