What do your LOs call you and DH?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by vharrison1969, Feb 15, 2010.

  1. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    For some reason, when the boys were born I decided that I wanted them to call me and DH "Mama" and "Dada" ("Dada" pronounced like "Dad", with an extra "A"). I don't know why, but this is very important to me. :pardon: My nanny says "mommy" and "daddy" so I'm going to have to correct her; so far the boys do use "Mama" and "Dada", but probably because those are very easy to say. I'm sure that when the boys get older we'll end up being "Mom" and "Dad", but I've always wanted to be called "Mama". :wub:

    I thought it would be interesting to ask you guys what your LOs call you, what you WANT them to call you, and why!
  2. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    I always wanted to be called Mommy, so we're mostly a Mommy and Daddy house. But for some reason in the last month or so we've become "Mom-mo" and "Dad-do." I have no idea where it came from! LOL It's not all the time though, thankfully!
  3. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I like mommy and daddy. We are currently mama and dada. As long as they don't call me by my first name, I'll be happy :ibiggrin:
  4. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    We start out as momma & dada... but when I heard my dd say mommy for the first time, it just melted my heart. Just as long as they don't call me Jackie!
  5. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    We are "mama" and "dada/papá". I also use mummy and daddy. DH is Spanish but both LOs know and understand all terms for him (they are growing up in a bilingual environment). I´m fine with mama though I would like them to call me "mummy" one day because it is English and "mamá" is Spanish! As Christie says, as long as they dont call me by my first name I´ll be happy though I think we may have some problems there as my DH & BIL call their parents by their first names and MIL doesnt want our LOs to call her grandma. She wants them to call her by her first name...! I use both her first name and "abuela" and they know who that is!!!!! :ibiggrin:
  6. Eleven

    Eleven Well-Known Member

    I don't really belong in this section, but the title caught my eye,

    I call both my parents by their first names and have done all my life, I'm just wondering what the objection to your kids doing that is?
    As for what I want to be called, I doubt I will have kids of my own at any point since the 4 I am time sharing when I am at Jenny's are more than enough to keep me busy as it is, but I know I would prefer them to call me Jordan and if I ever did end up with kids of my own again I would want to be called Jordan.
  7. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    Meh. You belong here as much as anyone else.

    Yeah, but you have no choice there George. :p (That's what Jamie calls him, hee hee!) I don't like my kids calling me Jenny because everybody calls me that, but they are special so they get to use my favorite title. I love being called Mom. Your mom loves being called by her name. It's just a personal preference.
  8. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't really belong here, either, but my DH has always called his mom & stepdad by their first names (his stepdad married his mom when he was really young & could have called him dad). He didn't see anything wrong with it, either. My objection to this in his case is that she didn't want any children and missed out on a very special relationship moniker- only your children call your Mama or Dada... by denying him the right to call her Mama, I feel like she also denied him some of that relationship as well. At age 8 or so she requested DH start calling her Mom. Obviously at this point couldn't make the switch- it was too late.

    Interestingly being a grandparent, she does not want the boys to call her by her first name. She wants to be their 'Grammy'.
  9. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    We are Mommy and Daddy here. :good: They have a recent obsession with knowing what everyone's name is, so they do know that my name is Kyrstyn and my DH is Keith but they don't call us by that.
  10. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    So far they call me and DH Mama and Dada. I like it and I'm fine with that if they end up calling me that in the future. They have called me Mom before, which is alright too, but I do prefer Mama/Dada or even Mommy/Daddy.
  11. Eleven

    Eleven Well-Known Member

    I never felt that I was Denied the right to call my Mum anything, and I certainly don't feel like I lost out on a relationship because of it, I am 26 now and I still enjoy going to places with my Mum on a regular basis, my Dad has no interest in art or cinema or theatre so I go with my Mum to those a lot. I just find it interesting the importance people attach to a title. The number of people whose reaction is horrified and say " I would Never let my kids call me by my name" that I have met over the years constantly surprises me.
  12. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Mine have always called me "mama" and dh "daddy" I hope they continue on with this forever because I find mama so stinkin' sweet. Love it!!

    My objection to it is that I'm their mother. I feel like I'm the closest thing to them (and their dad too ;) ) and I don't want to be like everyone else. Even their teacher gets more respect then others by having Miss/Mrs/Mr put in front of their name and I want something more. Plus I feel it's disrespectful since I'm not their friend. I was brought up calling anyone older then myself "aunt" or "uncle" :pardon: I think it's all what you are comfortable with.
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  13. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I think we'll be mommy and daddy here too. and I've been hearing mommy recently, and like she said, it just melts my heart!!

