re-waking during naps

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by newtothis, Apr 24, 2010.

  1. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    my LO wakes during EVERY nap! (afternoon naps only)
    if i leave him there, he'll roll around or cry, then he wakes his brother. separating them really isn't an option. i have no where to put him.

    is there anything i can do?
    i have a fan, music. white noise...everything.

    i have to rub his head. BUT lately he gets so outta control with moving that i have to pick him up until he calms down, then rub his head once he's back in his crib.
  2. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I'm sure you're tired of hearing from me! LOL But I've been there and the best thing you can do is just leave him be. His brother will learn to sleep through his noise (at the same time though, make sure the white noise is loud and preferably between them). When one was woken by the other, they learned to go back to sleep just like anything else that might awaken them too early. Just be SUPER consistent and it WILL work out.
  3. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    if i leave him there to cry/whine, etc. then do i leave them in there until their naps are over? for example if they nap for 2 hours but he awakens 30 mins in, do i just leave him in there for the hour and half?
  4. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    At 11 mos, I'd leave them for one hour in the morning (and wake them by an hour and fifteen minutes if they are still asleep) and two hours in the afternoon. If you just can't stomach not going in at all, go in very briefly with the attitude that you checking to make sure noone is hurt/sick/stuck and leave again right away. At naptime, going in made it worse for my kiddos so I would peek from a crack in the door but not let them see me. They really will learn to stop crying and start playing if they aren't tired.
  5. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    we will be separating ours soon (when we move in a month) I am so tired of all the waking eachother up and stealing eachothers suckies and going in to put a sucky back in for one and the other sees me and they start screaming ugh. Guess thats not what you wanted to hear eh? Are they in the same crib or just the same room? I really like those cribside soothers, at that age they could turn them on and off themselves and maybe that would help???
  6. newtothis

    newtothis Well-Known Member

    nope, no crib soother and they are in their own cribs.
    do those crib soothers work?
  7. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I didn't use the cribside toys/lights/music things (I'm guessing that's what you are calling soothers) for the twins because I figured that was just one more thing to wake each other up with. I did use them with my older kids and it helped them sort of distract themselves when they woke up.
  8. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    yes thats right, my singleton had the rainforest cribside soother and she still loves it at 22 months, we put it in her crib at about 8 months (when she actually moved to her crib heehee). My twins are in the same crib and we have the precious planet projection mobile (since it could capture 2 babies attentions)and they love to watch the projection while they fall asleep. I never found that they woke the kids up at least so far. Usually they have a few different settings and volume that can be put low enough to hopefully only work for the one.

    Since they are in different cribs I like a pps idea of putting white noise in between them too.
  9. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    I'm dealing with this right now too. If they awake within the first 30 to 45 min of their nap, i'll go in and give a paci or lovey, rub belly or back for a minute and leave. After that, if they are still crying, I let them cry for up to 1 hour (per the Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child book). After 1 hour of crying, I go in and get them up.

    it's rough.
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