Toddler Bed Troubles

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AandI, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. AandI

    AandI Active Member

    My boys are a week shy of 2. About two weeks ago one fell out of his crib, he didn't climb out but fell out....on his head and this was the shorter of the two but both are taller than average. So that night I turned the cribs backwards so it would be taller in the front and decided that I was ready to tackle toddler beds as it seemed better than dealing with a high front crib where you can't even bend down to kiss them goodnight! It'll be 2 weeks since this change tomorrow.

    We have video monitors so the second they get out I can go put them back. They aren't doing terrible at all I wouldn't say but I just don't see much, if any, improvement. I admit, I miss putting them down and having the extra free time til they fall asleep instead of just from the time they go to sleep but I thought they'd be getting it more by now. I really don't want to move them back because I really didn't want the cribs like that and I certainly worry about safety of falling again. We have to put them back on average 10 times I"d say but again, our standards are high because I don't want them all aroudn the room, just in the bed. It is babyproofed but I want them in bed, not wandering around playing.

    I thought that taking their pillows was the magic solution but that stopped working and even if they don't scream for it they go on playing and then won't sleep anyway til I give it back. My latest idea is a PNP in our bedroom so they have to sleep there if they get out too much but I have to get it out and see if it is too easy to get out of.

    I considered crib tents but I worry about the safety of those also and we do need a crib in several months anyway....and buying two is expensive!

    So, I'm asking for any thoughts of how long it took to be consistently in bed or something I haven't thought of yet I guess.

  2. jendraztwins

    jendraztwins Member

    We had the exact same thing happen when my boys were 18 months. I actually watched Kyan do a front flip from the crib, and land right on his head. Scared the crap out of me! That day I ordered crib tents, and it was the best investment I have ever made. They were wonderful!!! We used them until the boys were 3yrs 2months, and I miss them so much. I almost wish we would have waited a little longer before we switched them. My boys do well staying in their beds, but there is something about the wide open space that keeps them from going to sleep as well. It has made it much easier to get them to stay in their beds, since they do understand rules and consequences now. At 2, I think it would have been VERY hard. Sorry I don't have any good ideas about making the switch, all I can say is crib tents were a Godsend for us. Good luck with your boys, and I hope you get some peace soon. :)
  3. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    All of my kids were in beds between 12-19mths.

    Since the room is safe, I would put them to bed & let them be. If they fall asleep in the floor or together, then move them to their own beds. That is what I did & it was no stress, no fighting and eventually they get into their own beds when they are tired.

    I wouldn't move them back to cribs.
  4. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    I make this same suggestion for all threads like this : . I love the tot clock, my boys problem was waking up early and this took about two weeks for them to "get". I think it would work great for bedtime too. However, I know it completely depends on the child(ren) if it works or not.
  5. happyfor2

    happyfor2 Well-Known Member

    I certainly understand what you are going through as we were in your same shoes just a few months earlier and still struggle at times. Here is what I do at night time and it seems to work for us. After we brush teeth I go in with the boys and we turn off the light. I sit on the floor in between their beds and we tell stories, talk about the day and say our prayers. I used to try to make the boys stay in their beds during this time but it was just a I let it go. They climb in and out of their beds, sit beside me, etc. Then I tell them it is bedtime, tuck them in bed (knowing they won't stay) and put on their music. Then I leave the room and shut the door. Now I know they are going to get up and they do. They come to the door and open it - it varies how many times each night - but I consistently just go back and shut the door. The first time, I say it's bedtime and then each time after that I don't say anything. No emotion...just shut the door. I usually can hear them in there talking to eachother for about 15 minutes and sometimes longer. If they turn on the light, which they have done, I also without emotion or saying anything just turn it back off. Once I hear that it is quiet for some time I will peek in and usually they are in their beds...but I have found them both in one bed or one on the floor. I just put them back in their right beds and they sleep the rest of the night. I too used to struggle to keep them in their beds but I have resolved it is just a huge power struggle that I always ended up losing.

    I hope this was helpful! This whole toddler bed thing has been one of my biggest hurdles yet by far! Good luck!
  6. AandI

    AandI Active Member

    Thanks for the help. I'm pretty big on picking my battles and this is one I felt was important but I didn't want to start it right at 2, maybe 2.5 at the earliest. Today nap was perfect so I think we'll continue as we are and see if we need to reevaluate after a few more weeks....but if bedtime is crazy then I'll probably swing the other direction.

    I've seen that clock before, or something similar and have it bookmarked to order later on but I thought they'd be too young to "get it" now. Maybe I'll reconsider and order one.

  7. debbie_long83

    debbie_long83 Well-Known Member

    Stephanie, that clock looks pretty neat. Did you get two of them? We haven't switched to beds yet but that looks like it would be a great idea when we do!
  8. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    I am a big fan of the crib tent, personally. We used those up to age 3, then they moved to twin beds. They never ever got out of bed, for a good 8 months they would call us when they woke up. Then all of the sudden they started getting up, wondering around at night, coming in our room early in the morning. So we got the "Teach me Time" clock and it really does work. They do not get up until the light turns green. I'd say about 20% of the time they get up and come in our room, and 80% of the time they just call us that the light turned green and stay in their bed until we come in.

    But I'm not so sure that at age two that clock would have worked on them. I don't think they would have gotten it at that point.
  9. sjohnson813

    sjohnson813 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I just saw this. Nope, just one. They are in the same room. I LOVE it, sometimes in the morning about 10 minutes before they are supposed to get up I will hear one of them say "clock no blue - night-night time" or when it finally turns yellow hear one go to the other one's bed and say "no blue - get up". It is AWESOME!
  10. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I started using the Teach Me Time clock at 2.5 years and I love it: "Mommy, Green" "Green, Mommy, Green" One day they had been playing with the buttons and they turned off the feature that makes it turn colours. I heard that Elias had been up for a while but he wasn't calling me so I lay in bed wondering why he wasn't calling. About 20 minutes later I heard a little questioning voice "Mommy?" I went into the room and found that the light hadn't turned. Poor sweet bunny.
  11. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    we stay w/ours until they fall asleep. that eliminates a lot of problems, i think. plus, it's a really nice time of day. i don't even mind when i have to do it by myself. and when they both fall asleep w/their heads on my chest--it's precious!

    anyways, ours could climb out of their cribs w/ease at like 17 months. we asked them to call for us when they awoke and usually they did, but we still wanted them in big beds asap. right after two years, we got twin beds for them.

    i know we are not like most but i thought i'd throw it out there!
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