What REALLY holds your 2.75 year olds' attention?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by serranoboys, Mar 8, 2010.

  1. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Don't get too jealous of me....it's a beach house on the oh-so-filthy Galveston Island :. I'm still excited about the change of scenery. But since we can't bring the train table and huge tos they push around, I'm wondering what we can bring to keep them sane when we're inside. We haven't bought new toys in a while so I'd love to know what your kids are interested in whethere it's toys, crafts, games, etc. Thanks! Oh, and here's a ipc of the boys since I haven't shared here in ages. This was taken last night. Yikes! Not sure why it's enormous.

  2. kharker711

    kharker711 Member

    I'm not sure what toys would be good... I just wanted to tell you that your boys are adorable!!
  3. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    They are SO CUTE!!! I love that pic- their joy is contagious!

    At that age (we traveled to a beach condo around that age) we brought a bag of 'favorite' toys (little people, books, balls, stuffed dolls,etc) and then some new ones- some Megablocks, puzzles, coloring books, play doh. I suggest if you can fit it, a play tent (great for beach AND indoor play) that folds up. I bought about 6 blow-up sea animals from the Dollar store and they were a huge hit!!! (sea horse, crab, etc) they were very small to stuff in a bag, but were so cheap I did not mind tossing them at the end of the week. Bought new beach buckets/shovels, etc as well at Dollar store. Plastic squirter animals were a hit too---small plastic kind for the tub. They played with them in and out of the house/water/tub.

    We also used a Magnadoodle for the long car ride and it was a hit!! We did books on tape, new CDs (borrowed from the library), and Colorforms for the trip.

    Have a great time!
  4. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Duplos!! My girls received Duplos a few weeks ago and love them. Love them. Love them. They can play independently with Duplos for almost an hour. Just make sure you get enough - the starter kits are tiny. Check Craigslist for used ones too.

    Edited to add - your boys are adorable! And you have certainly become a fantastic photographer...
  5. nurseandrea02

    nurseandrea02 Well-Known Member

    LOVE the new picture (we have the same tshirt)!

    Right now, there are lots of things that keep my boys busy. They finally LOVE Little People sets (ie Farm, airport & plane, school bus, Racin' Ramps Garage, etc), they LOVE to sit & read books, they love blocks & duplos, they love puzzles, they love cars, they love cooking utensils (the Kitchen Bin sold at Target is nice for a take-along set) & they LOVE anything arts & crafts. We do a lot of coloring books with crayons, plain paper to draw on with crayons or markers, & lots of different Color Wonders sets (NO MESS!). Stickers are a GIANT hit here, too. A sheet of stickers keeps them busy for a while, but they have to be supervised to ensure the stickers make it on the paper & not the wall, floor, windows, furniture, etc :). My two sit very well in a car with a portable DVD player, which we've also taken into hotel rooms to use. We buy DVDs of their favorite shows & they love them! They're JUST starting to tolerate SOME Disney movies, but usually won't sit still for an entire one. Another big hit around here? The Handy Manny Fix It sets where it comes with a screw driver & parts & they have to take it apart & put it together. I thought they'd be too young, but they aren't & they play with them a LOT!

    Have fun on your vacation! We're planning a vacation to an indoor water park next month. Like you, a change of scenery is what we're looking for!!! Be sure to post some pics from your fun time at the beach!
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    Blocks, Little People, books, playdoh, crayons and paper. Have a great time! And I also love that picture of your boys. Wish you lived closer so I could hire you to photograph my girls.
  7. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for those - it's nice to be back! I NEVER would have thought of Duplos....or even stickers for that matter. My boys are just so obsessed with cars that I tend to get lazy and look past everything else.
  8. Username

    Username Well-Known Member

    I would add matchboxcars, trains and stickers.

    Also, my kids seem to be entertained for hours moving sticks and rocks. :FIFblush: Moving the landscaping rocks from one area of the yard to another. Making a pile of sticks to burn can keep them busy for an afternoon. We have a 20 minute fire and they are back in action collecting sticks again. Let them lead you and you might be surprised by what occupies them.
  9. JennyR

    JennyR Well-Known Member

    Run, do not walk, to the dollar store. A few weeks ago, I was in the grocery store stocking up for a snow storm. A sage mother suggested that I go to the dollar store and pick up a bunch of stuff to dole out while we were stuck inside. It was a FANTASTIC suggestion. I grabbed anything that looked like it might be interesting (heck it was only $1) and when the kids got antsy I gave them something new to occupy them. Some were hits and some were misses, but it always stopped the whining/fighting.

    Good luck and have a great trip!
  10. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Very cute! Play doh, duplo blocks, and Mr. Potato Head come to mind on the toys.
  11. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    Mine can play for hours with their hockey sticks and a ball or foam puck. They love to run around with a big dump truck and run them into one another or race. They'll do color wonder for a bit. They like to watch Curious George, Clifford, and Phineas and Ferb (older brothers). The were entertained a little the other day when we did playdoh for the first time. I'm not sure it's the biggest hit though. Balls (all kinds) that they can throw, bounce, catch and kick. They like the small bouncy balls and laugh like crazy. But footballs and soccer balls are a hit too. They like to read with us, but if there are new things around they would be more apt to run and play than sit.

    Have a wonderful time!!!
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