How old were your babies when........

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Tracy5780, Feb 22, 2010.

  1. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    you sat them in a high chair at a resturant?

    they held sippy cups on their own?

    started sitting up unassisted?

    started crawling?

    said their first word?
  2. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    1. If we couldnt feed them in their stroller, most of the time we just didnt go to that place. But I know that once they were sitting well by about 7-8 months we could use the high chairs.

    2. At about 9-10 months they started doing sippy cups.

    3. 7-8 months

    4. 10 months

    5. 10 months (da-da)
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    you sat them in a high chair at a resturant? We didn't take them to restaurants before they were one, so at one I know they could. :lol:

    they held sippy cups on their own? They held it at around 9 months but didn't start using it consistently until 13 months

    started sitting up unassisted? 5.5 and 6 months

    started crawling? 9.5 months for both

    said their first word? 7 months for my ds and 9 months for my dd, they started saying dada (but not to their dad ;) )
  4. DayDreamin

    DayDreamin Well-Known Member

    My LO's will be 10 months the end of this week (8 months adjusted age), so I can only really answer a few of these...

    1 - We sat them in a highchair at a restuarant for the first time a few weeks ago, so right at the 9 month mark (same for shopping cart ;) ).
    2 - They will drink from a sippy if I hold it, and they try to hold it, but they haven't figured out to tip it up yet, 9 months
    3 - Started sitting unassisted this month - without the fear of falling over much, 9 months
    4 - I keep thinking they are going to crawl any day. They have been getting on all four's and rocking for weeks.
    5 - no words yet!

    :rotflmbo: Lol, I didn't realize how many things they started at 9 months till I responded here!
  5. cec02c

    cec02c Well-Known Member

    1. 6 months- depends ont the chair though.
    2. they hold them, but they don't drink from them yet
    3. 7 months
    4. 9-10 months
    5. 8 months (Da-Da)
  6. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    you sat them in a high chair at a resturant? Around 8 months old for the twins and Ethan.

    they held sippy cups on their own? My youngest is just now doing it at a year but the twins were closer to 11 months.

    started sitting up unassisted? My dd did it at 5 months, ds (twin) did it at 7 months, and youngest Ethan did it at 6 months.

    started crawling? Depends on your def of crawling LOL My dd and youngest do the "normal" crawling and they both started at 8 months or so. DS (twin) was an army crawler and was moving at 6 months.

    said their first word?
    Around 8 months I think was the first "dada"... however I could be off a little.
  7. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    you sat them in a high chair at a resturant?
    I just started this (6.5 months) but they don't like it at all

    they held sippy cups on their own?
    6 months. They do the best when they are crawling around. They will grab the cup and flip to their backs to drink. They do it occasionally in their highchairs

    started sitting up unassisted?
    4.5 months

    started crawling?
    6 months

    said their first word?
    None yet!
  8. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    1. 7 months
    2. 7 months
    3. 8 months; 10 months
    4. 10 months
  9. RG215

    RG215 Well-Known Member

    you sat them in a high chair at a resturant? Around 5 months, used a blanket to help keep them up.

    they held sippy cups on their own? haven't tried yet.

    started sitting up unassisted? Around 6-6.5 months

    started crawling? I'll let you know when it happens! :rotflmbo:

    said their first word? See above

    Mine are just over 7 months old. DS is way more advance then DD and can get around pretty well, but isn't an actual crawl.
  10. JenKik

    JenKik Well-Known Member

    (1) 9 months
    (2) At 10 months, they'll hold the cups but not drink from them. They'll chew on the spout/straw but will only drink if "I" hold the cup.
    (3) 8.5 almost 9 months for both
    (4) 9.5 months for Carly, but Madison still isn't crawling yet (they're 10 mo now)
    (5) 9 months, both babies - DaDa, BahBah, and MaMaMaMa (when they're crying) :)
  11. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    you sat them in a high chair at a resturant? 5months

    they held sippy cups on their own? 7 months for holding them, but about 9 or 10 months for drinking out of them

    started sitting up unassisted? I'm never sure what people mean when they say this. If you mean, holding themselves up if I sat them up the answer is around 3-4 months. If you mean getting into a sitting position, from crawling, then 7 months old.

    started crawling? 5 months

    said their first word? You think I'd remember this one--I want to say 11 months give or take a month. The word was car.
  12. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    you sat them in a high chair at a resturant? Around 9 months

    they held sippy cups on their own? 7-8 months

    started sitting up unassisted? 6-7 months

    started crawling? 8 months for DD and 10.5 months for DS

    said their first word? 10-11 months-ish they were saying Dada and cat.
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