Triple Stroller Help!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by vinessalynn, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. vinessalynn

    vinessalynn New Member

    I really need help deciding on a stroller. I have five children ages 11, 10, 9, 19 mo twins, and another due next month. I have three twin strollers including the Peg Perego Duette, Valco Twin Trimode, and the Maclaren Twin Triumph. Right now I'm using the Maclaren because it's lightweight and doesn't take up much truck space. My husband is deployed and I'm doing all of the shopping on my own with all five kiddos.
    My question is should I spend the money and buy the Peg Perego Triplette and attempt to sell my Duette, should I buy the toddler seat attachment for the Valco Twin, or are there other options that would work better? I need something to make life easier with my husband gone, so I would prefer to just stick the car seat directly on a stroller. My older kids can help out and push a stroller, but I don't want my entire trunk taken over. We are already crammed in pretty tight as it is...
    I saw that a company in England makes a triple umbrella stroller called the O Baby Triple Buggy, but that won't do me any good with a newborn.
    I'm not opposed to buying more than one stroller if it will make my life easier, but I'm just having a lot of trouble deciding. I've also thought about buying a Baby Trend Snap N Go just to use in the beginning along with putting the twins in the Maclaren Twin because even though I would be taking along two strollers I would still have plenty of room in the trunk for groceries.
    Any advice from Mom's of twins and a newborn would be appreciated!!! I don't want to be trapped in the house, and I don't want to buy a full size van yet...
    Thanks in advance for your help!!!
  2. Donita

    Donita Well-Known Member

    While the baby is still little I think it would be easier (and cheaper) to use a front pack. When my youngest four were little Daniel would walk while holding on to our stroller. Our stroller was a Graco (the kind that lays back), I would just lay it back and put Heather and Megan in it and carry Tyler in a front pack.
  3. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    My twins were 13 months when we had our youngest and I used the front carrier. Well until he hit 4 months and was almost 20lbs LOL. I really didn't want to buy a triple stroller so I bought the stroller connector and use my twin combi with the single combi. I LOVE that I can easily push bot strollers when I need to with those. The hard part is it doesn't fit through doors so I usually have my oldest (9) push or have one of the twins push one of the strollers for a short amount of time. GL!
  4. cnote

    cnote Member

    For grocery shopping and not wanting to take the newborn out of the infant seat - I would just use two shopping carts. Each twin sat in a seat and I put the baby carrier in one of the carts. I pushed a cart and pulled a cart and it was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be.

    As far as other outings...

    I don't know how tall you are but I am selling part of my ABC (Adventure Buggy) triple/quad stroller on the For Sale forum with a LINK of a Picture of it. I am only 5'2" and I found that the reclining seats are too tall so I am replacing them with the shorter static seats. But it does take up trunk room. Although you can remove wheels and handle bars pretty easily to make it really compact when need be.

    I'm not sure how much of a pain it would be to add the toddler seat to the Valco. My ABC is pretty easy to add and remove the toddler seats. But the Valco and the toddler seat will take up lots of trunk room too. I would even think that the triple Peg would take up a bunch of room too. In fact any triple I can think of would take up a good amount of trunk space.
  5. vinessalynn

    vinessalynn New Member

    My concern with adding the toddler seat to the Valco twin is that whoever sits in that seat won't be able to recline and go to sleep. The great thing about going on walks is that the kids usually fall asleep and enjoy the ride, so having a seat that won't recline is a problem. I want to be able to go on walks and only push one stroller... that way my older kids can ride their bikes and not have to help push a stroller for me. I have a Baby Bjorn front carrier that I could use. I've just never been on a walk with one of them and had a baby fall asleep. This is driving me crazy!!! I swear I've been spending hours researching triple stroller reviews, and it stinks because they're are only a few of them in existence. You would think that by now there would be more of them on the market.
  6. cnote

    cnote Member

    If you want reclining seats then figure out what you can sell off stroller wise and get the ABC Adventure Buggy Triple with Reclining toddler seat! Just google it. You will need to import it from New Zealand and it is really pricey but totally worth it.

    If you are on the taller side I would actually suggest getting the single ABC with the Double reclining toddler seats so that you can have the older twins facing you. I love being able to interact with my two when they are up there.

    If you are shorter go for the double ABC with single reclining toddler seat so that you can see well.
  7. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    I had 16 month olds when the baby was born and I have the ABC adventure buggy. I have what is essentially a "single stroller" with a toddler seat on the front and a toddler seat up top. It is great and the seats are LARGE will last up to 4 years of age. They really love to be able to see 360 degrees and are less antsy than a regular stroller. I love that it is single wide so easy to manouver around. It is a solid built thing but if you get a used one you know it will still be good.

    Later on, likely someone will be walking and you can put your stuff in the middle. I have a large hook (like a climbers hook ?) and I attach grocery bags to it. It can handle the extra weight of groceries too.

  8. heathertwins

    heathertwins Well-Known Member

    This is what I have...

  9. cnote

    cnote Member

    I LOVE my's my baby. It seems like you are in love with yours too. I'm sure it's only a matter of time until they find a distributor here in the US.
  10. Roo74

    Roo74 Member

    Have you looked at the Mountain Buggy brand? They are made in New Zealand. I have their double, but I know they make a triple as well. I love mine.

  11. Julixa77

    Julixa77 Member

    The Foundations Triple Stroller is an awesome stroller and it fits through regular doors. Check it out...
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