Beds – next steps

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by twinsnowwhat, May 7, 2010.

  1. twinsnowwhat

    twinsnowwhat Well-Known Member

    Our cribs have been recalled and I am planning on returning them instead of using the kit they offer to send that makes it so the drop side is permanently in the up position. So this has me and DH thinking. I have come up with a couple of scenarios and just not sure which is the best route. Keep in mind I am in NO hurry to switch to toddler beds, they JUST started walking and so far are not climbing out of their cribs (THANK GOD)

    Option A – return the cribs and get new cribs – thinking I can always sell the new cribs for toddler bed $ when we are ready

    Option B – return the cribs and purchase toddler beds and have the kids sleep in PNP’s till we are ready to switch

    Are you even doing toddler beds or plan on going straight to a twin or something else?

    What would you do?
  2. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    How about buy cribs that convert into toddlers beds? We have those and they weren't terribly expensive. No drop down sides - convert them when you're ready.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD has been in a toddler bed since 19-20 months when she started climbing out of her crib. DS is still in his crib. In your shoes, I think I would go with Option B (though I think Option A is a really good idea too). If my DS can hold out until 3- 3.5 in his crib, I will put him straight to a twin. Since DD was so young, we converted her crib to a toddler bed.
  4. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    My two are both in cribs and we plan on keeping them there as long as possible. When they are ready, we will convert their cribs to toddler beds.
  5. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I would buy cribs that convert to toddler beds. That's what we have, but I plan on keeping them as "cribs" for as long as possible. When I'm ready, I will turn them into the toddler/day beds. Once they grow out of those, I'll get twin beds.

    We got ours at BRU for $199 each.
  6. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    I think convertible cribs are the way to go :) That's what we have, but I whole-heartedly plan on keeping them in cribs as long as possible!
  7. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We bought children's beds from Ikea, they are low to the ground, hold a crib mattress and expand to twin size beds when we're ready. They were less than $200 a piece and will be enough bed for them until they're in high school. Mine switched a right at 2. I know sullivanre has her boys' mattresses on the floor right now due to a move and two broken cribs.

    Some days I understand the wanting to keep them in cribs, but other days I don't understand why you (general you) wouldn't buy the next step up developmentally, especially if you're close in age to a new mileston, if you had to buy something new.
  8. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    LOL, please let me be a lesson for everyone. Keep them in cribs as long as you can. :) I like the convertible crib to toddler bed idea.

    Our transition to big people beds has been hell (worse than the one nap transition, worse than getting rid of bottles, worse than starting solids). The only thing hard was STTN. If my kids weren't escaping and breaking beds, I would have waited.
  9. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure there are cribs that transition first to toddler beds, then to twin beds. They might be a bit pricey (I haven't looked at any), but it might be worth the money to have something that will last for years.

    I know my guys are developmentally not ready for todder beds/twin beds, nor am I ready for "free range toddlers". ;) Our cribs convert to twins, not toddler beds, so I'm praying they don't learn to crawl out any time soon!!!!!
  10. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    [quote name='Nate and Jack's Mom' date='08 May 2010 - 08:23 PM' timestamp='1273364584' post='1632019']
    I'm pretty sure there are cribs that transition first to toddler beds, then to twin beds. They might be a bit pricey (I haven't looked at any), but it might be worth the money to have something that will last for years.

    I know my guys are developmentally not ready for todder beds/twin beds, nor am I ready for "free range toddlers". ;) Our cribs convert to twins, not toddler beds, so I'm praying they don't learn to crawl out any time soon!!!!!

    The girls cribs were not pricey and they change from crib, to toddler bed, to full size bed. They were $149 each, but I think they went up to $169. Here are the convertible cribs we have.
  11. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Wow, those look awesome; thanks for sharing! :good:
  12. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    That's what we did and we have already converted them to toddler beds. It's was likely we were going to be visiting relatives later this year and no one would be able to let them sleep there unless they were sleeping in beds already. Kiefer was ready. He slept in his toddler bed so easily! ...naps too! Cameron was sleeping so well in his toddler bed at night, but come naptime, it was a bit more difficult. I just hung in there with the advice from the ladies of this board and he's sleeping like a champ now. I didn't fret if he got out of bed either. I just laid him back down if he was making too much noise. My boys do sleep in separate rooms, however, so that may be different than your setup, but my suggestion would be to get a crib that does convert to a toddler bed, so when you are ready to make the switch, you do not have to sell or buy another bed. You may have to buy the extension to make the crib a toddler bed, but that is all you'd have to worry about and much less of a pain than putting together brand new beds and taking down the cribs completely.
  13. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I bought the cribs that are similar to that Walmart one... we bought ours at they are stationary and convert to toddler beds and with a conversion kit they go to a full size headboard/foot board. I only bought 1 set of rails thinking my dd might use a full bed. THOUGH not sure we will since both beds are really chewed up! if your children haven't chewed their existing cribs then it might be something to think about the cribs that convert to beds later, otherwise.... save your money on that.

    One reason I wanted the toddler bed option is that I plan on keeping them in the same room for years... and I need the small size of the toddler beds.

    Ours started climbing out of the cribs at 18 months, and I have been able to keep them in with sleepsacks and crib tents. Sleep sacks worked a long time to keep them in, and now I put the sacks on backwards, they can't get out of them yet. Though I think if I didn't have the crib tent on too my ds is close to climbing out even in his sleep sack.

    I need to convert ours to toddler beds soon... we too, are traveling in 2 months and I think it would be easier to be out of cribs...

    good luck with your decision.
  14. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I kept mine in cribs until they were three. They had crib tents when they started showing signs of climbing out. I moved them straight to twin beds when they turned three. So I'd return the cribs for new ones and keep them in the cribs. Our transition was a breeze.
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