Taking off the diaper

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by JboysMom08, Mar 25, 2010.

  1. JboysMom08

    JboysMom08 Member

    One of my twins, Jake likes to take off his pants and then his diaper, even if it's clean. He thinks its funny, I have to keep onsies on him. Peyton like to put his hand down his pants and walk around. How do I teach them to stop this???? Any ideas???
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would just keep saying "No no that's yucky" and washing their hands before distracting with a toy. If it becomes a problem where they are taking off wet or dirty diapers, I would put a small bit of duct tape across the tabs on the front of the diaper, or try putting the diaper on backwards so the tabs are on the back. ;) We threatened our older dd with the duct tape when she was about 22 months or so, she kept taking off her diaper in bed. She only did it 2 nights, and we never had to tape it after all, just having the tape out and telling her what we were going to do worked ;) Just be SURE the tape doesn't touch their skin or come too close to the skin, that'll hurt coming off!!
  3. momkrissy

    momkrissy New Member

    As a parent of triplets I found the solution to this problem. It's called the Little Keeper Sleeper and I LOVE THEM! This zippered back sleeper has a non-stretchable neck and their locking systems is a MUST to stop diaper and sleeper removal. This product gives you your sanity back and works great! Just read their amazing testimonials. Check it out at
    [/si :rolleyes: ze]
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    aren't those cute! a friend with twins had said she would put her two into zippered PJs - cutting off the legs... or at least feet, and she put them on backwards, seems very similar to what you found!!

    Our boy will sometimes take off his, but he's ok (usually) if he's in pants... for naps, I put on these fairly tight fleece shorts, and then inside a zippered sleep sack.
  5. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    Mine has been doing this for months and the only thing that has worked is putting the jammies on backwards and cutting out the feet. I use duct tape around the entire diaper during the day and that really helps! GL!
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