Dehydration and pedialyte

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by 5280babies, Feb 7, 2010.

  1. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    My girls have had a runny nose for a couple of days. Yesterday the diarrhea started early afternoon...(sorry TMI)...yellow and seedy. Diarrhea still happening with a lot of toots...poor things. They are on formula only now. Should I try to get some pedialyte down them before more formula? It has been 24 hours and I want to guard against dehydration. I am guessing pedialyte might do more for them than just straight water? Am I starting this too soon? It is very dry in Denver right now...want to be on top of this. Especially since they are formula fed. Any advice?
  2. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Well, is the diarrhea really watery or just loose? Really frequent? If it isn't too watery or really frequent & they are taking their formula fine, I probably wouldn't worry yet. I would keep an eye on them, offer extra water in sippies if they take them, and just watch for any signs of dehydration (plenty of wet diapers is usually a good sign). I have always had trouble getting my kids to drink Pedialyte, the stuff tastes awful. But if the diarrhea continues, I would check with your ped tomorrow.
  3. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Really watery and I would say every 60-90 mins now. They hate pedialyte. I will try sippies of water for now.
  4. Mellizos

    Mellizos Well-Known Member

    When Jacob had rota virus, our ped advised that Hawaiian Punch was cheaper and tasted better. It worked for us and kept him out of the hospital even though he had a wicked case. The only drawback is that it stains.
  5. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    When Abby had Rotovirus, she could keep nothing down and we were doing syringe feedings every 1/2 hour. She did end up getting hospitalized for 5 days b/c of dehydration, so it's something to really watch for (lack of wet diapers, sticky/tacky mouth, lack of tears). If they are just having diarrhea, I think the Hawaiian Punch might be ok, but if they are vomiting there is no way I'd want that all over my carpet. They make pedialyte dissolving strips that you can place on the tongue as well as pedilyte popsicles. If they are still taking formula ok, you can even make the formula using the clear/flavor free pedialyte. Make sure you're using a barrier cream on their behinds too. You may find a nasty rash with all of this even with the barrier cream.
  6. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Thanks to everyone who has responded to me tonight. We are a little nervous over here. They are asleep - didn't drink as much of bedtime bottle as I would like...only 1-2 oz. I think we will wake them in a couple hours to try to get them to take some more liquid. This really came on fast. One change, Zoe's stool has went from pure water with mustardy seedy particles to a greenish yellow. Hoping that means something is leaving her body. Will continue to watch them closely for symptoms and may have to call pedi tomorrow. I will resort to the syringing if I have to - hope I don't.
  7. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Rotovirus often has the nasty green color and just smells like nothing else. You will never forget the smell of Roto. lol If you notice it taking on a really foul smell, that may be it. Keep trying to push those fluids even an oz. or a few CC's if need be. Have they vomited at all? Did they eat anything new? Good luck! It can be frightening.
  8. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    They have not eaten anything new...that was the first thing I ran through in my head just in case. You know, those yellow poops have been the smelliest poops we have experienced to this point. Really foul and strong, almost sweet/sour. Jude threw up twice from yesterday afternoon - evening. It wasn't much but it definitely smelled like vomit, rather than just spitting up recent milk. That was a first for us. I wonder if I should be switching to soy formula temporarily. I guess I shouldn't worry about that quite yet.
  9. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Definitely keep an eye on them & push fluids as much as you can. Even a teaspoonful every now & then is often enough to keep dehydration away. I hope they feel better soon! :hug:
  10. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    We woke the girls at 11 pm last night to get more fluid down. One took 2.5 oz and the other nothing...we couldn't get the poor thing to wake up - at least I know she is a deep sleeper! I woke them at 4 a.m. and they both took 4 oz, 2 oz water/2 oz clear pedialyte mixed with formula. YAY! Anyway, 8:30 am this morning they each took 4 more oz of the partial pedialyte (2 oz)/water (2 oz) mixed with formula. Where do I go from here? Should I just feed more frequently in 4 oz increments and continue the put the pedialyte in or should I go straight to formula except for maybe the bedtime bottle (we usually do 4-7 oz bottles)? Yesterday their diarrhea was pure water, and not much of it with a little yellow seediness. This morning there was a little more to it and a really good pee-pee diaper which was pretty relieving. I have tiny girls so calories are always a concern with everything which is why I want to use pedialyte but they also need the formula. Also, do I continue with solids as usual and follow the BRAT?

    Thanks everyone! Oh, and thank to the PP for suggesting clear, flavorless pedialyte. I didn't even know that existed!
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