Scheduling experts - pls help!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mommylaura, Mar 9, 2010.

  1. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    I realize that they are young, but I really need to get my twins on SOME schedule for my sanity. I have been trying to get them to go three hours between feedings since they were born, but it is still hit or miss - sometimes they really need to eat after only 90 minutes! I always offer four oz bottles (1/2 BM/Formula), and they generally take 3-4 oz assuming they are hungry. The biggest problem I have is that I am trying to feed them at the same time so that I can actually get out of the house to take a walk or take a nap. I wake them together for their first feeding of the day whenever the first wakes up, but then am at a loss as to what to do if one decides he/she needs to eat again less than 3 hours later (today it's only been 90 minutes and one is already fussing for food). If I try to feed the other one, he/she will likely only take an ounce or two, and then be hungry a couple hours later because he/she didn't get a good feeding. If I don't feed the other, then they end up on totally different schedules and I am literally trapped in my house feeding them all day long. Any advice or even just encouragement would be great. This is SO MUCH harder then I thought it would be, and seems like it's getting much harder instead of easier. My first didn't start on a solid 3 hour schedule until 8 weeks, so maybe I just need to be patient?
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: Yes, I'd just try to be patient, they are so young. The first routine I tried to get mine in was 90 minutes awake/90 minutes sleeping. Which basically just meant 90 minutes unswaddled/90 minutes swaddled. I also tried to feed them every 3 hours but it was more like every 2 - 3 hours.

    I just kept at it and eventually they settled into a routine.
  3. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    I think that, honestly, your expectations are unrealistic. Mine were probably 4 months old before we were on a steady 3 hour feeding schedule, and they were more like 5-6 months before we were on any kind of clock schedule. At this age, shoot for a routine. Get a rhythm down - eat, play, sleep; eat, play, sleep; etc. Focus on bedtime and wake up time if you want to start working on a clock schedule. It does get easier. They do start to go longer between bottles. But I think it's unrealistic right now.

    ETA: I would generally feed them at the same time. You can play around a little with trying to hold the first one off for 15 minutes or so, and go early with the second one. I had a half hour rule - they couldn't eat more than a half hour apart. And it generally all settles in.
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have to agree with Rachael, as much as you would love to get them on a schedule, it's much too early. A "routine" is a more realistic goal right now.

    I always always fed mine at the same time or within 15 mins of each other. If they get off their schedule it makes your life miserable. Even if one only takes a few ounces, it's better than nothing.

    Also, they are about 6 wks old, which is a major growth spurt, so you may need to increase their bottle size for a few weeks. It's also a shift in their sleep pattern's, so you'll have to play around with their sleeping schedule to see what's going to work best.

    Hang in there. :youcandoit: The beginning months are so very very hard, but it does eventually get easier!! :hug:
  5. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Hang in there. You will get there. Right now, it's hard to get them on a schedule. They are still all over the place in terms of times and such. For us we didnt get on a good schedule until closer to 4 months. We fed on demand and just made sure they were full, clean, and comfy at that age. Some days I woke one after the other was done eating. But most days I let them dictate the routine since I had a toddler at home and was awake anyway.
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