We REALLY Need a Way to Mark the Bottles

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by cat mommy, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Which would be very bad because DS has severe reflux from dairy and is on a hypoallergenic formula. DD just drinks the regular stuff. I'm thinking of just marking the outside of the bottles with pink and blue marks, using a sharpie--the Sharpie label says it is non-toxic. We use Avent bottles.

    Just wondering what other people do?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If you are planning on using the avent sippy cups, go ahead and buy a couple. The parts are interchangeable. The ring on the sippy cup (and the cups themselves) are colored, so you can color code that way.

    If you look in the back of parents magazine, there are some rubberized bracelet looking things that can be color coded/named. Or you can try different types of bottles.

    I would do the first thing though, buy a few of the sippy cups and use the colored rings.
  3. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Thanks....I just found the sippy cups on Amazon. I would have never in a million years come up with that one my own!
  4. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would color code or I would just take a permanent marker & write their names on their bottles.
  5. ECUBitzy

    ECUBitzy Well-Known Member

    We do the color coding with our bottles. We bought the same ones in two different color themes and each girl has her designated color.
  6. perfekticon

    perfekticon Member

    You could also just put a piece of masking tape on the side of the one you want to use for the DS. Markers are fine to use too because it's not like they are going to lick the outside of the bottles.
  7. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    We also use the color coded rings and it works really well I bought two different kinds of bottles and the rings are interchangeable. I had tried using labels but that didn't work as well.
  8. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    I use rubber bands (the kind you get from the grocery store off the broccoli etc). I put the rubber band around the bottle that is different.
  9. JenKik

    JenKik Well-Known Member

    My girls have no issues with their formula (thank God!) but each girl has her own color of bottle. For example, we use Playtex Ventaire and Carly has purple bottles, Madison has green bottles. Works great! :)
  10. Reeny691

    Reeny691 Well-Known Member

    We had used the sharpie marker idea for a while but it does wear off in the dish washer. We put the bottles in the fridge with DD on the right and DS on the left. Everything worked that way even the cereal. I also noticed that they smelled very differently.
  11. minivanmama

    minivanmama Well-Known Member

    I just used hair elastics so I can easily feel in the dark which is which.
  12. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    We just marked them with a sharpie on bottom. We had to put heavy cream in dd's bottle for extra calories and I just wrote a big black "D" on the bottom. It will wash off and you'll have to remark them but it worked for us. After awhile the girls figured it out and they'd check to see if they got the right bottle too.
  13. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We bought the Gerber bottles-they have three colored nipple rings-blue, green, and purple. When the boys got thrush, we had to keep their stuff separate, so one got blue, and the other got green. And-those colors have stuck!
  14. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I bought a label maker when the boys were born and put a 'B' and 'C' on the Dr Browns bottles then put a small piece of clear packaging tape over that so that I could handwash the bottles and not mess up the labels. We later switched to Ventaire bottles but I was able to resell my Dr. Browns bottles (after scraping off the label) for $50 since I didn't use a sharpie on them :) As for the Ventaires "big boy" Brandon gets the bigger 9 oz ones and Colin gets the smaller 7 oz ones (they still rarely take more than 6-7 oz at a time). Of course we don't have to use separate bottles now that they are on the same formula but for some reason we still do.

    ETA: We didn't just buy the label maker to label those bottles, LOL. I was a labeling fool when they came home and I wanted to get organized.
  15. angieb1979

    angieb1979 Well-Known Member

    We actually use different bottles. Our one daughter that had the severe reflux did better with the dr. brown's and the other liked the platex drop ins... I know it's a lot to get different bottles but it's worked great for us.
  16. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We used masking tape and a sharpie.
  17. timba09

    timba09 Well-Known Member

    We've always placed a big, thick rubber band (like what asparagus or broccoli is wrapped with) around Ethan's Nutramigen bottles.
  18. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    Call me lazy. We ordered labels from Mabels labels. That being said, we only label the daycare bottles since there are not formula issues.
  19. JenCE

