
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Tamaralynn, Feb 17, 2010.

  1. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Anyone have a sling they like that fits both? Or even one that you have 2 of? I have a hotsling I used for Donevan that I LOVED, but I would like something that I can put both of them in. Any suggestions?
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    The Moby Wrap has a way to put them both in. PM E&M'sMom as she has pics of how she did it with her two. If we have a bay #3 (&4??) I will def. be buying one of those.
  3. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    thanks! I'll look into it
  4. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    Just remember that your babies are going to get heavy. FAST. I'm 5'8" and muscular, but I really didn't enjoy carrying 2 babies at once. Around the house, I found I was really limited in what I could do wearing 2 of them, and out and about, I'd wear one and carry one or keep them both in their carseats.

    I did the Moby wrap, too, and loved it. Just not for 2 at once. :pardon:

  5. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    The moby is the only one I know of that you can carry two with... if you can master it. I mastered it for carrying one, but I never tried two.
  6. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with the Moby. But the babies are going to get awfully heavy, really fast, so I don't know how much time you would spend with two in a sling. :pardon:
  7. MarchI

    MarchI Well-Known Member

    I have a ring sling that a friend made for me. She made it wide and I could probably sit both in it but at 33lbs combined, I don't want to risk it. I do use it to carry both of them. One rides in the sling while the other rides on my hip.
  8. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    I LOVE a Moby, but I never tried to carry two either because I figured it would just be too uncomfortable (for me anyway), and I didn't want to risk throwing out my back. There's no way DH could care for both babies by himself in that case! So DH and I both would wear a Moby in the evenings and each carry a baby, which worked out great. I know its frustrating though when its just YOU watching both babies.
  9. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Thats my problem right now. I have just left my DH, so I am now a single mom, and have to do the daycare drop off starting soon, so it would just be easier with them in a wrap as I'll prob be taking the bus
  10. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    What about getting and inexpensive - an easily collapsible - umbrella stroller? Then you could wear one and push the other in the stroller and carry Baby #2 on the bus. I'm just afraid that wearing 2 would be a REALLY temporary solution.

    Good luck to you! Gosh, it's just not easy, is it, especially when you don't have an extra set of hands. I hope you can find a good solution. :hug:

  11. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    Oh goodness, I didn't know you had left your husband :hug: I have told so many people that I just can NOT imagine raising twins by myself. It is soooooo hard with 2 people, and unimaginably hard with just you. My mom was a single mom raising my brother and I who are 18 months apart, and she gets irate when she hears people equate raising a newborn and a toddler with raising twins. She has said "Caring for twins is nothing, NOTHING like caring for an infant and toddler!!!" She watches our boys 40 hours a week while DH and I woke and I trust her opinion ;)

    Anyway, I do agree with the PP. Perhaps an inexpensive umbrella stroller for one baby while you carry another (in a Moby, or some other carry) would be the best solution? I definitely would not spend a lot of money on a fancy twin carrier, because if they gain weight quickly you won't be able to use it for long. I have bought a TON of baby carriers and there really isn't one perfect carrier. I love the Moby for a tired/upset baby (they always go to sleep), I now love a Baby Bjorn for an alert baby because our boys love to watch what we are doing while cooking, etc, and I love my Ergo carrier when my back is sore and I want to carry a baby comfortably. I've also got ring slings, mai tai slings, and some others I am forgetting about because I rarely use them ;) Anyway, hang in there girlie and I hope you find just the right baby carrier for your needs!
  12. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    yes I recently left him. It was a unsafe situation. I have a hotsling that I LOVE and use, but only good for one. I had it for Donevan, and I use it mostly for Nathaniel as he is a little colicky. Maybe I'll just keep that one
  13. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    What a strong and inspiring woman! I can't express my admiration adequately... only to say that your children are so fortunate. Stay tough, momma! I wish the best for you!

    :youcandoit: :hug:

  14. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    ^^^ What she said! :woman:

    I love my moby style wrap but as others have mentioned it is just so much work with twins that I haven't really used it like with my last singleton. Because one of the baby bjorn type is quick and easy I would be more apt to use that if I had to. Good luck finding your solution. I like the umbrella stroller idea too.
  15. mommyto3boys

    mommyto3boys Well-Known Member

    It wasn't the easiest thing, but I was able to wear mine in 2 ring slings. I wore them in a modified hip carry with one on each hip and the slings criss-crossed. It was a little difficult to get the slings in the right place to be able to tighten everything and not end up with a ring in the wrong place, but it is doable with practice. My guys grew very fast, so once they hit 6-7 mths they were too heavy. Depending on how familiar you are with more structured carriers, it can also be done with 2 ergo or mei tei style carriers with one on the front and one on the back. You can also do one structured carrier (ergo/mei tei) on the back and a ring sling with the other one on the hip. Check out There are several suggestions on there for wearing 2 at a time.
  16. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls for all your suggestions, it helped tremendously
  17. daisie31

    daisie31 Member

    mine are 3.5 months old and I just had them both in the ring sling today. It's a bit of a dog pile but it works and they were happy. I stopped having them both in the moby around 2 months but now I think I will try it this weekend to see if I can work out some kind of hip carry for both. Is your hotsling adjustable? I have a pouch too and wasn't able to fit both very long so then I moved to the ring sling. I leave both sets of legs out the bottom now so they are sorta seated in the sling. It definitely takes practice and some days it just doesn't work for whatever reason.


    [email protected] Active Member

    There's another company called Baby K'tan that has a carrier that is very similar to the Moby, but a lot easier to get into. I do actually carry my girls around in it from time to time, although I can't go much over 1-2 hours because my shoulders wear out. Just be pre-warned- if you think you get a lot of comments from people over twins- try carrying them around the mall on you in a carrier. I get stopped by every other person I walk past. The picture they show has smaller babies, but I can get my girls into it pretty easily still and they love it.
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