Are you SERIOUS?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Poohbear05, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    and everyone is awake.... Grrr.... :( This has been the last couple of nights. The girls used to sleep until 6 or later (we wake up at 6:30 if not already awake, have to be out the door by 7)

    But 4:30?? I didn't even TRY to put them back to bed, becuase by the time I GOT them back to sleep, it'd be time to wake up anyways.. Oh, they also woke up their 18 month old brother.

    So right now, at 5:30, everyone is screaming at the top of their lungs and climbing on me becuase they are tired...

    So am I.

    We got the Good nite lite in the mail yesterday and tried it with our son (18 month) didn't go so well the first night. He still woke up 5 times before midnite, when DH finally went in and just slept with him..... Hopefully tonite will be better and he'll start getting used to it. I might have to order second one for the girls though! They were doing so good, I didn't think I'd need one for them.....
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Awww!! :( I'm so sorry about the early wakeup. That is rough!! :hug:
  3. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Oh man, 18 mos is still quite young for the light to work. It won't start working, I'm sure til he's 2 plus yrs old. Bummer!

    Mine were 4 am wakers around that age, too and it BITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They did that for about a year. OY!

    I comiserate. I REALLLLLLLLLLLLY do!

    There is no easy answer. There just isn't.

    Sorry! FWIW: That lite saves our lives now. From 24 months on- it has been HEAVENLY!

    Whatever you do. DO NOT let them go to nap earlier. Make them sweat it out. It's not fair to you to let them mess up the day cuz they woke up early. I always made them stick to the program no matter what!

    Oh and maybe 7 pm bedtime??

    GL. It is stinky getting up before at least FIVE?? :)
  4. luvrkids

    luvrkids Well-Known Member

    My dd Rylee does this all the time it really sucks she is a horrible sleepers and started doing this around 18 months and is 30 months now it sometimes feels like it will never get better but then I think this has to get better!!! right? She sometimes wakes up her sis but she is a pretty deep sleeper. I guess I should be thankful that its only one (most of the time) and not both.
  5. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    That light was/is our last ditch effort before I call Dr. Weissbluth and BEGGGGG him to come to my house and make my son sleep!! LOL I've tried every other method I KNOW of, and NOTHING works (despite trying to stick to it for a couple of weeks, etc.) Only thing it accomplishes is making me VERY tired and VERY grumpy. LOL

    The girls... maybe we need to give THEM the light! :) They do go to bed at 7 p.m. That's when they have their head on the pillows, and we are either reading books or singing songs. DH or I will leave the room about 10-15 minutes later, and they usually are still awake. They'll sit on their beds for maybe another 15-20 minutes reading books or whatever and then fall asleep. Starting the bedtime routine earlier isn't really feesible, as our schedule goes as follows:

    5 p.m. pick up from daycare
    5:15ish arrive home
    5:30-6 prepare and eat dinner
    6-6:20ish talk and interact with them about their day, homework if they had any
    6:30 - start the bath routine
    6:45 diapers, brushing teeth, putting jammies on, lotion and rubs, etc.
    7 p.m. - one of us takes the baby and puts him to sleep, the other one puts the girls to sleep....

    They (the girls) used to get up at 5 a.m. every morning as well, but for a while now they've been really good about staying in their room and falling back to sleep, even if it is in a big heap by the door... LOL For whatever reason the past 2 mornings they've been up early - hopefully it doesn't last!

    Oh, and Naps. Yea nap time won't be changed. Daycare is pretty strict about naps starting around 11:30 after they've eaten lunch. The only thing that might change is they might let the girls sleep a little later if they don't wake up on their own. But even at that, they wake all kids up NLT 3:30 in the afternoon. Most of the kids are done with their nap between 1:30 and 2:00 though, but I know they've (the daycare) been known to let kids sleep a little later if they seem overly tired that day.
  6. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    :hug: I'm sorry. I have always had terrible sleepers so I have no advice.
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    What a bummer! My boys didn't go to sleep at that age until 8 or a little after and would sleep until 7 AM the next morning and sometimes later. I am sorry they are waking so early! Hugs.
  8. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    The light WILL work when they are a little over two yrs old. It will. What time do they need to be up to go to daycare?
  9. Poohbear05

    Poohbear05 Well-Known Member

    6:30 at the latest. I need to be to work by 7:30, but usually don't even make it till 8. Thank god I have an understanding boss...

    The girls (my twins) are 3 years 1 month. Their brother is 19 months. I can never figure out how to put a ticker down in my siggie..... LOL That's why I said maybe we should give the light to the girls.

    They were both so tired tonite, I ended up having to rock 'T' to sleep. She's ALWAYS been my good sleeper, going to sleep on her own, always being able to self-soothe unless she is sick. Well also unless she is super overly tired. She didn't shut her eyes until after 8 tonite (despite my trying to put them to bed earlier) and after I had rocked and held her for a good 30 minutes. Poor thing had bags under her eyes she was so tired!

    I really hope tonite they sleep all night and sleep in a little. I moved their night light around too (DH moved it closer to their beds and I wonder if the brightness wasn't what made them wake up earlier??) so hopefully that will do the trick also.

    Thanks for all the advice! :) I'm crossing my fingers and knocking on wood tonite, if DH and I don't sleep, boy, I dunno what we're gonna be like tomorrow. LOL
  10. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Good Luck. I hope you all have a better night...or a better morning. It's rough when they decide not to sleep. :hug: Just a suggestion....mine sleep for maybe 11 hours at night now. They use to sleep 12 but not anymore. What about pushing the bedtime back 30 minutes or so (to 7:30) for the girls at least??
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