Amazing Race

Discussion in 'General' started by MichelleL, Jan 31, 2010.

  1. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Brent and Caite! I totally agree. I'm not a fan of theirs, but I'd take them over Dan and Jordan!!!!
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I have a few things to say, but I'll save most of it until the westies see it.

    One thing though... YIKES!! A little bitter??
  3. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I am SO bummed. :( It was a smart move for the brothers to be moved up to first class and I guess those few minutes really did make a difference. From the moment they got to the first place at the Presidio, I just had a feeling that they had it made. I am just so bummed for the cowboys, they really did deserve to win it.

    Brandy was a wee bit bitter in the end, yikes! I think she needs to just get over it. She was rude in the beginning, karma bit her in the butt and Caite made a game play move, it's done. She was NASTY!!
  4. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    Oh I really wanted the cowboys to win, oh well, the brothers did well with the 1st class, although I didn't like the way they butted in front of the cowboys in the airport lineup. yes Brandy was very bitter at the end she needs to let it go, oh my goodness.
  5. twinstuff-old

    twinstuff-old Well-Known Member

    I thought the finale was fairly boring. I mean if you move up to first class on an airplane and that pretty much ensures you winning the race than obiously the challenges weren't as challenging as they needed to be. I agree that Brandy at the end showed no class whatsoever.
  6. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I totally agree, it was boring! I didn't get the heart-racing "Oh my gosh who is going to win this" feeling at all. Sort of a letdown! Oh well, good season overall. On to the next...........
  7. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Argh! I was in the middle of a post and lost it!

    Anyway, I was not a happy camper the brothers won. I didn't like the way they acted at the airport and it went downhill when they moved up to first class (although I have to give them credit, that was a good move, and it wasn't playing dirty in my book). I skipped ahead and when I saw how far ahead they were in one of the challenges, I skipped to the end. When I saw they won I deleted the show on my DVR! Rather childish, I know! :blush:

    So, I have two questions:
    1. Which team came in second?
    2. What did Brandy say? (still glad Caite did that to them though regardless of whether it was a good move or not. Their attitude was annoying and I didn't like watching them!)
  8. twinstuff-old

    twinstuff-old Well-Known Member

    Cowboys were 2nd, beauty queen and boyfried were third. At the end beauty queen wanted to say something to Brandy and she said if you want to apologize to me I don't want to hear it (or something to that effect). So in other words she wouldn't let beauty queen apologize to her (not sure if that's what she was going to do, but she didn't get a chance to finish her sentence). She also said they made a mistake in u-turning them and not u-turning a stronger team. And they edited it to make it seem like she was still very bitter over the race results. Beauty queen did respond to say well we made it to the final three and you (lesbian dating team) didn't so I guess it was a good decision after all.
  9. threebecamefive

    threebecamefive Well-Known Member

    Thanks for filling me in. I went to CBS and got to listen to the clip that held most of what Brandy said, but it was in an interview type setting, not in an exchange with Caite. She was bitter and talked about Brent and Caite playing a dirty game and such. I guess my take is that Brent and Caite were ahead of Brandy and partner, they could U-turn whoever they wanted, chose Brandy and partner, nothing dirty about it. It was all fair and square. Brandy did come off as bitter and seems to be a sore loser; based on her reaction at the end of the game and any time things got tough during the game I'd be interested in seeing how long Brandy and partner survive as a couple. There was an awful lot of name calling and petty behavior between the two . . .
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