A funny "Who's older" conversation

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by AVAS, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. AVAS

    AVAS Well-Known Member

    I keep hearing this repeat conversation between my 3 year olds (Campbell was born first by a few minutes)

    Beckett: I'm older than you.
    Campbell: No, I came out first and I'm older.
    Beckett: You came out first, then I came out and I was older than you!

    I just think it's cute!
  2. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Aaaww...that's cute! Mine are starting to have some little conversations amongst themselves. I love eavsedropping. :ibiggrin:
  3. KStorey

    KStorey Well-Known Member

    You know it doesn't stop. My husband is 35 now and is the younger twin by about a minute. He emigrated to New Zealand so his birthday starts 12 hours ahead of his brother (He's in England)Every year he calls him to remind him he's the oldest now!!! Soooooooooo sad!!!
  4. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    :lol: What a sweet conversation! :wub:
  5. li li

    li li Well-Known Member

    I remember reading in one of my twin pregnancy books that in Nigeria they believe the younger twin is born first as the older one pushes him out to see if it's safe. So maybe your kid is right!
  6. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :laughing: So cute!!!
  7. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

  8. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    too funny--- I keep trying to figure a way of NOT telling them who's "older" because ONE minute?? Really?? I don't think that counts! :D
  9. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    Because we knew we had one boy for sure first and weren't sure about the other, somehow in my head I still think my DS was "created" before my DD, even though she was definitely born first. It's fun to see your kids think something like that, too.
  10. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    So adorable!!!! thanks for sharing! I love to listen to kid conversations!!
  11. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    DH and I tried to bribe the doctor to pull both girls out during the same minute (or at least say he did on the charts) so that neither would be "older". Unfortunately, one of mine decided to hang on and it took almost two extra minutes to extricate her, so Baby A was born at 11:08 and Baby B at 11:10.

    We've never told anyone who was born first and I'm hoping to keep it that way for a long time!
  12. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    :wub: Adorable!!

    ETA: I wish I had followed your line of thinking, Trish! My SIL actually commented that I was being disrespectful to Jack by signing a card with their names listed as: Jacob & Jackson. She felt that since Jack was older (he's not even - it was a C-section and they came out virtually simultaneously!), he deserved the respect of having his name first. Not only did she feel this, she felt she needed to address it with me! :crazy: From now on, I'll keep my mouth shut!
  13. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    hahah, one of my friends in Tampa has a set of twins and an older fraternal sibling. The twins are cellularly older but born a couple of years later. (in other words, they got to the embryo stage for IVF, but the mom got spontaneously pregnant while doing the hormones in preparation for IVF.) One of the twins is a bit of a flakey girl, and they joke about her being frozen too long and about her being older than her older brother.
  14. cricket1

    cricket1 Well-Known Member

    Mine would talk about "bigger" and "older" brothers. One would say he was the bigger brother because quite literally he is bigger, and the other would tell him NOOO he came out first and he was older, so the first would/will comment that yeah, it was because he was sitting on his head! And they laught about it.
  15. happychck

    happychck Well-Known Member

    me too! ours are 3 minutes apart but i don't want to tell them..... i worry that if people ask about it then they might inadvertantly treat them differently (one person actually told them when they were babies that the "older" one had to take care of his "younger" brother. that's what made me never want to tell them--too much pressure!).

    kids are so cute about that stuff, though:).
  16. milki

    milki Active Member

    That's a great idea! I was the "older twin" (by one minute) and everyone in my family made a big difference. I was always expected to "do the right thing" or "take care of my sister". It really sucked, especially when I had to do more chores since my sister "didn't like cleaning".
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