When shopping do you use stroller AND cart?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by andgoody, Feb 8, 2010.

  1. andgoody

    andgoody Well-Known Member

    I'm considering switching the girls to their big girl car seats this Spring. They will be 1 in April, but they are just getting really heavy for me to carry the baby seat. They are also too tall for the double Snap and Go. I am soooooo sad to see us graduate from this stroller...it's been sooooooo amazing, But one girl's legs are getting smashed under the head of the second carseat in front of her. Plus they are at the age where they want to sit up and see out ahead of them. I was just curious, when taking a trip to somewhere like Target when your twins were only 10 months- 1 year old, did you push a stroller and pull a cart behind you? Did you put one baby in the seat, and one in the basket--obviously with no buckle? I understand it would be easier to just shop alone when possible, but my husband travels for work and i just need to get out some days!
  2. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I push my double stroller (combi SBS) and pull the cart behind me, with my 3 yr old either in it, or riding on the front or side of it. It's hectic, but it works! :D I've been doing this since the twins were 3 months old! My hubby works every second friday, so the friday's he works I am on my own for shopping, and then every second week I have his help.
  3. andgoody

    andgoody Well-Known Member

    Thanks Danielle! I have a Combi SBS too! That's good to know. BTW, how often do you hear "wow you have your hands full!" UGH I hear that so often, i can only imagine how much you must hear it with an older child hanging on to your cart!
  4. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I hear it even more when I have my almost 8 yr old with me! :D I just smile and say "Yep, full of love for sure!" and keep right on walking! :lol:
  5. TennesseeMomma

    TennesseeMomma Well-Known Member

    When I need alot of stuff that won't fit in the bottom of the stroller, I put one baby in a front pack carrier, and one in the cart. They really enjoy each other and actually entertain each other while shopping. And, yes, I get the "wow, your hands are full" all the time! My friend just says to reply with - better than having them empty!!

    Sometimes it is a little tiring with one in the front pack - but when is it not tiring taking care of twinfants! Ha!
  6. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've never attempted the stroller with a cart. I always would put groceries at the bottom of my stroller. It has a pretty big basket. Or I had a 2nd person go with me so I had 1 person pushing a cart and 1 person pushing the stroller.
  7. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    one quick comment... if your kids still fit in their car carriers, and you like the snap & go, have you ever tried to put the one seat nearest you in backwards? so both are facing each other and their feet are together? my twins are 21 months old, and only 22 & 24 pounds and are just under the height restrictions for their heads in our Graco SafeSeats.... I still haven't switched to convertible carseats... I'll keep ours rear facing for a while longer...

    here's a link to a picture of our snap & go... with the one seat backwards, I don't have a picture with the kids in there, but their feet totally overlap now, but that's ok! its nice to just be able to snap & go, and not have to do and undo buckles at the car... with screaming kids... so I keep postponing switching!


    anyway, about your other question, I have never attempted to put push a stroller and pull a cart, a friend said that's how she did it. I like our Publix, it has the cart w/two seats and steering wheels - and a separate cart up front... love that!

    and then costco has the two seater carts, so those are nice.

    though last night I went a smaller health food store, and it was a disaster!! one baby in the top part and one in the bottom, but there was no safe place for food! so... I understand the need for two carts... or just going by yourself if you can.
  8. cec02c

    cec02c Well-Known Member

    I am in the same situation right now. I LOVED our snap-n-go. the kids are just too large for it now. I have bought the eddie bauer double stroller. I like the lightness of the frame. There is just no room for storage though. When I grocery shop, I put one in the basket, and one in the snuglie. I find it too hard to steer both the stroller and the cart. I'm a clumsy person by nature though, maybe you'll have better luck.
  9. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I've done it, and it's doable, but not ideal. It always took me twice as long to shop that way. Easier for me to put one in the cart & one in a front carrier.
  10. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I did the push the stroller pull the cart method often. I had the twins and Aaron in the Valco with the toddler seat and pulled the cart behind me. Sometimes I had my older two with me also. I heard the hands full comment WAY too often. I'd just say "yep!" and keep on going. You do what you have to do to get things done.
  11. andgoody

    andgoody Well-Known Member

    Wow that's a great idea about turning the seat around! I have Graco Seats. So does the one that you turn around actually latch to a bar anymore? I suppose it still wouldn't really go anywhere even if it wasn't locked down.
  12. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    its not the most secure... I will say that. to make it feel more secure, you can have the handle put all the way back so it fits under the cup holder area... its a little tricky to get it in and out b/c of the cup holder too, but its not impossible. also if you put the strap across them and buckle the seat in with that its pretty secure. it does click into the skinny round metal bar... here's a picture of that. metal bar but its not as snug as the thicker plastic molded bar.

    but it works... and when we're going somewhere quick or its cold out or rainy, its SO nice to buckle them inside before you get to the car... which is why I haven't switched yet... one day I'll have to! (I have a detached garage and I use the stroller to get ready inside the house and then take them out in the stroller. I actually have 2 DSNGs so one is always in the car... and I don't have to load/unload in the garage... )
  13. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OMG. Thank. You. I bought a sng used and had no idea. My boys are in bundle me's right now, but I'm starting to feel like I have to guard 1's feet while I put in the other. You have just saved me!
  14. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    As to the original question, I like going out. So I use The Mommy Hook and a couple of cloth bags. Any more than that & its too heavy.
  15. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    I had my first experience with taking the double stroller (Graco DuoGlide, aka, BUS!) and using the cart simultaneously just a few weeks ago. It was not as much of a struggle as I thought it would be, but like the PP said, it certainly wasn't ideal. I've done it a couple of times since. I also had my older two with me so it was difficult to not get attention from EVERYone. If everyone thinks I have my hands so full, then why do they insist on trying to hold me back with conversation??? :gah:

    Anyway, as I've said, I've done it since and it wasn't awful. Plus, most people let us through out of sympathy, I'm sure :)
  16. angieb1979

    angieb1979 Well-Known Member

    I always use a front carrier and put one in the cart, either in their carseat or now that they are sitting better, I let them sit in the cart without their seat, like PP said they keep each other entertained, it's great.
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