how long did ur twins sleep together

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 4kidz4me, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. 4kidz4me

    4kidz4me Member

    The twins shared a crib for the first year, after that they shared a room until they were three but had seperate beds one of them would wake up everynight crying because they couldn't find their twin. We've moved and they now have their own rooms but aiden sleeps in ethan's bed they won't even lay at oppisite ends. I'm not concerned just curious does anyone else have twins like this thanks.
  2. eatcelery

    eatcelery Well-Known Member

    That sounds so sweet. They find comfort in each other and who wouldn't want that? There is nothing wrong with that except you may need a bigger bed for the 2 of them. :)
  3. Brizzy_Twins

    Brizzy_Twins Well-Known Member

    I agree, nothing wrong with it. And as crazy as it sounds. Alisha and I are 18 and some nights we feel like sleeping in the same room, alisha will drag her mattress in my room. Just so we can be together... expecially if we have had a bad day and we just talk.. and its really comforting knowing we are together :)
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  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I think I would let it go at this age. And then hopefully as they get older it wont be an issue. Mine are over 3 and share a room, but they each have their own twin bed. Occasionally one will ask to sleep with the other and I say, "No." But they dont ask any further.
  5. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Mine still share a room, but as long as they were sleeping and not playing, I wouldn't have a problem with them in the same bed either.
  6. kharker711

    kharker711 Member

    My son Austin would LOVE to sleep with Ben, but Ben likes his space. Their cribs are end to end and Ben will put blankets and stuffed animals at the end of the crib by Austin to create a barrier. It's funny because Austin will pull all of Ben's blankets thru the slats so that he can still see him. I wouldn't worry about them sleeping together. Be thankful they still like each other!
  7. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My two shared a crib until they were 2 when we moved them to beds. Now, they have their own bed, but most nights (who am I kidding, pretty much EVERY night) they still sleep in the same bed.
  8. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Mine never shared a crib as DD couldn't sleep on her back since she was used to sleeping on her tummy in the NICU. We put them in separate rooms at 7 months and it has been great with them each having their own room. :good:
  9. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Mine still share a room and a bed. Our week in the hospital was really hard on both of them.
  10. NINI H

    NINI H Well-Known Member

    My older non twin boys end up in the same bed most nights! They are almost 8 & 10!! LOL My twins, slept in the same bed since the NICU. They sleep cuddled up together. Honestly there's absolutely NO way I'd pull them apart. I'm glad they have each other. There so much time later for them to have their own sleeping arrangements. I love having them paired up in rooms. Hopefully they will grow up having strong relationships for their close start in life.
  11. cohlee

    cohlee Well-Known Member

    My girls are almost 2.5 and share a bed.
  12. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Mine shared a crib until 4 months. They are almost 4 and still share a room, but they really never end up in the same bed together. But they'll be sharing a room until they ask for their own rooms. We have the extra rooms, but I think they like to share a room together.

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