    I hope you can correct the nanny to have your children hearing what you want them to call you! mama and dada is great!
  14. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    DH is strictly Dada. I don't think he has a preference between Daddy or Dada. It depends for me, most of the time I am Mama but if they really want something and it's important to them, they call me Mommy.
    My mother is Nonna to them and they've modified that to Nonnie.
    ETA: forgot to add...I don't mind Mama or Mommy.
  15. MrsWright

    MrsWright Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I am Mama/Mommy and DH is Dada/Daddy..occasionally Dadu:) Haha! I love Mama but Jack has recently started with the Mommy and Daddy and its so cute!
  16. skovarik

    skovarik Active Member

    It's Momma and Dada here for us! I've been called Mommy once or twice and loved it!
  17. Haley'sHope

    Haley'sHope Well-Known Member

    Chiming in from another forum:). To my 8 year olds I am Mom DH is Dad, it was Mommy/Daddy when they were younger but they are "too cool" to say Mommy/Daddy anymore. To our 16 month old we are Maman (French, pronounced Ma-MA) & Da. When he gets older I'd prefer Maman, but if he uses Mommy I won't object:D. A couple days ago he came up to me, pulled on my pants leg and said "Hay-we?" to which I replied, "Who?" and he said again "HAY-we!" and I pointed at myself and said "Not Haley, Maman." He pointed back and said "Maman {shakes his head seriously}, Hay-we!" and turns around and runs away.

    What you can look forward to as your kiddies get older:
    One of the twins needed to ask a question about his homework and wasn't thinking. DH had been talking and said my name several times, so Owen says "Haley..." I stopped him and said "You don't know anyone named Haley." He blushed and said "I mean Mom..." then asked his question. After I answered him he asked me "When will we be old enough to call you Haley?" Me: "You will never be old enough to call me Haley." DH: "Why not?" Me: "OK, Owen, you can call me Haley at the same age that Dad starts calling Nana {his mom} Iris." DH: "You won't ever be old enough to call her Haley." I thought it was funny that when I turned the question around DH suddenly "got it":D.
  18. mummy2two

    mummy2two Well-Known Member

    Our LO's are 17 months old. To our our DS I am "MaMa" and my DH is "uh". To our DD I am "DaDa" (I am female by the way) and my DH is "Daddy." I do not know how I became DaDa! :headbang: I am going to have to change these.
  19. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I'm mom. DH is dad to the 14 and daddy to the younger kids. My brother has called our mom, mam forever.
  20. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    Another forum crasher here. :blush:

    DH is Daddy but *I* get to be MumMum. DS has called me that from the beginning (he made it up...perhaps a derivative of Momma, which is what DH would call me) and I just love it. I also get Mumma and Mommy, but MumMum's my absolute fav. Recently DS (who will be 4 next week) has been experimenting w/ "Mom" and "Dad," spoken with an air of distinction. Honestly, I'm just not ready for "Mom" quite yet. :rolleyes:

  21. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    Too funny - it is all just a preference thing obviously but I never wanted to be called "Mommy." It just reminds me of "Mommy Dearest" and just isn't what I had envisioned. Nevertheless, we have been working diligently on mama and dada labels because they are almost 18 months old and still don't seem to "know" to call us by those names. Well, in the last week my ds has started calling me "mommy" and I love it! Dh doesn't care but probably thinks it will turn into Daddy or Dad since that is what we call our fathers. Right now pretty much everything is dada!
  22. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    Oh, I like MumMum, that's sweet! Same here Eve [​IMG] My 5 yr old started calling us Mom & Dad a month or so ago, still about half and half with Mommy & Daddy. Now Natalie has started with it too. Hannah, still a Mommy's girl!!
  23. Code

    Code Well-Known Member

    Another crasher, :rolleyes:
    I call my mum "mum" unless in public then I call her Denise and she doesnt answer to Mum, as she doesnt hear it :rolleyes: Dads "phillis" (his names Phil) for some reason :laughing: unless I want something then its daddy :laughing:
  24. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    We are Mommy and Daddy, which is what I wanted. I think it's adorable to hear them say Mommy and Daddy.

    I think it's a respect issue. To me, it does not sound respectful to call a parent by their first name. I would expect my children to call their teachers, friends' parents, and other adults Mr. or Mrs. rather than their first names, and I accordingly expect my children not to call me by my first name. Honestly, with everyone I've ever known IRL who called their parents by their first name, it was done in a tone of disrespect. Not saying that is the case with you, but that is the norm and why people don't like it.
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  25. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I have to say that I feel the same way. Maybe it's a Midwestern thing? Or a US thing? :pardon: We were brought up to *never* call an adult by their first name. I lived down South for a number of years and I knew many adults who grew up calling their parents "ma'am" and "sir"! :laughing:
  26. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    :rotflmbo: A high pitched Momma/Dadda. I waited a long time to be called momma and not only when crying! My other DD doesn't say anything yet
  27. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Maybe this is it for me too? (I'm from MI).
  28. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    That is totally it. Mommy/Daddy Mom/Dad.... Its an honorable title. I take pride in the fact that I'm a mother and that my children honor me by calling me Mommy/Mom. Its a warm and loving thing. That is why it means so much to all of us. Plus, we work really hard to earn the title.
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