need advice on big beds!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by davdig, Feb 9, 2010.

  1. davdig

    davdig Member

    Our newly-turned 3-year-old boys have managed to ruin crib tents and are climbing in and out of their cribs...any advice on how to manage the big beds (keeping them in, getting them to stay in their rooms even if they're awake, etc.)? Their cribs convert, however, I have a theory that that enables more mischief, being closer to the ground - I could be very wrong. We had to try it once, before we got the crib tents, and we watched them just roll out onto the ground to play. Our older son went right to a twin bed w/a rail and we had no problems. I seriously dread having them out of their cribs!!! But I know the time is coming. We've gone back and forth with just getting a double bed so they can share; they end up in the same crib. Any tips would be appreciated. Thank you, thank you!!
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    The first week for us was easy at nighttime but tricky at naptime. They were so wiped at bedtime they would stay in. At naptime, I would give them 10 min. to try and settle, go in and remind them it's naptime, wait another 10 min., go in and remind them it was naptime. If they were just being too rowdy at that point, I sat in their room until they were almost asleep or had fallen asleep. Fortunately, it only took them about a week (maybe 2?? :pardon: ) before they got it. There were definitely days after that where they would spend naptime playing and I just didn't have the patience to sit in there. They would just get an earlier bedtime on those days.

    Like with any changes, you need to set the rules and follow through with them. It's a whole new concept and a lot of freedom for them, so you need to set the boundaries and teach them how you expect them to behave. It's really not as scary as you might think. :good:
  3. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    I was shocked to discover my boys were fine in big-boy beds! We got a pair of toddler beds from Ikea when they boys were 2 and 3/4. I expected night after night of mischief and messy naps. But instead it has been FINE! We put one son in our bed for naps, and they sleep in the same room for night. They listen to a CD (book on tape - Winne the Pooh, etc.) for 15 minutes at bedtime before they fall asleep (not for naps) and then it's usually sleep or just the same stuff we had with cribs (I need to poop, I need water, etc.). I always say to them, "Big boys stay in their big boy beds until morning. You're stuck in there like glue!". It's a miracle!

    So you might not have the trouble you anticipate.
  4. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    We are the exact opposite from Michelle. Naptimes haven't been a problem, but we went through nighttime H$LL with DS! We were lucky, in a way, that we only had one that was difficult to transition. DD did perfectly fine with it and wasn't phased at all by the new bed. DS on the other hand is still a work in progress 2 months after making the switch. At first, we had problems putting him to bed (he wouldn't stay and took him FOREVER to fall asleep) and then he would sleep for 3-4 hours and would be up on and off all night. We did the Supernanny approach. Finally, he is sleeping through the night!!!! However, we still have trouble putting him to bed. It takes 3, 4 sometimes 5 times and me sitting outside his door until he falls asleep.

    I agree with Michelle. Just be consistent. Set rules and stick to them! The inconsistency is what killed us at first.
  5. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    HORRID. AWFUL. WORSE than anything with Nicolas. I cannot even describe what I am going thru. I had no choice but to do it cuz he climbs out. He wanders out of the room at all hours and watches tv, plays w/ toys, does whatever he wants so I ended up buying a HUGE gate and it's supposed to be like FORT KNOX and Little Dude can penetrate it! It's incredible. So last nite I find him out here watching Mickey Mouse drinking his milk with a blanket and a pillow at MIDNITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He even turned off his fan and put his pillow and blanket and teddy bear away like he was done for the nite in his room!

    He shut the gate behind him like "Peace out stupid bedroom!" (flips bird).


    I slept 3 hours last nite due to anxiety over this.

    My husband is down there sleeping with him because he has slept approximately 3 hours per nite for the past 2 weeks due to the big boy bed situation. It's awful.

    Luckily, Gabe is still upstairs in his crib sleeping like the angel he is.
    I just do not know what i"m going to do.

    Anyway, if you have no choice- you have no choice but OH MAN----- if I had one---- I would take it!

    Good luck! Oh ya and as an added bonus-- he now FFFFFFFFREAKS out everytime before naps and bedtime like someone is trying to kill him bawling flailing all over the place just FREAKING out. When he was in a crib he was LOVING his sleep. it's just BAD! WE need an exorcism.
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    We had a very smooth transition to big girl beds. We hyped it up, let the girls "help" us put the beds together, and then let them "help" us decide where their new beds would go in their room. The first night we kept them up late (with no nap), so they'd be good and tired and it worked. The second night, Ana tried to play and get out of bed. She immediately got a time out and that was the end of that :) Its been several months now and we've had some issues along the way, but nothing terrible. We put a gate on their door in the beginning because we didn't want them wandering around, but took that off after a few weeks. The gate is back on now since we are remodeling their bathroom and its not safe and they are ok with that. Oh and we got them toddler beds (got a good deal on matching oak beds on craigslist), but when we were vacationing over the holiday they did fine in a twin bed with a rail (they shared- one at the head, one at the foot).

    GL with the transition. I know my experience might not be typical, but I hope it offers some hope that it can go well :hug:
  7. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    Try this:

    My DD's moved to beds at age 3 and did really great with the transition. But after about 4-5 months, one of them started getting up in the very early morning and roaming the house (we have 2 stories). So we got this and said they could only get out of bed when the clock turned green. This clock works like a charm. They do not get up or goof off until it turns green. They chit chat with each other if they wake up before it turns green, but that is fine with us.

    Another thing was that mine gave up their naps shortly before their move to the big girl beds.
  8. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    I think 3 is a good age to transition. They understand consequences and you can usually reason with them a bit. I think you should try it. We waited until almost 3 and the girls did great. I was super nervous, but they wanted big girls beds so bad, I just couldn't wait any longer. They did fine with bedtime, and at first naptime went well. We did have to eventually separate them for naps, but we have never had a problem with bedtime.
  9. Buttercup1

    Buttercup1 Well-Known Member

    I think you should just go for it, either convert to toddler beds or get the twin beds. You're going to have to do it sooner or later. I had one fall out of crib which resulted in a 6 hour ER trip and a CT scan for a possible head injury. Believe me, you don't want to go through that. It might be a rough transition but they'll eventually settle down and adjust. We put a safety thingy on the door knob to keep them in the room.
  10. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Leighann's post reminded me of something. I involved them in the whole process of switching the room over. I did a whole room makeover when we got them their twin beds so I took them with me to pick out paint, had them help with the painting, taking down the cribs, putting up the new beds, anything I possibly could. I wanted them to be proud of their new room and they really were.
  11. davdig

    davdig Member

    Yes, that is our plan too - I'm excited to redo their room. Thanks to everyone for the tips; I know we just need to do it, but want to make it as "easy" as possible! The thought of retraining them is just daunting...they've never been good sleepers anyway. Oh well, such is life!
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