Baby wipe question

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by mom23sweetgirlies, Mar 4, 2010.

  1. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    I tried the Huggies Natural Care wipes on Blake last week because I received a huge box of them for a shower gift and they are perfume and alcohol free, but his butt was pretty red by the second use. So I went back to using kleenex with baby oil gel on it which is expensive, messy and not very convenient. If your baby had sensitive skin which wipes did you use and when did you start using them?
  2. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    We use Target senstive and they aren't bad, but the most important thing we do to keep the redness and rash away is we don't use wipes at all unless they are poopy!
  3. smiley7

    smiley7 Well-Known Member

    I was using pampers sensitive and Noah got a diaper rash too, so now we use cotton balls with warm water and not only is it gentler, the babies like it better too b/c they are warm. We save the wipes for big poops.
  4. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    I usually save the wipes for poops.
  5. cec02c

    cec02c Well-Known Member

    We use wipes only for poops and first thing in the morning. When they were little, we used pampers snesitive, fragrence free/perfume free, hypoallergenic. We also used A&D ointment liberally after every change as a barrier cream because they pooped so much.
  6. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    For home use, I make my own...Bounty towels soaked in a mix of baby shampoo, baby oil, and water. I love them (and they are SO much cheaper!!). Let me know if you'd like the specifics. For travel, I use Pampers Sensitive. I've not had issues w/ either.
  7. nmnguyen7

    nmnguyen7 Well-Known Member

    I agree with not using wipes unless there's poop, and also a vote for Pampers Sensitive! We used those wipes up until about a month ago when we decided to just give Members Mark Premium Wipes (from Sam's Club) a try. Those work excellent as well, if you are a member of Sam's Club! They feel similar to Pampers Sensitive and work better with messes, IMO. And they don't irritate my sensitive little boy's behind!
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Yup yup yup, we're still a no-wipe unless there's poo or first thing in the morning family. It keeps the irritation from rubbing at a minimum.

    Also used lots of desitin.
  9. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    Well my little man has a little poop in pretty much every diaper, probably why his butt gets irritated so easily. I'm going to try the Kirkland wipes and also using a barrier cream and see if that will work.
  10. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    I bought a bunch of the Kirkland ones because everyone said they were great. They are fragrance free but I find them to be a little dry feeling and rough and definately thicker than the pampers ones. I used both the sensitive brands from huggies and pampers, mostly because they were on sale and didn't have any issues.

    I find it interesting that when our girls were in the NICU they basically used wet paper towels, there may be something to be said for the homeade wipes someone said they use :)

    My mom always said the best thing to do if there was any rash starting was to air out their bums. So I do stick them on a change mat on the floor and we have "naked time". Especially easy, when they don't move to much, maybe just stick a paper towel under them in case they poop.
  11. angs241

    angs241 Well-Known Member

    I'd like to know how you do it. I'm always looking for a cheaper way to do things!
  12. MomofOneplusTwins

    MomofOneplusTwins Well-Known Member

    How do you make them??? :ibiggrin:
  13. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I use the THICK pampers sensitive. I found them to be much better than the regular pampers sensitive.
  14. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    Ok, here's the scoop...

    You need:
    Select-a-size Bounty mega rolls cut in half...DON'T cheap out on the paper towels.
    A large knife to cut the paper towel rolls. I use a finely serrated bread knife that I found at the thrift store. It works GREAT.
    A lidded container to hold your finished wipes. I found a square one at Walmart that fits the paper towel standing on end perfectly.
    1.5-2 cups warm water
    2 tblsp baby wash
    1 tblsp baby oil

    Place your half roll in the solution to soak. After 1/2 hr or so, flip the roll over to evenly soak. After about an hour or so total, you should be able to pull the cardboard core right out - and usually the starter end of towel comes with it. Voila!!

    I got a starter kit at my baby shower for my 1st born. At first I kind of pooh-poohed (no pun intended) the idea, but then I tried them and LOVED them. You can make them as wet or as dry as you like, and dilute the solution to your baby's needs, too. And the money I've saved on wipes is INSANE!! I buy generic soap and oil when it's on sale and the giant packages of paper towels either at Sam's Club or on sale. These have truly been a budget saver with the twins.
  15. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    We use pampers sensitive as its the only thing my toddler can use so we have stuck with them for everyone. Maybe I should try the homemade ones too with 3 in diapers hmmmmmmmmm

    ETA: how would the homemade ones work in those wipes warmers? (Yes :blush: we have 2 of those in this household.)
  16. angs241

    angs241 Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I'll have to give it a whirl. :)
  17. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    we cloth diaper... so washing wipes isn't a big deal to us. but we just use flannel fabric (that I've cut and hemmed) and water in a wipes warmer. originally I was going to use a mixture of the baby oil and and wash and then we realized it was just easier to do water... works wonders for us. and that's what they used in the hospital, so we don't have to deal with anything besides filling up a cup of water for the warmer.

    as for the irritation, ours seem to poop a lot too! and its totally food related and seems that they are always getting rashes, unless we coat their bottoms w/plain petroleum jelly. its pretty cheap - and we don't have to buy the expensive Aquaphor so now we typically just coat their bottoms - especially at a time when we are expecting a poop!

    good luck!
  18. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    Definitely a barrier cream, wipe only when poopy and the homemade wipes or plain water. Some kids are just super sensitive while they are in diapers.
  19. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Another pampers sensitive fan here, and only when poopy! I also use a squirt bottle with water in to help "loosen" the poop, I squirt it first then use the wipe, the poop just slides right off and I don't have to rub as much on their little bums. I also prefer using the cornstarch baby powder rather than a barrier cream, I save the cream for when they are red and use the baby powder on a regular basis :)
  20. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My DD has sensitive skin, I saved the wipes for poo only and switched to the Pampers Thick Care Sensitive. I also let her air dry for a few minutes after each diaper change and put peteroleum jelly on her bum.
  21. mom23sweetgirlies

    mom23sweetgirlies Well-Known Member

    Well I've been using vasoline and the Kirkland wipes and he seems to be tolerating that just fine. Thanks!
  22. rainbabies09

    rainbabies09 Member

    Pampers thick sensitive here and use kleenex to pat dry. vaseline for barrier and I use monistat if things look yeasty.
  23. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    Another cloth diaperer here -- we use a combo of cotton prefolds and Fuzzi Bunz. For wipes, someone gave me about 50 flannel wipes (of which I use about 12 and keep washing them :lol: ). I'll put my wipe recipe below...I have recently cut out the oils because it wasn't washing out well in the washing machine and I got worried it might be redepositing on the diapers...and put in the Prince Lionheart wipe warmer (well, it was a gift). I usually make up 6-7 wipes at a time, and I use them sometimes on wet bum, and always on dirty bums (except if I just give her a bath after pooping).

    1 cup warm water
    1/2 tbsp grapeseed oil
    1/2 tbsp white vinegar (essential to keep the wipes from getting musty)
    2 drops lavendar essential oil
    squirt J&J baby wash (or I use baby soap)

    Some people just put the solution in a squirt or spray bottle.

    I've avoided creams because of the cloth diapers...I have one I bought where the main ingredient is sunflower oil, and no zinc oxide, I use a minimum amount in her "creases" once or twice per day.
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