Oh lordy

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jbritt325, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. jbritt325

    jbritt325 Well-Known Member

    I feel so braindead. The teething has started and I think that all they do if they aren't sleeping is whine. I am so tired. Plus now Colton has started crawling all over the place and of course the one place he loves to go for is the dog's kennel. Oy!! Now I'll be mopping the kitchen floors every night because he loves to go in there. Anyone know what the ratio of vinegar to water is for mopping?? lol I can't stay focused on what I'm even saying.

    I guess I just needed some moral support from the one group of gals I knew would understand. Anyone else ready for them to go to college? hehehe
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't know about vinegar and mopping but :hug: about the teething.
  3. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Yay for Colton crawling! Boo for him whining and getting in the kennel, LOL. Brandon just started crawling this weekend. So far he is content crawling around the confines of their baby jail, ha. But not sure how long that will last. It is a super playard that is about 6' x 6'. I don't have any experience with dog kennels but we do have 2 cats and 2 giant litter boxes that caused me a lot of worrying. When I was pregnant we moved the litter boxes into a half bathroom along the hallway that was never used. But all along I've been racking my brain on how to keep the door ajar JUST enough to let cats through but not babies. We've just been putting a can of fruit behind it for now, LOL. Well a few weeks ago I saw a "door gripper" online at One Step Ahead, and that was the perfect solution to our problem! I really didn't want to have to drill holes in the door or wall to mount a chain to keep the door ajar. Anyway this door gripper probably won't help you but for anybody else wondering how to keep babies out of a room while letting animals through its the perfect solution!

    Also, I'm not sure what the ratio of vinegar to water is for a mopping mixture. I use the Method brand hardwood floor cleaner for our floors (which have tumbleweeds of cat fur floating around :) )

    Since Colin cut his two bottom teeth a couple of weeks ago he hasn't been near as whiny. I've bought some Boiron camimilia (sp?) teething vials though. I'm hoping they help as good as the Boiron cocyntal vials for colic did whent hey had tummy pains and were all colicky. Maybe you could give those a try, as well as the Hyland's teething tablets? They have different ingredients. Anyway, good luck and I feel your pain! :)
  4. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    My boys are teething too and getting into EVERYTHING. They are so close to walking and I'm really scared about trying to keep up with them once that happens. I need more sleep or they are going to start outsmarting me.
  5. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    Oh, I am so there with you! Spencer just started crawling and LOVES the dog's toys and food. He immediately goes to our shoes as well...I am constantly looking out for him! :grouphug:
  6. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I remember the days when I had 2 crawlers who were in to everything :faint: Hang in there. :youcandoit:
  7. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    I use viniger and water to mop but I gotta tell ya, I really don't measure. I just pour in some vinegar, I bet probably a cup or less and fill the bucket halfway full with water. I'm sure there is an actual recipe online somewhere. Good luck with everything. I can relate, Noah started crawling now and he is everywhere.
  8. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    HERE is the recipe online.
  9. JenKik

    JenKik Well-Known Member

    Oh girlie, I feel ya! We don't have any animals in the house but my girls are CONSTANTLY into something! And it seems like they're always getting into something that they shouldn't. They have TONS of toys, but that's just not good enough for them. HA! And they also tend to go in separate directions! So, while I'm getting one baby out of the pantry, the other one is crawling into their brother's room where there is tons of lego's scattered all over the floor. Needless to say, just about all of our interior doors to each of our rooms are shut!

    I see you're from Alabama. Me too! :) We live in Northeast Al.

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