stretch marks...the real truth please!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by morgan57, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. morgan57

    morgan57 Well-Known Member

    hi all! i gave birth to identical twin boys on december 7th. i had no stretch marks the entire pregnancy but after my c-section a few showed up. they are red in color right now. i want to know...will these go away? i know they will fade, but will they ever really go away? i am so confused as to why they appeared only after i gave birth. if they don't go away, i am considered using a laser treatment (has anyone done this?) but i have heard it's better to do the laser when they are still red, so i wouldn't be able to wait to see if they fade prior to doing the laser...ugh! any opinions on this?
  2. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    I don't have any advice on laser treatments but I can tell you that I have the same stomach, stretch marks and twin skin that my mother does. I don't know if genetics truly play a role but if they do- I'm proof! :rolleyes:

    Edited to add- I also had stretch marks throughout my entire pregnancy so there was really no hope!
  3. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    I don't know how much help I'll really be since I didn't get a single stretch mark on my stomach during or right after the pregnancy. I did get a few on my boobs and they have lightened up so much that you can't even see them. I guess that's what happens when you go from nice little small A's to D's lol :rotflmbo: I also have no twin skin, so I guess I really lucked out. Because of this, I really do NOT believe genetics play a factor. I have 3 older sisters (I'm 24, they're 38, 40, and 42) who all got tons of stretch marks, my mom did, and so did my niece (she's my oldest sister's oldest daughter, who is 6 weeks older than me. Confusing huh?). However, I didn't as I said.

    Are they that bad that you feel you need to get a laser treatment? I would personally wait a year or so and see how much you can really see them after that.
  4. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    Jo - soooo frickin' jealous right now!! Trying to think good thoughts :girl_devil: LOL

    I developed stretch marks at the end of my pregnancy and four months later they are still there. They are still pinkish-red but less so than when they first appeared. I agree with Jo and think you should wait for a year because they will lighten considerably.
  5. Miss Conception

    Miss Conception Well-Known Member

    Like you, I never had a stretch mark during pregnancy, but afterward I developed the linea nigra and some stretch marks around my navel. They all went away after two months or so.
  6. zetta

    zetta Well-Known Member

    What is the difference between stretch marks and twin skin? My marks, whatever they are, all came about in the last month of pregnancy. They seemed to be 3D, like overly full blood vessels bulging in the skin. Now I have 3D dips as if it left valleys when the vessels got smaller. I'm still waiting for the linea nigra to go away, so I have hope things will continue to improve...
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Totally jealous of you ladies who did not get stretch marks during pregnancy. Mine did fade from red to skin colored. I don't know much about the laser treatment for them but mine did fade over a couple of months after birth.
  8. eliseypoo7147

    eliseypoo7147 Well-Known Member

    I have HORRIBLE stretch marks on my from right above my belly botton down to my knees. :( They have lightened to skin color, but you can still see them. I am also thinking about the laser removal (after I'm done with having children though).
  9. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    I've had stretch marks since my first child, and while they have faded from purple to skin color, they have never gone away.
  10. baby_boo

    baby_boo Member

    My baby beauty marks (aka stretch marks) from my first pregnancy faded to skin colour - they were actually the worst on my upper thigh/hip area. They won't really go away - but aren't seriously noticeable. I got a few more with this pregnancy. Take the wait and see approach - give it a while - and by that I mean at least a year and see what your skin does - it took 9 months for them to show up - it'll take a while for them to fade ;)
  11. Jenn G

    Jenn G Well-Known Member

    Twin skin is just extra, loose sagging skin- it's VERY attractive! ;)
    All the sit ups in the world won't make it go away!
    I have a lovely combination of both stretch marks and twin skin. Lucky me. :)
  12. Rach28

    Rach28 Well-Known Member

    My twins are almost 20 months old and I got stretch marks right at 30 weeks when I was in hospital without my wonderful creams ( I gave birth at 37wks). I also gained 55lbs so that was a major factor too. I still have some twin skin but I cant see the stretch marks. I´ve read somewhere that it is possible to get stretch marks after giving birth. As for the laser treatment, I don´t have any info there. GL with your decision!
  13. Pitbullzz

    Pitbullzz Well-Known Member

    It was like my DW keeping positive thinkin going on when she delivered at 24 weeks...

    "Well...the good thing stretch marks..."

    Ha...her Sister hates her for it...
  14. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was lucky & didn't get any stretch marks, I really think it's hereditary, my mom also has none. But the skin thing, that's another issue!
  15. Mommy_Nic

    Mommy_Nic Member

    I too believe it's atleast partially genetics. My mom and sister have darker, olive skin and ended up with a ton of stretch marks and tore like crazy giving birth (mom tore hole to hole when she had me and I was only an 8 pounder!). But I have my dad's pale skin and didn't get any stretch marks with my 1st 2 single pregnancies and very minimal with the twins. Plus, I hardly tore even with my f 1stc 2 boys' heads and not at all with the twins! My skin is pretty stretchy.

    Plus, I ended up gaining 2 stretch marks on the tops of each of my thighs that showed up right after (or during) labor. They are the most noticible, but are covered by shorts (thank goodness).

    I can still pull my belly skin out quiet a ways, but it snaps most of the way back. I only do it because my 6 year old thinks it's "freaky" and begs me to do it over and over. Gotta love being a freak of nature for your children...
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