Ferber success!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by ajg18, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. ajg18

    ajg18 Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to report that we had great success using Ferber's methods for eliminating some of my baby girl's night feedings. She had been getting up at least 3 times a night for very inconsequential feedings, but wouldn't go back to sleep without a bottle.

    Night 1: She went down at 7pm and woke up as usual around 10. When we would normally give her a bottle (and she would drink a couple ounces), we went in, changed her diaper, patted her belly and talked to her for a minute and left her. I got through 2 more intervals and she was back asleep. So she literally cried for less than 15 minutes. She woke once more and was pacified and back asleep. And then we fed her at 2:00am (thought that was a reasonable time to want to eat).

    Night 2: She woke up once crying and I changed her diaper and she went right to sleep. We fed her at 2am, but she only took 2oz.

    Night 3 (last night): She woke up at 11 (I think) crying pretty hard. Changed her diaper, gave her a paci and didn't hear from her again until 6:30am!!

    So, granted, we're still in the process, but for anyone that is just too scared to do any sort of CIO, but hopes for better nights, if I can do it, so can you! It's torturous to hear your baby cry and not do what you know will stop it the quickest, but I had fostered her need to suck on a bottle to sleep and had to retrain her as a result. It wasn't anywhere near as bad as I thought it would be. I thought she would cry for hours and she literally cried for minutes and was pleased as punch in the morning. Just my story. Thanks to all the ladies who helped me last week. I was about to lose my sh-t.


    (Please ignore the other baby in the room sleeping swaddled, with another blanket strapped around his torso, in a bouncy seat. He's next...)
  2. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Yay for you and your dd!! :clapping: That is awesome! I (used to) feel the same way and never thought I could do any form of CIO until I had my boys. They took to it very well and it was only a couple of nights of crying before they figured it out. Great job and good luck with your ds!! :)
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator


    :woo: for success!
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest


    :Clap: I'm glad you had some success with one baby! I hope last night went just as well!
  5. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :woo: That's wonderful news! I hope the second baby does just as well!
  6. ajg18

    ajg18 Well-Known Member

    Thanks guys! Night 4 went very well. DD woke up at 3 and I gave her a snack, put her back in her crib wide awake and didn't hear from her again until 6:15am. Loving this!

    Still dreading working on the boy...
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