Staying dry throught the night...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by serranoboys, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    So I'm embarassed to even post here since it's been AGES since my last login. But I am desparate at this point. My boys' room smells like a pee-pee factory. I'm almost those don't exist but if they did, it would smell exactly like the boys' room. My husband is suggesting putting them in pull ups at night but it would be a huge step backwards and for no reason-they are holding it all night. They're waking up dry, taking off their underwear and going on the carpet. There are TWO potties right by their bed. one morning I heard them wake up on the monitor and walked in to see one of them actually standing on the potty peeing on to the floor.

    So the other suggestion was to just make sure I immediately go in and get them the minute they awake, or even (God forbid) WAKE them up. I hate these ideas for two reasons, 1) I don't want to wake up any earlier than I have to, and 2)they love that bonding time after they wake but before I go in for them. And the point is, they KNOW how to use the potty and they do it all day every day. They have to learn that when they wake up they are to sit on the potty and pee. They're going independently throughout the day. I never have to remind them and often I don't even have to take them-I look up and they're pooping on the big potty. So this morning thing is really frustrating.

    I would love to hear any ideas you have for correcting this. I need some sort of reward or even punishment system. I tried telling them they'd get a spanking on their bum every time they did it. Yesterday I told Caleb to come get his spanking and he cheerfully walked over to me and said "ok mommy!", lied down on the floor with his bare bum and after I spanked him said "thanks for the spanking mommy!". WTH?!
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I wish I had advice for you, but I have to giggle that your son actually thanked you for a spanking! I could see one of mine do the same thing.
    I'll be curious to see what other people suggest so I know what to do when mine get to this stage of PT-ing.
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    My ds did this when he was first pt'ing and I had to turn it into a reward system for the morning. I would give him a cookie for breakfast (it was oatmeal with chocolate chips LOL) if he used the potty first thing in the morning rather then peeing on the floor or in his bed. I wouldn't punish the behavior just talk to them and reward them.
    I hope you get some other advice! GL.
  4. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    It sure is good to see you again! Even if it is with a pee pee factory!
    I would also try the positive thing and reward them for not peeing on the floor (if you can catch them before they do it!?)

    Good Luck!
  5. busymomof3

    busymomof3 Well-Known Member

    I think that you should go and get them the minute they wake up and take them to the potty and then you could take them back for a while. I know you don't want to get up any earlier than you have to but I think that it would help them establish some routine. Plus I am imagining my son peeing in a potty at his bed side and then throwing it all over his room :headbang: perhaps your sons wound't be tempted to do that but I know I would never trust my guys with a potty unsupervised because I am afraid of what they would do with it.
    If that doesn't work than I know I used the reward system. My son gets scuby snacks(fruit snacks) the ones with lots of sugar if he goes poop on the potty. He doesn't get them any other time than that so he looks forward to it every time and hasn't had an accident in a long time.
    Best of luck
  6. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    My only suggestion will likely not be a popular one, but it's worked like a charm for me with behavioral problems... My boys get 2 small candy (gummy) stars each morning, but they only get them if they cooperate completely with bedtime and don't make me run around the house like a lunatic to get them into their PJs, or cover their faces with blankets when I try to brush their teeth. It took just one (mutually heartbreaking) morning of refusing to give each of my stubborn children a star before they each cooperated perfectly, and continue to do so to this day.

    Maybe you could try something similar? It would probably be harder to implement since this is happening before you even see them in the morning (and it's hard for them to remember all night long), but maybe if you catch them doing good a few times and reward that, then you can start sleeping in again and they will continue the good behavior so long as the rewards continue (until you taper them off, whenever that might be).

    Good luck - that's a tough one!
  7. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    SO we've gone the past 5 mornings in a row without offense!!! I've been following the advice of a couple of you and offering a treat in the morning if they keep the capet dry either by going in the potty or holding it (they prefer to hold it...i think getting out of bed to pee in the potty would just be too tempting for them). Now I just need to get some healthier treats! Thanks ladies :).
  8. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    Awesome news! :clapping:
  9. thetaphi_62

    thetaphi_62 Well-Known Member

    And now that they understand the concept of the behavior/reward, you might be able to stretch out the time to receive an extra special "treat" (that doesn't necessarily have to be food related). We have created a treasure box system. Whenever they poop on the potty, they get to pick something out of the treasure box. But randomly when they are behaving well, or sharing (doing anything nicer than normal) I will allow them to pick something out of the treasure box. I have some candy in the treasure box, but also some small toys as well, stuff that doesn't cost alot, but they love! Glad to hear that you had success and hope that it continues!! :clapping:
  10. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OMG Hai!

    Where have you been? I was scrolling down the tab and I saw your name and nearly spit out my soda.
  11. serranoboys

    serranoboys Well-Known Member

    I LOVE this idea. And yes, ehy've totally forgotten about bribes when they keep the carpet dry. They just stopped doing it altogether.

    HA!!! I've been growing a photography business ( (oh, and I had to teach myself photography as well). It sucks up all my computer time so I've been MIA. I can't tell you how much I miss this place. I'm switching focus-I feel like I've somewhat neglected my first priority/job which is of course to take care of my children and home. So hopefully I'll be a little more active here so I can finally address some of these issues I've been having with the kiddos. Glad to see you:).
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