How do you arrange their clothes?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nateandbrig, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I have b/g twins who just turned 2 and until this point I've always seperated their clothes (boy/girl of course) but also shirts in one drawer and pants/shorts in another drawer, and dresses/jackets/sweaters hung up.
    Well I'm starting to think that I should be doing them in outfits, now that they aren't using onesies... So how do you sort their clothes at this age?
    Do you guys hang all outfits? I don't have a ton of room for hanging things since we have a ton of sweaters/jackets. I'm also wondering how you keep their shoes at this age. I have a bin full of shoes and it's a pain to keep them together.
    Thanks in advance.
  2. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I have two boys and hang all their clothes, except pj's in the closet. Oddly enough, their room is the smallest of all the bedrooms, yet has the largest closet. I really don't put together outfits, except if they come that way. Come summertime, I will put shorts in the dresser but that's about it.

    Shoes goes in our front closet, along with coats. I only buy 2 or 3 pairs at a time since they grown out of them so fast. I have a rubbermaid bin that I keep them in. I actually need to clean out that closet and store all their winter coats, hats & boots.

    I just packed away all their 24 month clothes and they are now starting to grow out of 2T shirts. I keep a big rubbermaid bin in their closet and as they out grow things I can store them right away.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    B/G here too. . .I put all tops in the top drawer, bottoms in the middle, pajamas in the bottom. I hang all dresses and special clothes (like the few things that are similar/matching) and put their shoes in a tote.

    I buy fewer matching outfits and more just shirts and jeans and other solid color pants now that they're in a 3T. Especially now that they both have an opinion on what to wear, they probably wouldn't wear a top and matching bottom.
  4. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    I have boy/boy twins, but I'm kinda OCD about organization :). Their tshirts are all in one drawer, organized in piles of matching shirts & then coordinating shirts & then tank tops (the shirts that match/coordinate are together in the pile). Their shorts are all in one drawer, pjs one drawer, pants one drawer. Right now they've outgrown so much of their winter wardrobe that all the shirts/sweatshirts/sweaters fit into one drawer, too. I hang NOTHING because I cannot STAND to do so. I keep a tote in their closet to throw clothes in when they outgrow them & have a tote in there that stores the clothes that they have yet to grow into (OK, I lied, I do have some hanging clothes that they haven't grown into, only because they CAME on hangers :). I don't organize any outfits together because so many of ours have many options (ie a tshirt could match jeans, jean shorts, khackis, plaid shorts, etc etc). As for shoes, I bought a 9 pair shoe rack thing that I have them in. For summer, I bought lots of flip flops from Old Navy (only $2.50 a pair), so they're in a little basket by the shoe rack (which currently has 4 pairs for each of them...I'm a bit obsessed with shoes, plus there are still some winter shoes there). I think it's funny how some people prefer to hang clothes and others, like me, prefer to fold them. Luckily the boys' room has enough space for 2 tall dressers!!!
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I only hang nice outfits in the closet and clothes that are supposed to be matched (jogging outfits, etc,) and coats and sweaters. I have limited space, so most of their play clothes are kept in the drawers with shorts on one side and shirts on the other. I keep socks and undies in one drawer, slips and tights in another, pj's in one drawer, and blue jeans in one drawer. I have to go in every week and re-organize because they dress themselves and will mess up the drawers, but I really don't have much of a choice since we only have so much space. I have a hanging tote for shoes in their closet, and dress up shoes and clothes each have their own drawer in their organizer bin.
  6. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    I hang all of their clothes...except PJ's & swimsuits. They each have there own closet. I seperate the clothes in groupings...hang pants together, short sleeve shirts together, long sleeve shirts together and so on. As far as shoes, both of their shoes are kept in Brooklyn's closet. She has built in shelves in her closet. So, they fit nicely there. They each have a shelve for shoes.
  7. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    I put a closet organizer in, so everything does get hung up. I'm going to add canvas bins here this spring so I can get rid of their dresser entirely (not enough room) so their socks, underwear and loose shirts/shorts/pants will go in canvas bins in the closet organizer.

    Beyond that, I have their closet seperated. J's clothes on one side, T's clothes on the other and shared items in the middle (both girls). Shoes I used to keep in a over-the-door shoe organzier, but I plan to put a shoe organizer at the bottom of each side of their closet for them to keep their shoes in.

