Sippy Cup

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by crescendo97, Feb 11, 2010.

  1. crescendo97

    crescendo97 Well-Known Member

    Babies are not drinking from sippy cup. I have tried about 4 different kinds. They will play with them and then throw them on the floor. Any suggestions to help the process???
  2. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I would keep offering it. Eventually, they'll get the hang of it. Mine liked the Nubby ones at first. Then, they figured out how to bite the valve, so they leaked. It took mine a couple of weeks to really get the hang of it. Once you stop the bottles all together, they'll figure out that's the only way they'll get any milk. Also, the straw cups might be easier for them. It's worth a shot.
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Christie, I would keep offering them. We started off with the Nuby Soft Spout and then moved to the Gerber Insulated ones (which the kids did not like), Playtex ones (also not a hit) and then switched to the Munchkin Straw Cups which went over much better. I also would flavor their milk with a tiny bit of strawberry syrup to make the milk more tasty and sippy a little enjoyable. Good luck!
  4. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    Sometimes it takes trying a few different types of sippy cups to figure out what kind your LOs will use. We have a "sippy graveyard" in our cupboard of types that my boys tried and rejected! When I finally found one that they'd drink from, it still was a challenge for them to learn to tip them back far enough to get any milk out of them. I had to tip them back for my guys for a few days until they figured it out.

    Also, my guys had an easier time with the sippies that have handles when they were first starting out. Now they're "old pros" and can use the ones with no handles.

    The first cups they liked were the Gerber Fun Grip Soft Starter ones, then I moved them to the harder spout ones from Gerber because they used the same valves.

    Good luck in finding cups that work for your LOs! :)
  5. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    this was us exactly... especially the part about biting the valve... if you get the big fat Nuby ones w/the handles they can turn into a snack cup... if you take the spout off...

    we ended up liking the playtex ones with a kind of hard spout... well, i like them b/c they don't leak if they are turned upside down and are on a surface... the soft spout ones will end up leaking...

    yes, if you stop bottles they will learn quicker. I think ours were finally around 15 mo.
  6. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    One thing we did that seemed to help was remove the valve, just at first, which made the liquid come out faster and helped them get the hang of it. Once they understood how to actually drink from them we started putting the valves back in and they are pros now with any cup - thankfully they don't have a favorite! We also just did cold turkey - here is your milk and this is how you are getting it now - and just gave them sippy cups of milk when they were used to getting bottles and they didn't seem t mind once they realized that it was the only way they would get it!
  7. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    You got some excellent advice, and we went through the same thing. Once we took bottles away completely they also took right to the sippy cups, they just needed to know they had no choice.
  8. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    Mine did not like the spouts. They learned how to drink from them once they realized there's milk in there, but they still would only drink some and then play with the bottles. I then tried them on the Munchkin bottles with the straws. They don't leak much at all, better than the spout ones I found. And, they love them! They don't have to hold them up and they are easy to sip from. The bottles are easy to grip too and hold a lot of liquid. I highly recommend those.

    Good luck! Don't give up, eventually they'll get the idea and switch to the sippy cups.
  9. orangeyaglad

    orangeyaglad Well-Known Member

    My girls never liked the soft spout sippies. They would just chew on them. We started using the gerber graduates and they took to them almost immediately. Now they drink from straw cups. I agree with others about trying many, many different ones. I have two tubs full of sippes and bottles that didn't work for us. Crazy!!!
  10. crescendo97

    crescendo97 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the advice. We had a snow storm in GA and my computer was down for a few days. I just got read the replies.
  11. bmatlock

    bmatlock Well-Known Member

    all great advice...we went through several sippy brands and we also have a sippy cup graveyard in the cabinet...we kept giving bottles at night then we dropped them altogether and used only sippies. you do just have to keep offering it to them. eventually it will take. good luck!
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