DD suddenly hysterical at nap/bed time

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AmberG, Feb 10, 2010.

  1. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Normally my problem napper is DS, but not it's DD. My DD has gone to sleep pretty well for naps for many months. She has also gone to sleep at night very easily for months (no crying at all; right to sleep). Now all of a sudden she is hysterical for most naps and at bedtime. I'm not sure how to handle this. I know she's tired. Today for nap #2 she has been crying hysterically for 45 minutes. I went in there a couple of times but I don't think it helped any. Any ideas as to why she might be doing this and how to handle it? The last time I went in there I gave her 2 books and now she is quiet, but not asleep. Naps have always been really frustrating for me. (So much so that I wish kids didn't have to take them!)
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We went through something similar with our DD around the time she turned one. At that time we let her have all the loveys she wanted in the crib (it was 5 blankets, her Brobee doll, Foofa, Plex) and we put a brighter night light in the room. That helped but DH and I did have to power through that phase for about a week and a half. We also had to do a form of CIO with her to get her back on track (go in after 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, etc). I hope your DD gets through this phase quickly :hug:
  3. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Our whole family loves Yo Gabba Gabba! Such a fun show! Thanks for sharing about your DD.
  4. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    :hug: Is there a chance she has an ear infection? If she's healthy then I would agree with Nancy. Ours went through this at about that point as well, mine now have a million toys in their cribs but they play nicely and at some point crash out. We have had to do cio every now and then but it's no where near as bad as the first time.

    I hope she gets some sleep soon.
  5. jroberts

    jroberts Well-Known Member

    Is she possibly ready to switch to one nap a day? Both of my girls switched from 2 to 1 at around a year old. Now at 16 months one of my boys definitely still wants two naps, but the other is on the verge of going to one. Or maybe she's overtired? Hope you find something that helps.
  6. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    Have you had her ears checked? Just a thought. I'm having MAJOR issues here w/ Nicolas w/ bedtime and it BEGAN (2 mos ago) as an ear infection and has just snowballed into WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY more than that but that's my husband's fault.. LOL.

    Anywhooo..... when I hear something has gone wonky w/ sleep-- I say check the ears as a first line of defense, and go from there.

    Good luck! It's HARD when GOOD sleep goes BAD! I KNOW!
  7. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi, we're going through a similar thing with my DD. We have been down to one nap since about 13 months. I took both of mine to the pedi to make sure they didn't have ear infections. Both were okay. My DD has a sore throat, so we are giving her motrin before bed and naps.

    For your situation, I wonder if she is getting ready to transition to one nap? I started having a lot of trouble getting them to take nap #2 around 12 months. It usually wouldn't happen unless they were exhausted. They would fall asleep in the car, though. I used to time everything so we would come home around 4 pm and they would sleep for a little while. I think it took us about a month to fully transition to one nap. It was a rough few weeks. I knew they were ready for one nap only because they stopped falling asleep in the car at 4 pm.
    We also give them anything they want at nap time. They both want a book, lovey, blankets. My DD insists on wearing my shoes to bed. If not, we end up with hysterical screaming. GL.....I know it's hard!
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