What time does everyone put their babies to bed at night?

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by heather.anne.henderson, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    Just wondering what time everyone puts their LO'S to sleep at night?
  2. nikkol122

    nikkol122 Member

  3. nikkol122

    nikkol122 Member

    I try to get them down by 7:30 or 8. It all depends on how our day went. I have been working on getting them on the same schedule but for some reason they like doing what they want instead. I'm just going with the flow but I definitely try my hardest to keep them waking and sleeping at the same time. I was wondering what you do about sleep. I have been wondering if one wakes up from their nap should I wake the other up or just let the other sleep. I have been asking and reading so much about sleep schedules but haven't gotten an answer for it. Maybe you can give me some insight on what you do and if it's working.
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    At 8 months we were shooting for 7pm. Once we dropped the 3rd catnap at 9 months they had to go to bed at 5:30 or they would go crazy from being overtired.
  5. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    We are down to 2 naps a day too. Bedtime is between 6:15 pm - 7:00 pm. 7:00 pm being the absolute latest and a rarity. We are usually down and asleep by 6:45 pm.
  6. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    They are in their cribs by 7pm - 7;15ish and usually asleep by 7;30.

    Mine are still taking 3 naps a day (8:30am, 11:30, 3:00) and a 30 minute cat nap from 5:15 to 5:45.
  7. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    we usually put them down by 730 at the latest
  8. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Luke & Lila were always fairly late, bedtime for them has always been around 8:00.
  9. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    We are fairly late but we wake up late too. My singleton wakes up anywhere between 8:30 to 9:30 and she goes to bed at 8:30. Our 4 mo twins go to bed after their last feed which changes from day to day but its usually around 10 ish and then bed right after by 11 ish. They wake again at about 6ish to feed and then back down til about 10ish (its 10:30 and they're still sleeping). This works for us because of our other lo. We would however like to have them all go to bed at about 8:30 to have some time to ourselves but that's just not happening right now. I think as long as they get the sleep they need it doesn't matter when they go to bed and wake up (within reason of course) ;).
  10. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    Ours are in bed by 7:30-8pm.
  11. TennesseeMomma

    TennesseeMomma Well-Known Member

    We are down to two naps a day, and the babies usually go to bed between 6:30 and 6:45 - 7 at the latest (all depends on how their naps have been)
  12. goofyjilly

    goofyjilly Well-Known Member

    My 7 month old twins start going to bed about 5:45-6:00 pm. It used to be 7 pm but then the time change happened and they refuse to budge. I gave up and well it works for us for now, especially with my 3 year old. We put him down at 7 pm.

    For the past couple of days they just started to take just 2 naps a day. Still in that transition period. Not fun. They get really cranky at 5. I just don't want to put them down for 2 reasons. So my husband can see them and help put them down AND so they don't get up any earlier than they do already (6am).
  13. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Mine are in bed anywhere from 6 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. It's been like this for a few months.
  14. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    My My biiyis are still young so they go to bed late. Nathaniel is usually in bed by 11:30, his last feeding is at 11 and he usually up by 6. William gets fed at midnight and in bed by 12:30-12:45 and up again around 4. My oldest is in bed by 7 though, he is 24 months. His bedtime has been 7 since he was about 4 months old.
  15. WaterGuzzler

    WaterGuzzler Well-Known Member

    Lia and Eve are in bed at 5:30, 6 at the absolute latest. They might get up once to eat but are up for the day between 7 and 8. It's been like this for quite a while now. Older dd was the same, too.
  16. mrschenoweth

    mrschenoweth Well-Known Member

    Mine are in bed between 7:30 - 8:00. They generally have 2 naps a day but sometimes get a cat nap on the way to/home from daycare. Mine or not on the same nap schedule nor have we ever tried to get them on one. We just always went with the flow. By 7:30ish, both are ready for bed though!
  17. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    Ours go down between 6.30 - 7.00 and sleep until 6ish, they have 2 2hours naps and maybe a catnap in the stroller on the school pickup.
  18. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    We are in bed between 7 and 8pm. Its normally 730, but if they are really tired its 7 and if they took a long 3rd nap, its closer to 8
  19. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Usually around 8pm.
  20. amymc72