    JenCE Active Member

    I use the green painters tape and label with a sharpie. Works great when I take them to the Y since I don't have to make sure the workers know that they're different. I got lazy one day and didn't remove the tape before putting them in the dishwasher and turns out it washes well and stays permanently until I peel it off.\

    BTW I use this tape FOR EVERYTHING!! I label casserole dishes for the freezer. Label boxes and Rubbermaid bins. Taking a dish to a get together I tape my name on it. I use it to tape paper to the table when DD colours so it doesn't slip around on her. And then I use it to tape her masterpiece up on the wall. I have even used it to tape the floor vent down in the kitchen since my boy twin has figured out that he can pull them out.

    Works for me and it's cheap :)
    Hope this helps
  20. Tarin

    Tarin Well-Known Member

    I just used medical tape on one bottle.. When I tried to color code things I would forget who what each color!
  21. kristenlee5

    kristenlee5 Well-Known Member

    I bought a label maker from walmart and plastic or laminated labels (as opposed to paper ones). Sharpies just rub right off the plastic and the paper labels come off in the dishwasher. Our babies eat the same thing but they all have to be labeled for daycare. I know the daycare uses the old school plastic labels with the imprinting.
  22. Double Vision

    Double Vision Well-Known Member

    I haven't read all the suggestions, but we used hair rubberbands, so I didn't have to mark on the bottles. I just made up the bottles for each one and then put the rubber band around the one's that were different. THey would slide to the top of the Born Free Bottles. We take them off to wash, but have heated them up with the "no metal" hair ties and they worked great!
  23. RJ2006

    RJ2006 Well-Known Member

    We use a black hair tie around the soy bottle.... can see/feel easily and they stay on well.
  24. 4kidz4me

    4kidz4me Member

    Our twins are 4 and I still color code everything ethan is blue aiden is red we used sharpies and colored electrical and plumbers tapes depending on what needed marked we even had to assign colors to the other kids
  25. jpgeyer

    jpgeyer Well-Known Member

    I LOVE the inchbug rubber bracelets (bumpy name orbit labels) that you can put on the bottles! they worked great for us!
  26. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    We used bottles with drop-in liners, so we'd just write each child's initial on the part of the liner that folds down. You throw that part out anyway.

    For daycare, we also had to label each piece of the bottle (except the nipple) with our name. We used a Sharpie for that, but we had to rewrite them every several days. It was kind of a pain but just became part of the routine.
  27. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    We use a hair tie on Lia's bottles. We started out color coding until we realized it didn't matter that both had one. Then we used the sippy handles but they became too interested in the handles and not the milk so we got rid of them. Then we stopped using anything and thought we could remember whose was whose and often failed, so now we're back to the hair tie.
  28. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    We just marked DS's stuff so it didn't get too confusing. Anyone who would help out always new that his stuff was marked and her's wasn't.
  29. HollyP

    HollyP Well-Known Member

    Inchbug Bumpy Orbit labels here too. I have to use them for daycare and this way I'm not permanently marking any of the bottles - and can use them as needed.

    I highly recommend the labels, they are rubbery bands with your DC's names on them, that can be switched out to other bottles. LOVE THEM!
  30. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    Ooooh - just ordered the bumpyorbits! How fun!
  31. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    We're still using the bumpy Orbit/Inchbug labels at nearly 3! We took them off the bottles and put them on sippy cups when the twins were around 15 months. They've held up great over the last 2.5 years too.
  32. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for all the great ideas!
  33. jvanmourik

    jvanmourik Well-Known Member

    we just used dry erase markers on them so that when they were washed it didnt matter which bottle i grabbed
  34. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    My one son was on nutramagin for a few months and we just bought seperate bottles. I would make the bottles in advance and would put them on seperate shelves in the fridge.
  35. aligmamma

    aligmamma Well-Known Member

    We use Dr. Brown's bottles for reflux baby and Avent for the other.
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