When are you going to have another baby?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by marshall52204, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. marshall52204

    marshall52204 Well-Known Member

    Okay so my boys are just a little over 3 and I am getting the "Are you going to have another one anytime soon?". I will admit I would LOVE a girl and have window shopped at baby boutiques lately...but am I really ready? My husband would love a big family and says it is totally my decision. One of my concerns is that my great aunt had 2 sets of twins and twins are VERY common in my family. My OB told me that she was 95 % sure I ovulate from both sides each month, so I do have a chance of twins again. I'm not sure my body (and anxiety level) can handle another twin pregnancy. I had so many things go wrong with my body after having the boys and of course began having anxiety attacks on a regular basis. I think maybe I could handle a singleton, but twins?? Anyone out there in this situation, or have been in this situation? I'd love for you to share your stories! And of course, I know there is no guarantee that I will get a girl....and more boys in this house...well I'm not sure if I could handle that either!
  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    It is so much a personal decision. On my rough days with 'just' the twins (my twins were hard babies/toddlers) my dh would say "Are you sure you want more?" :umm: YES!!! It was twins, but unfortunately we lost one. It would have been hard, but doable. My twins were 2 when we got pregnant. Nine months from now is huge! Your twins are three and will understand about a new baby more than a 2 year old will when the baby arrives. I do understand your fear of having another set. :hug: That is totally a decision for you though. Sounds like there is a good chance at twins.
    eta: How can you handle it? You do. Day by day & sometimes minute by minute. :hug: Good luck with your decision!
  3. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member


    Are your boys fraternal? They look so much alike in your little photo on your ticker. I'm only asking because if they aren't fraternal then maybe you don't ovulate twice in one month. How does your Dr. know that? I'm really just curious.

    Anyways, I haven't had two sets of twins, but my most recent baby is only 13.5 months younger than the twins. Like JicJac said, you just do it. Day by day, moment by moment. I think with the age of your twins, now would be a great time to try. If they get too old then it's hard starting all over with a baby. My 3yr old son is a big help. He gets the diapers, and can do a bit of entertaining the little ones. They can really be a big help to you.
  4. marshall52204

    marshall52204 Well-Known Member

    Yes they are fraternal. They do look similar, but they have a lot of differences as well. I have had many "woman" problems in my life and had a lot of testing done. During all of this was when the doctors discovered that each time I went in and had ovulated...it was always 2 eggs. I also can feel when I ovulate and will have pain on one side and then a day or so later, pain on the other (this was part of why I got testing done). I know that even though you ovulate 2 eggs, it doesn't mean that 2 will always take, but in the case of my boys...it did and I just am not sure I could handle it if it happens again!
  5. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    No wisdom but lots of support from another set of Marshall twins! How funny!

    Wow, this is a personal decision and so hard. I THINK that at the age your twins are, they could be more independent and welcoming of a sibling. My sister is four years younger and we've always liked the gap.

    As to another set of twins or not? Well, that's just in nature's hands. We're considering some of the same issues. We'd like a boy after our two girls, but I won't get pregnant again unless I'm totally comfortable with whatever we get - girl, boy or twins. I'm not there yet, but my girls are a year younger than your boys. Next year, maybe . . .

    Good luck with your decision and keep us posted!

    PS - I second the PP's question about your twins being possibly identical. They sure look it! Our girls were di-di and we only found out they were MZ with a DNA test. That decreases the chance of another set of twins. Sure fraternals run in our families, but knowing yours are MZ might make your decision easier.
  6. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Wow, that is sooo interesting! I can see why you would be concerned. Would you by chance be willing to post some pictures of your boys? Honestly from that little picture I can't see any differences. My boys were di/di too, so we had them tested and they are ID!
  7. marshall52204

    marshall52204 Well-Known Member

    I am a pro photographer and had posted some pics of the boys on my blog taken in December: http://lisamarshallphotography.blogspot.com/search/label/Kids%20Portraits This should be the direct link. Let me know if it works and what you think!
  8. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    There are plenty of reasons for not wanting another child, and they are just as valid as the reasons for wanting one. (or two)
  9. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Wow - those are two of the most similar looking fraternals that I've ever seen! Are you sure they're frats? Either way - adorable boys, and your photographs are stunning.
  10. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Lisa, I have to agree! Do you know their blood types? You might want to start a new thread and have people vote. I'd vote ID. We used www.dnasolutions.com for $99. I was very happy with the company.
  11. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    BTW, the boys are adorable and you are an amazing photographer!
  12. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Now I'm not so sure, boy if I were you I'd have them tested unless they have different blood types. What are the differences that you see?
    Sorry to hijack your thread with all these questions about your twins! :)
  13. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    It's totally a personal decision. I can tell you that a good friend of mine has 2 boys that turned 3 in Sept. They tried for a girl. And she got 2. :faint: Her twins are now 8 months and almost 3.5 YO. :)
  14. marshall52204

