When my 3 month poops-- up comes the formula

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by brieh, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    I love my baby, but she always seems so cranky!! Quinn has always seemed uncomfortable. If she strains trying to poop/gas right after she eats, up comes the bottle with each cute little poopy face she makes. I am currently on a wait list to see the Pedi. She has always spit up, that seems to have gotten a bit better with each feed. I am now trying Gentlease to see if that helps her tummy issues. I just don't know what else to do right now. She also has a habit of eating 1/2 of her bottle. When I stop to burp her she wont take the bottle back and just cries and cries. I don't know if it is her tummy or the burp hurt her or what. Last night she was so agitated she didn't finish any of her bottles and she was awake for hours. And this morning she just cried and cried after her bottle. I guess I am confused as to is it a gas issue or reflux type issue. Not sure where to begin. Also her poops are quite hard. They have always had regular formula with iron drops which equals the amount of iron in the gentlease so I am hoping it doesn't make this worse. This is so frustrating!
  2. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I would make an appointment with the pedi. It could be reflux. I would also bring up the hard poops.
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Iron can be really constipating... maybe that is the issue?
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    They both present with a lot of the same symptoms. Have you tried Mylicon drops before or in each bottle? That might help a gas issue. The crying can be from the gas pain or the reflux pain or something else. Definitely getting in to the Ped to discuss your concerns is a great idea. The iron can definitely cause constipation. If she has hard poops, I would talk to the Ped about maybe adding some pear juice diluted with water to her diet to help her pass the stools. GL. Let us know how it goes.
  5. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    Thank guys for the responses. I have tried something called Ovol which I think is like the Mylicon drops. I didn't notice it helping much at all. And I definately want to find out if they still need to be taking extra iron supplements, plus whats in the formula. Seems excessive to me, but I know they were premie and thats why they were put on it.

    We have been on the Gentlease formula for 36 hrs now and she has had 2 soft, runny poops. So I am hoping this is a good sign. She also didn't have to strain to get these out, so no puking up! I am going to the regular Dr today ( I've been on a 2 week wait to see the Pedi, super frustrating!!) and hoping he will have some answers for me. She still did the crying thing last night and didn't finish her bottle, but she seems happier this morning. And she had the longest sleep ever 6 hrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And she didn't do her regular "5am crying for no reason" last night. This makes me sooo happy. Her sister is already sleeping 8+ hrs.

    Now if only our furnace hadn't conked out yesterday :headbang: ..this would be a great day :banana:
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