Putting kids down for naps - an embarrassing question

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by casseaj, Mar 19, 2010.

  1. casseaj

    casseaj New Member

    So I don't even want to confess this we still use bottles and rock or hold the boys until they fall asleep at nap and bedtime. They are 16 months old. This is not a easy feat for one person but can be done. How do we start putting them down awake/sleepy? We have an evening routine - bath, milk, stories and then sleep.
  2. Svetty

    Svetty Member

    I would start off by putting them into bed awake, and then if they stand up, just place them down again. The first few nights they will probably get up a LOT of times, but as they get used to the new routine, it will take less and less time for them to go to sleep. It's best to keep repeating to them, "It's time for bed" or another repetitive comment. Keep it boring and quiet, with as little eye contact as possible.

    The only problem with this is each little one will need someone to settle them, as if you try to do it on your own, they will be more likely to turn it into a game.

    If you can, have a read of the Baby Whisperer. These are her techniques for settling. :) Good luck!
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with the above and also to try to another bedtime/naptime routine. Perhaps quiet time before bed/nap, read some books, listen to some soothing music. Maybe try laying them in their cribs and then reading to them? It will probably take a few days for them to get used to not being rocked and having the bottle but they will get used to it. Good luck!
  4. Lydia

    Lydia Well-Known Member

    I don't think this is an embarrassing question. I still rock my kids to sleep and I love it and so do they. It's one on one time for us and it's one of my favourite parts of the day. Now, I just took the bottles away about a month ago. They used to drink one before nap and basically fell asleep doing so. However, now that we don't have bottles at nap, I actually find it easier to put mine to sleep. We get their blankets, I take one into my arms and read them a couple stories before naptime. Then that one goes into their crib, almost asleep, and I then do the same with the next one. I am slowly starting to put them down more awake and this hasn't caused any problems. However, my son has been the type that I could lay in his crib and he would fall asleep with very little upset. Anyways, I am sure the transition will go well. The first couple days without a bottle were a bit rough but we gave them back their soothers at nap time and that made the difference.
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