Waiting for feeding solids to be enjoyable

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by marleigh, Feb 1, 2010.

  1. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    So I started feeding solids (baby cereal) 2 weeks ago...what a fiasco it's been. It's like a screaming match and I can't make anyone happy.

    I feed them after their a.m. nap around 10am. I give them 1/2 their bottles (while sitting reclined in their highchairs), then I give one a spoonful of cereal, then the other, and go back and forth like this. I can't feed my son fast enough and my daughter is a messy eater (I think she's still trying to get the hang of it as her tongue still kinda pushes food out) for everyone 1 spoonful of food I give her, I have to scrape her face with the spoon like 3 times to get it all back in...meanwhile, my son is getting impatient with me. I'm only giving them about 2 teaspoons of cereal each (he'll finish his, but she won't). When they are about done (fussing), I give them the rest of their bottles in their high chairs. Then I take them out and burp them.

    I remember feeding times being so much more fun with my older daughter...

    So far, these first 2 weeks have been frustrating...so not fun. Messy, noisy, fussy, impatient, chaotic...not fun.

    I'm sure it'll get better, but man, feeding 2 is not fun so far.
  2. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    I hear you. I found it difficult too, to feed both at the same time. Actually neither of them have any patience to wait. So after the first two days I decided to feed them one after another. Just at that particular feeding time. Just until they are able to pick up food pieces or hold the bottle on their own.
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It is definitely not fun in the beginning! They will learn eventually & it will get easier. Plus, as soon as they are old enough, I used to put some Cheerios or something on their tray to give them something to focus on when it wasn't their turn. Hang in there!
  4. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    Ditto!! I think the Cheerios make a huge difference!! Just have to get through those first few weeks!
  5. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I really didn't like the beginning of feeding. No fun! I'm so glad we waited until 7 months to start that "fun"! There is no harm is waiting a few more weeks for your DD or even every other day.
  6. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It wasn't fun for us at first either.. we tried around 5 months and they were a disaster to feed... so I just abandoned it! I tried again closer to 6 months and they got the hang of it again within a day or two. And in no time you'll learn how to do it two handed ;)
  7. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I think it will be easier and more fun if you wait until they are really ready, which for us was 6-7 months. I started enjoying feeding solids when they could self feed starting at 9-10 months.
  8. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    I have had a relatively easy time with solids since we began right at 4 months. After two weeks of mostly just playing with their food, I started tipping their heads back and putting the spoon a littler further in their mouths while they swallowed. This doesn't look pleasant, but my mom did it with us and said it worked wonders. After ONE feeding like this, they learned how to get the food in the back of their mouths and really enjoy eating. One of my girls is very impatient and she enjoys having a toy on her try or a sippy cup. Nuby has 3mo+ sippies and they worked well. Also, I normally eat a little while feeding them (slices of apple or I eat the rest of their banana). This makes them more excited about eating.

    Good lick!
  9. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    I find that I have to feed mine one at a time also. DD is a slow eater and likes to suck on her fingers after every bite. DS wants it so fast that I have to hold the bowl in front of him and almost shovel it in! I have found that what works best for us to keep one busy while we are feeding the other is Baby Mum Mums. They are big enough for little hands to hold on to and made of rice flour so they dissolve as soon as they get in the mouth, so no big chunks breaking off. Mine love them and when given one will chew happily on it until it is their turn. They have been lifesavers for us. Around here we find them at walmart. I really don't plan on trying to feed both of them at the same time until they can pick food up and self feed a little bit.

    Also, don't forget that their bottles are still their primary form of nutrition. We started with solids only a few times a week because it was hard to find the time...They had probably been on solids a month before we got into a once daily routine. We didn't even get to twice daily until they were almost 7 months old...when they started acting not satisfied after a bottle. Let your kiddos take the lead and it will get easier.
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