    I do hang all their clothes in outfits, except for playclothes. This makes it easier for me to just grab something in the morning and give it to them, or for them to grab it themselves, and eliminates me having to think to much first thing in the morning to put matching outfits together! LOL

    It also helps me to tell their grandparents (who are kind enough to furnish their wardrobes for us) what they need or don't need (like, I have 7 pairs of shorts right now that need matching shirts, etc)
  8. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    This is great. I just did some sorting and reorganizing. I like hanging, because it's easier to see everything at once without digging. We've always hung shirts and outfits and then put shorts, pants, and pjs in drawers. I'm thinking hanging the bottoms might really help in finding stuff for them to wear.

    We are fortunate that all of our clothes are hand-me-downs from other people. Since I didn't pick out or purchase the clothes, I have trouble remembering which shirt goes with which pants unless I hang them in outfits.
  9. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    I put all their jammies/underwear in the top drawer of their respective dressers (b/g). The next drawer down has all their shirts and the next one down has all their pants.
  10. Stacy A.

    Stacy A. Well-Known Member

    We have a closet organizer thing that separates the closets into two sides with a row of shelves in the middle. One one side there are two hanging bars - top and bottom. I use this for Anna's clothes because she has a ton more than Ian (we know lots of people with girls that give us hand-me-downs, but no one with boys!). All of her tops, except play t-shirts and sweaters, get hung on the top bar and the bottoms and dresses go on the bottom bar. Most of the stuff we own is very mix and match. But, if something is an definitely an outfit, I will hang it together. All of Ian's clothes, except play t-shirts and sweaters, get hung on the one bar on his side.

    On the middle shelves, I have clear plastic bins. On the lowest shelf all of Anna's t-shirts are in a bin and Ian's are in a bin on the next shelf up. This way they can reach them and pick one out themselves. All of their sweaters are folded on the next shelf up. I like to fold them so they don't get marks where the hanger stretched them out in the shoulders. Their everyday shoes are on the floor of the closet in another clear bin. All their other shoes are in one of those under the bed shoe organizers.

    We only have one dresser. I keep their socks, underwear, and pajamas in there.

    One thing I've started doing that helps out a ton is, I put a mesh laundry basket on the floor under Ian's hanging clothes. Whenever I come across something that is too small or out of season, I through it in this basket. Then, I can go through them at the next season change or when it gets full. This saves a lot of trips to the basement to put things in storage.
  11. ssb2e

    ssb2e Well-Known Member

    My kids (boy/girl also) like to unload the drawers, so I don't like to keep too much in them! I hang all of their clothes, excepts shorts and pants. I will hang the shorts or pants with the shirt if it's a set, but if it's not then they will go in a drawer. I even hang pj's..?? They have a pretty large closet though with racks on two walls so girl on one rack, boy on the other. There are also several shelves and I put their shoes on the shelves.
  12. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I hang all shirts(entire family) straight out of the dryer as I am opposed to ironing unless absolutely necessary :ibiggrin:

    My twins each have their own drawers & are as follows:


    underwear & socks
    shorts/skorts/bathing suits

    She has a separate drawer for Sparks stuff.


    underwear & socks
    bathing suits & accessories
    extra sheets

    He has a separate place for his Beaver stuff.

    ETA - Shoes are kept in individual bins @ the front door and all over the dang floor at the back door :headbang:
  13. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Dresses hanging in the closet.
    PJs, pants, shorts, skirts, and shirts are folded on shelves on an open bookcase (makes it really easy to see/find everything!).
    Socks in a bin on the floor by the bookcase.
    Underwear, tights, and leotards (yes, they have enough leotards for it to be a separate category) in small drawers in the dresser.

    I don't try to keep things together by outfit. The kids pick out their own clothes, and have their own wacky ideas of what constitutes an "outfit." I don't fight it.

    The only things we keep in the large dresser drawers are bedding and clothes that are out of season and/or slightly too big. It would be too much of a pain to have to dig everyday clothes out of there.

    Shoes (except boots) are in a large wire wastebasket by the front door. It may not look very elegant, but it's really easy to find things!

