Birthday Gift Suggestions for B/G 4 year olds?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by littletwinstars, Mar 22, 2010.

  1. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    Anyone have some ideas for our DD and DS' 4th birthday? We're open to suggestions for "joint" gifts or individual ones. On a side there a "sticky" or some kind of list that TS members have made for birthday/holiday gift ideas for various ages? I thought I remember seeing one in the past, but wasn't able to find it again. TIA!
  2. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I love any of the "Leap Frog" toys. I figure if they get toys they might as well learn something too. If you are looking for cheap -- play dough, some new cookie cutters for shapes, and a new craft box. Always a new book, preferrably a well written book. The leap frog TAG would be great. Some new professional pictures are always great too.

  3. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Wedgits!!!! They seem kind of pricey for what they are (i.e., shapes made out of plastic), but there is something magically appealing -- even addictive -- about them. We got my kids some for Christmas (they had just turned 4) and Sarah plays with them every single day. We also gave some to a friend who was turning 3, and she and her 5-year-old brother fight over them.

    If you do get Wedgits, don't get one of the smaller sets -- they will be frustrated when they run out of options. We got the Deluxe Set, plus the board you build on (which, annoyingly, doesn't come with most of the sets), and I'm thinking of buying an expansion set soon.

    Other building toys have been a hit here too -- gears, magnatiles (we don't own these, but they have them at school), and plain old wooden blocks.

    My kids also got two different boxes of assorted crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc., and they love them. They love art supplies in general, but I think they also enjoy opening up the big box and just seeing what's in there. :ibiggrin:

    Mine are also very into being princessy and fairy-like (especially Amy), which is not something I really encourage, but she certainly spends a lot of time doing it. :laughing: She has various types of fairy wings, tiaras, plastic necklaces, sparkly shoes, etc. and seems to get a lot of joy from them. I couldn't say what the equivalent activity/gift for boys would be, though.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Do they have a Leapster yet? My two each got a Leapster2 for Christmas and love it. Great gift idea. :good:
  5. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Leapsters or tags
  6. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member


    or how about a camera like the Kidtuff digital camera?
  7. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the excellent suggestions. Maybe we'll consider the Leapsters. Our niece has one and they love playing with it. They have the Tag reading systems already and the digital camera. I've never heard of Wedgits. I took a look at their website and I think they'd like that, too. The idea for art supplies, etc. is great...but we just got back from a 5 hour flight so we just recently gave them a bunch of pens and activity books. Thanks! :)
  8. BRMommy

    BRMommy Well-Known Member

    One of my favorite toys the kids received for their 4 year old birthday was a marble and building blocks set from Haba.

    They still love to play with it and I've added on different options.
  9. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    Best toys we have in our house are basics - Lincoln logs/wood blocks, wooden train set & Lego. We have huge bins of these and they are the ONLY toys I will always keep.

    Other good ideas would be bikes, scooters(3 wheel) & outdoor play equipment (swing set, soccer stuff, baseball, balls, skipping ropes, croquet, mini golf, etc).

    Although we have a ton of electronic type stuff, I have found in 15 yrs of kids that they get over that stuff awfully fast.
  10. Lvdargan

    Lvdargan Well-Known Member

    I second the marble run, although we didn't splurge for the Haba - just a simple plastic one. They also love the stamp sets from Melissa and Doug.
    We also have a magnetic fishing set that they adore - great in the bathtub during winter and outside in the summer.
    Happy Birthday :)
  11. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    My son just had his 4th birthday party. Big hits were the Lite Bright and Moon Sand (kind of like play doh, but in sand form). Check out Alex Toys on Amazon - they have a ton of great art/craft gifts.
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