Do you get help while in the hospital?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Chrissy2010, Feb 21, 2010.

  1. Chrissy2010

    Chrissy2010 Well-Known Member

    I will be having a c-section. My husband will be there during the surgery and that day but will have to go home and watch our other kids at night. How do you manage those nights in the hospital all by yourself? Do the nurses help?
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a c/s both times. My husband went home at night. The babies stayed in the nursery overnight. I was fine on my own. The nurses would come in and check on me from time to time, or if I called them.
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I had a C/S as well. My mom stayed with me at night. The nurses would have helped but they were really busy when I had the twins. I also only had one baby with me. William was in the NICU for 3 days. I only had him with me my last night
  4. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a C/S and tubal ligation and during my hospital stay, I had the choice to have the kids stay in the nursery at night or with me. I elected to have them stay in the nursery at night and they spent the day with me.
  5. Callen

    Callen Well-Known Member

    I've had sections with all my children (4 sections). They all roomed in with me the entire time and I did not have help.

    It is totally doable - even with twins.
  6. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I thought my DH would stay the whole time with me, (I had a c/s, too), but after 2 nights, I needed some stuff from our apartment & needed him to get some GOOD sleep so when we all came home, he'd be well rested. I actually sent him home. You have a call button for a reason- use it! I never thought I would use the nursery, but had a lazy baby who didn't want to nurse & his twin to take care of, so on night 1 at 3 am I sent them to the nursery for like 45 minutes (& cried like a big baby! Hormones are intense!). The night DH went home I used the nursery a couple of times just to get an hour or two of sleep (not consecutive). I would even call the nurses if I couldn't latch on my boys- I'd just ask for help whenever. I also had my boys during a 'peak' season in the hospital- as the LC called it- when all of the Xmas party babies were due to be born, LOL.

    Edited to say: I was a big wimp when we got home, too. It was much easier for me when I knew the nurses were right there to help. I did not feel comfortable for a long time by myself with them, but in the hospital, it was absolutely fine.
  7. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I had a c/s but both girls were in the nicu. You need to be up walking as soon as possible anyway so you might as well be taking care of the babies
  8. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    Mine were in the nicu so I had no choice...but i know I would have let them stay in the nursery so that I could rest. Being in the hospital was like a vacation compared to when reality set in at home. I wish I could have stayed there for the first three months. You have nothing to worry about, nurses are great.
  9. Chrissy2010

    Chrissy2010 Well-Known Member

    Oh I know!! I had my 3 year old at home and had a csection with my son. I told my husband it was like alittle vacation. No cooking and cleaning, it was great!! lol
  10. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    if there are any up sides to having your little ones in the nicu, it's that you get to recover before having to be up and around with them all day and night long. mine were in the nicu for 2 weeks while i was recovering, i was back to 100% once they got home and i honestly don't know how i would have done it if they'd have been home with me immediately. i'm sure i would have managed, but it would have been more painful.
  11. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had a c-section as well, but my babies were in the NICU. But I had to get up and pump and then take what I pumped to the NICU to be put in the fridge. But if my babies were not in the NICU I would have sent them to the nursery at night and the nurses would bring them back in when they needed to eat. The nurses will totally help you. And I agree, as hard as it is, the earlier you get up and walk the better off you are.
  12. Chrissy2010

    Chrissy2010 Well-Known Member

    Oh no I know they try and get up up and walking as soon as possible. No problem with that. Im just worried about night time. I mean 2 babies, and being hormonal and getting up every couple hours or every hour since Ill have no idea what Im doing..Might get overwhelming the first few nights and being alone wont make it any easier.
  13. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    When I had the twins my husband was only able to stay with me the night they were born. The very next evening he had to go back to work. I put the girls in the nursery at night and slept by myself.
  14. MyMayBabies

    MyMayBabies Well-Known Member

    I have not had my twins yet, but my last birth was my first c-section.

    Dh only came for short visits because we had so many other kids at home. I was also on my own at night. The baby went to the nursery at night, and I would call the nurse into my room to help when baby needed changing during the day (the c-section pain was so bad that I couldn't even sit up to change the baby!).

    I felt kinda bad about that at first, I don't like to ask for help, but quickly realized, c-sections are surgery! It's crazy to think that no help is needed when you've had surgery and are then handed a newborn to care for. Take and ask for all and any help you need.

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