Anyone think 10 months is kind of tough?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lawilliams77, Apr 20, 2010.

  1. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    So my guys are crawling all over the place and pulling up and cruising. I feel like all we do is wrangle up babies all day long. They used to be such sweet lap babies. Not anymore. They want freedom. We try to close of the living room and that doesn't seem to be enough space for them. They try to figure out how to get past the barriers and fuss until they do. They are little explorers now. Oh and they get mad now. Not just unhappy and tearful but I swear they are cussing me out in baby talk now. Kind of temper tantrum like. Holy cow, that caught me off guard. They are getting more difficult at mealtime too. They've started spitting food out and thinking it is funny. They try to steal the spoon away from me. They aren't eating nearly as nicely as they used too. :(
    Anyone else having all this?
  2. vyckie72

    vyckie72 Well-Known Member

    I am right there with you sister. My boys just turned 11 months and they can throw a full blown tantrum in a heart beat. And keeping them contained for very long will surely invoke them. As for eating, they want less and less to do with the baby food and more of what we are eating for dinner. So what I have been doing is putting aside a little dish for them and letting it cool and than putting them in their high chairs and let them eat what we are having. Mostly like pastas, mashed potatoes, some meats like chicken or ground beef. Steak and pork chops are too tough of a meat for them. I also buy the gerber graduates little meals and they like those. I have begun to let them do more self feeding. It may be messy, but than they get to splash around in the bath tub after. Good luck and try to stay patient. And if they go into full blown tantrum mode, don't fuel the fire. Or give into them if it's something that they really don't need. The tantrums tend to lose fire than. Ignoring my boys works best, or we kind of laugh at how silly they look. Not meanly, but just a chuckle.
  3. beckman445

    beckman445 Well-Known Member

    Oh the spoon stealing! My guys are a bit younger than yours, but this is their favorite game of the moment. One of my guys has such a grip, that it takes both of our hands to pry it free :catfight: . And he thinks it's hilarious! Our solution so far, has been to give them their own spoons. They chew on them while we manage to get the spoon with food in their mouth.

    Good luck!
  4. Chicklet

    Chicklet Well-Known Member

    YES! The boys aren't quite 10mo but they cruise backwards and roll everywhere and get themselves stuck all the time. I feel like I'm always pulling someone out of somewhere. Thankfully they still like their jumper and exersaucer. They've been ok eating... for now lol
  5. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    We laughed because it was such a new thing to see. It cracked us up. I'm pretty sure its not going to crack me up for long though. Thanks for the advice.
    We've been trying to move to table foods. Its a slow go with these guys on that one though. They are not so good about feeding themselves. They'll bring a cookie to their mouth but not the small stuff.
  6. HorseyLover

    HorseyLover Well-Known Member

    Oh, please don't tell me it gets more difficult!! My boys are 4 and 1/2 months and I'm dying because of their nightwakings and teething! I was looking forward to when they would be able to STTN... but now it looks like by then... the craswling and exploring is going to make me crazy too! LOL
  7. vyckie72

    vyckie72 Well-Known Member


    I saw that you are also in Illinois. If you are in the Chicago area you can PM me and maybe we can meet sometime for a twin play date. Since they are so close in age. I found that fresh air and playing outside tends to tire them out really nicely. LOL.

  8. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, I'm in the Southern IL area, quite a drive. I'll have to remember that though if I'm ever heading up that direction, which we do occasionally for basketball tournaments and such. :)
  9. vyckie72

    vyckie72 Well-Known Member

    I remember too because we have some family in the Southern Il area. Take care.
  10. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It sounds like they are definitely starting to develop some toddler characteristics! As they develop more & more and start developing even more of a personality of their own, things do seem to get busier for Mom. At that age, babies do seem to love trying new things & seeing what kind of reaction they can get from Mom!!
  11. nmnguyen7

    nmnguyen7 Well-Known Member

    Haha, I am right there, as well!! It's definitely scaring me a little, though.. What happens when they start walking?!?! My son is SUPER active and crawls like the wind. And he seems to have some kind of locating device implanted in his head that instantly directs him to what he is NOT supposed to be getting into (outlets [baby proofed, but still!], heating/ac vents, and the dog's food seem to be the favorites).
  12. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    OMG, yes, mine too. They have some weird attraction to electrical cords, plug-ins and everything they shouldn't mess with. We have awesome baby toys everywhere that they could care less about. They head straight for danger everytime. We thought we had babyproofed pretty decently but we're learning everyday what else we need to do to keep the living room safe.
  13. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys started crawling about two months ago and two days later figured out how to pull themselves up to standing. And oh. my. god. they have turned every hair on my head grey. I finally bought baby pen from costco that could be drilled into the wall, and I walled off and baby proofed my whole living room. That's "their" area now, and they're quite happy with it.. but they STILL find trouble. The only thing that really upsets them is when they steal each other's soothers.. which is about every 30 seconds. As for eating, we just gave up and started giving them finger food.. very soft cooked chicken, rice, cut up cooked fruit and veggies, beans.. they picked it up very quick and there's no fussing as long as there's enough food on their plate!

    Every age is tougher in different ways than the last, but they also get more and more fun every day too. It's amazing to watch how fast they develop.
  14. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    It's definitely been tougher here too. They no longer want to be in their exersaucer or jumparoo. I have the family room on our first floor gated off and babyproofed so I let them roam free in there. I also have a really big playpen that I can pop them into if I need to shower. They are into everything and they work together to get to stuff they aren't supposed to have. We had a presure mounted gate on one doorway and they worked together to yank it off. :shok: Alex can stand for a while on his own a nd has taken a few steps so I think it's days before he is walking and is suspect Nick will be right behind him since they like to copy each other.

    My boys have also started bickering at times. Sometimes they play so nice and other times they just move from toy to toy fighting about it. Alex uses a bink and Nick is forever trying to grab it from him. What's cute is that if one falls and gets hurt, the other one rushes over and pats him. :wub:

    I will say that I think meals are easier now. They just want finger foods so I give them what we're eating. It's nice to only make one breakfast for all of my kids or to be able to just feed them what I'm eating. I also like being able to throw food on their tray and still take care of other stuff around the kitchen.

    Oh and we have also found here that fresh air works wonders. We put two babyswing on the swingset and it has made for two very happy little boys.
  15. twingrandma

    twingrandma Well-Known Member

    I'm going thru this exact same thing except these guys are only 8 months. They pull up on everything, been crawling for awhile now, get into everything also. I have the front room completly blocked off and babyproofed they still find something to get into. I'm hoping this isn't still going on in 2 months. Oh, and the hair pulling is crazy around here.
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