    Thank goodness they are still the same size. They share nearly all their clothes, except for a few things that they've each laid claim to, and they're in charge of remember what belongs to whom. But Amy now has almost 2 inches and 1 lb on Sarah, so I envision a day coming soon when they're not the same size. It frightens me. :laughing:
  14. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    I do this, too, but with a Rubbermaid bin, as PP said. This was the BEST advise my best friend gave me, as it prevents reaching for outfits that don't fit anymore over and over again (which I had already done). When we move into the new house I want to do a closet organizer as well.

    Is it bad to not have clothes designated for each of them? Can they just share them all, or am I laying the ground work for therapy by not assigning ownership?? Obviously it's not such a big deal now, but down the road...?
  15. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My boys are 2.5 and I STILL haven't figured out how to organize their clothes.. Some of you may think this is crazy... LOL!

    I have the changing table/dresser that has three drawers. Top one has all their pj's, next is pants, and then the last is shirts. Then they have their closet with clothes that they haven't fit into yet... Next, I have a tall dresser that has all their shirts from last summer, a drawer with all their shorts, and then blankets. Then the other dresser has their socks, then more dressy type pants, and more shirts, and then more blankets. Yes-they have two tall dressers, and the changing table/dresser.

    My kids have a lot of clothes and I can't organize them for the life of me! And it doesn't help that one is three inches taller than the other!

    But I REALLY like the idea of the tote in the closet so when they outgrow clothes, to put them in there! Thanks!
  16. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    At that age, it's not a big deal to share stuff. Mine, until VERY recently (I'd say 2 years 8 months) shared EVERYTHING, including socks and underwear! Now they are starting to get a little older, and THEY have started assigning ownership to their clothes. So when I separated their closet, I let them help put clothes away and tell me what belongs to who (becuase, lord knows, I did not have that intention when I bought the clothes!) They still share underwear, but are starting to also get picky with socks, and most definetly with shoes.
  17. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    I wish I had time to hang up their clothes! :( (and mine too! :(
    I don't so we use one of those plastic organizers with drawers. Top
    drawer is my daughter's stuff, middle, my son's, and the bottom is pajamas for both.
    Awesome question!
  18. pgmummy

    pgmummy Well-Known Member

    Right now our room is still in winter clothing mode so things are expected to change soon.
    top drawer of dresser: nicer t-shirts (we wear them so rarely in the winter I don't need many) and socks.
    next drawer: pants that fit Willam (we still have a 5lb difference).
    next drawer: pants that fit Marc.
    next drawer: odd stuff that doesn't have a home
    Closet hanging on a rod: shirts (it begins with plaid shirts, then blue, then red, then striped, then the natural browns, oranges, mustards). My kids don't match every day, but I like to choose two shirts from the same section (like two striped or two red).
    On a shelf in the closet: all pyjamas. We had too many for the dresser drawers this winter so I moved them to this shelf.
    Other parts of the closet have jackets and clothes that don't fit yet. A garbage bag holds the clothes that no longer fit.
  19. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    What? I'm suppose to organize their clothes? I just assumed everyone got dressed by picking their clothes out of the pile on top of the dryer? I call my laundry room the dressing room. Take off dirty clothes, put in machine, pick clean clothes off top of dryer or out of the basket by the clothes line. Works for us!
  20. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Replace your washer and dryer with our couch and we're one in the same LOL! :rotflmbo:
    I LOVE all of the advice and what you all are doing!! I already have the container for the smaller clothes ( I actually use a huge diaper box) but I LOVE the idea!
    I wish I could hang everything but it's already full from just sweaters/jackets/overalls/dresses.
    Keep the ideas coming!
  21. brlowe

    brlowe Well-Known Member

    We have one 4-drawer dresser and their closet has a top and bottom rack for hanging clothes. In the dresser, top drawer is shorts, 2nd drawer is capris and knit pants, 3rd drawer is skirts, and the bottom drawer is pajamas. I hang up all shirts and dresses. I let them pick their pjs every night and most days they can pick the shirt they want to wear. Their undies and socks are in a basket on the shelf in their closet. Their shoes are just laying in the bottom of their closet. I also keep a rubbermaid tote in the bottom of their closet for clothes that they outgrow.
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