    marshall52204 Well-Known Member

    Well the doctors told me they were fraternal b/c they were in two sacs at my 6 week ultrasound (and b/c my history showed that I ovulated 2 every month). When they were a year old I thought about DNA testing b/c they looked so much alike. But as they are getting older, to me they look like different kids. Most people can tell them apart once they get to know them. Some ppl still have trouble. Who knows, maybe I should have them tested...but to me, they look so different!
  15. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    Like I said mine were in two separate sacs as well. We tested when they were 4 months old. Now that they are almost 21 months, I rarely have a problem telling them apart. They seem different to me, personality, head shapes, weight etc., but I am so glad we tested and I never have to wonder again. Would you be able to find out their blood types? If they are different then they are frats for sure. If the same they could be either and you could pursue more. I really think you should start a separate thread. If you have time.
  16. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    They are identical. They look too much alike to be fraternal. The teeth are a DEAD giveaway! TEST TEST TEST!!! Love it! Great pics! I say, maybe wait.. 100 years or so to have another one.. but, hey, that's me :)
  17. genagoodrow

    genagoodrow Well-Known Member

    Your boys look more similar than my MZ girls. I would never have guessed mine were identical, since they had separate sacs and placentas, but we kept getting asked and they hit all their milestones at exactly the same time.

    IMO, the test is worth knowing for sure. We could raise the money for it here! I'd bet $5 that your guys are identical. Put that money toward the test. :lol:
  18. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    just a comment about the ID vs Frat twins... ID twins can be in one sac or two, depending on if they split early enough to get their own sacs or if they separate too late and are in one sac, or if they separate even a day later and are siamese twins and attached.

    from what I understand if babies are in one sac then they are ID, if they are in two, then they could be either ID or frat... that's what all the di/di (2 amnionic, 2 chorionic sacs), mono/di, mono/mono terminolgy is all about... of course I'm not fully educated on that, but thought I'd share what I know.

    i agree, if you are wondering about the thought of having another set of twins, then it would really help you to know if these boys are indeed ID or frat... to me, they look so much alike that I would guess ID...

    in answer to your question... we're in a cycle right now trying to see if we'll get pregnant, ours would be 30 mo. apart... and I can only hope that that would be a good age to have another child! I know that every 9 months that goes by they are full of more energy, but like a pp said, at some point you might not want to go back to the baby stage. good luck with your decision!
  19. melissak

    melissak Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same boat! 3 of my friends who had babies the same time as me are now pregnant again and they keep asking me if I'm pregnant yet. HA! They of course only had one baby the first time!
    Twins are very common in my family as well and I'm terrified of having twins again! I have one super easy guy and the other one keeps me stressed out on a daily basis. If it weren't for him...maybe I'd consider having another one. But....I'm pretty much sure this is it for us...as much as I always wanted 3 (2 boys and a girl)....I think I'm good.
  20. Stephanie M

    Stephanie M Well-Known Member

    Can't reply about having another baby because we wanted two children and that's what God blessed us with at one time. However, I just wanted to tell you how cute your little blond boys are. I loved your photos! Good luck making this important decision!
  21. marshall52204

    marshall52204 Well-Known Member

    My boys were sick the last week and I'm just now getting around to reading the rest of the replies:) Sounds like maybe I should get them tested. I had thought about it, but to me they look very different (head shape, one is 1/2 taller, one has ears that flip up more than the other). They do hit all their milestones at the same time...including when they got their teeth, the hair being dark at birth then going platnium. Alright... so where do I begin? Is there a website? A phone number?

    And thank you all for the kind words about my photography!
  22. pamallhoney

    pamallhoney Well-Known Member

    I hope your boys are doing better. Like I said before you could check with your OB/hospital to find out their blood types. If they are the same you'll want to then order a DNA test. We used the company www.dnasolutions.com for $99. They send you swabs that you use on the inside of both of their cheeks. Send in the swabs and then wait for results. They actually have an online chat option so you can ask questions or check on the results. I'm starting to forget, but I think the results came in 2-3 weeks after sending back the swabs.

    Back to your original question :), it would be really amazing if your boys are identical. You could then go on to maybe have fraternal twins too! I know "Boni" here on TS has a set of frats and a set of IDs.
  23. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    same as me! and then also, um, i'm a million years old, so there's that;).

  24. cajunbaby78

    cajunbaby78 Member

    Everyone thinks my twins are identical. The dr had my placenta tested and said they werent. But I heard that wasnt as reliable. I can tell my girls apart easy but even their grandparents still dont get it. One is 1/2 inch taller as well. But up until they were two they were the same height only ounces apart. Now about one pound apart. I think their face shape is a little different. One of my girls is even left handed while her sister is right handed...which is usually associated with mirror image twins right? Dr told me before they were born they prob werent identical because they had seperate placentas...but then at birth she decided she might be wrong. Wondering if I should have them DNA tested. Does anyone know how reliable the placenta test is? Also I cant believe ppl are asking when you are gonna have another...most ppl tell me you are gonna stop now right? lol rude ppl I guess! Hope your babies are feeling better! They are beautiful! Crystal
  25. T.O. Twins

    T.O. Twins Well-Known Member

    I can't quote any source of information here, so someone else should confirm this, but I believe that the placenta test just looks to see if the babies were sharing a placenta or if the placentas fused together. If the babies had two fully separate placentas, the test would not tell you anything about zygosity. It would just tell you that there were 2 placentas -- which we know both identicals and fraternals can have.

    Test, test, test!
  26. cajunbaby78

    cajunbaby78 Member

    The doctor actually sent their placentas to a lab. I am gonna have to call and ask her what exactly they tested for I guess.
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