Should I get them to nap together?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmberG, Apr 19, 2010.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    So right now my 15 month old twins nap separately - one in the nursery in a crib and the other in a PNP in the master bedroom. We have baby #3 due in Sept. and I thought I was going to have to get the twins to nap together because we only have 2 bedrooms in our current home. Well we are buying a bigger house and moving in late May. So now they could continue to nap separately. However, I was wondering if I should try to get them to nap together anyway. They haven't napped together since they were newborns. DS was such a poor napper during his first year and I didn't want him waking up DD. They do sleep together fine at night.

    What do you think it would take to get them to nap together?
    If one wakes early do you rush in and get them so they don't wake the other?
    If I decide to attempt getting them to nap together, when would be the best time to try? Now or wait until they go to 1 nap a day? (Currently they take 2 naps a day, although sometimes they only take one nap if the first nap is really long).

    I realize that kids start daycare at this age and have to learn to nap with other kids in the room. I'm sure it can be done, but I'm wondering if it is worth the hassle.
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    what would be the benefit of having them nap together? i'm all about the path of least resistance - if you have the space and have no other reason to have them nap together, i would say continue with what you're doing! :good: if you would prefer to have them nap together, i would say just do it cold turkey - it may take an adjustment period of bad naps before they get used to it, but they will eventually. my girls nap together & usually they wake up around the same time. once in a while, one will wake up before the other & if they're upset (ie not just babbling/giggling but fussing or crying), i'll sneak in & get her up & let her sister continue sleeping. usually toddler #2 is up within 15 minutes.
  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Ours always napped separately at home, even though they napped in a room with 8-20 other kids (depending on their age) at daycare. It was just so much easier to separate them at home. They slept fine in the same room at night, but Sarah fell asleep much more easily at naptime and napped longer, and she needed the sleep because Amy wakes her up every single morning. I don't see any reason to nap them together unless you have no alternative.

    The downside of napping them separately is that naps ended for us when Amy outgrew the pack & play around age 3. However, it's possible that they would have quit around then anyway.
  4. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    The only benefit of having them nap together would be to avoid having to have a PNP set up in the office. Also, do kids start climbing out of PNPs at a certain age? I suppose we could switch to a futon on the floor if that happened.
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    ours have always napped together and have done quite well with it. sometimes when I've had problems - knowing that one would be restless, I'll just put some small toys in their cribs... something that will gain their interest if they wake up... megablocks seem to work here. I also give them a sippy of water for the same reason...

    pack & play... my ds started climbing out around 18 mo I think... my dd learned out within another couple of months. I think all kids are different, but for us, the cribs are the best place.

    good luck! And yes, I'd say weigh the pros & cons to figure out what will work.
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would weigh the pros and cons as well. Mine have slept separately since 6 months old but when they stay at my Mom's house they share a room.
    If this is a change you want to do, I would do it while they are on two naps. It will be an adjustment period and they will probably like to play and keep each other awake. Depending on how the early riser is acting, I would not always run in to get the one that is awake. Good luck with your decision!

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