    amymc72 Well-Known Member

    We start the bedtime routine around 7:00, in bed by 7:30.
  21. jnholman

    jnholman Well-Known Member

    My boys sleep from 7:30pm to 7:30am. They are getting 2 naps a day both about 1.5-2 hours each!
  22. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    I usually get mine to bed between 7 and 7:30....depends on how the day went for them & me! They are really good with bedtime though, I haven't really had any issues since 3 mths with either of them. Every blue moon one of them gives me some trouble to go to sleep.
  23. linz

    linz Well-Known Member

    Mine go to bed about 6:30. They take two long naps, and then a short cat nap around 5:00 pm.
  24. annied

    annied Member

    7-month-old girls. In bed by 8 p.m. and up at 7 a.m. They usually get 3 naps total - short morning nap (1/2 hour), long afternoon nap (3 hours approx.), catnap on drive home from daycare (1/2 hour).
  25. heather.anne.henderson

    heather.anne.henderson Well-Known Member

    Well, I do put them down at the same time for naps and bedtime. They go down at 7:30-8 and ds stay asleep through the night till 5am and then nurses and then gets up between 6-7am(of course when he is not teething)(which seems to be all the time:)DD can go to 2 unless teething then she is up every 4 hours for tylenol or motrin and a nursing session too. Then she is up between 5-7am. I always push for 7am. Occasionally one of them has another idea about taking a nap, but they always go down together and sometimes one wakes after 40 minutes or so-those day are rough!!
  26. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    Our last feed is at 10pm, so they are usually in bed around 10:30ish. Then they are usually talking in their crib around 9:30am, but I let them stay there for another 30 minutes while I shower.

    Some days I have to readjusted due to appointments, and wake them up at 9am and in bed by 9:30pm.

    But we (all of us and the babies) perfer the 10pm bed, 10am wake. None of us are morning people :) And even after they go to bed my hubby and I are up for a few more hours.
  27. nmnguyen7

    nmnguyen7 Well-Known Member

    Baby bedtime is 7:30 here. Gives hubby and me just enough time to relax and enjoy each other's company before we head to bed.
  28. vtlakey

    vtlakey Well-Known Member

    When the boys first started STTN about a couple of months ago we started putting them to bed between 7:30pm and 8pm, and they would usually sleep until 6am/6:30am. Then day light savings time occured and screwed everything up. So we moved everything back an hour and started putting them to bed at 6:30pm, but they kept waking up between 5am and 5:30am, which is way early for us. So we tried gradually moving their bed times later by 15 minutes or so each night until we were putting them to bed between 7:30pm and 8pm, hoping they would sleep a little later, but instead they started waking up between 4:20am and 4:40am. Aaaaargh!! So instead of sleeping 10 hours they were only sleeping about 9 hours. We tried that for 2 weeks and they just would NOT sleep past 5am no matter what, so we have reverted back to putting them to bed around 6:30pm. We've been back on this schedule for less than a week but so far they are waking up around 5:15am/5:30am...that is better than 4:30am at least...but it still sucks! Also they are still taking 3 - 4 naps a day, though they are usually only about 45 minutes each, occasionally an hour or so. And Colin refused his mid-morning nap on Saturday and was a total bear the remainder of the day and all through the night waking up every couple of hours. I guess it's true if they don't get enough sleep during the day that it causes them to wake more at night.
  29. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    I put the boys down btw 6:00 and 7:00. I usually start bedtime about 6:00 pm, but if I am on my own it takes me about an hour to get both into their cribs. Alex usually gets up at 11:30 to nurse and then they sleep through until around 6:00 am.

    To be honest, I absolutely hate this schedule, but it works with my girls' current schedules. With my older two, we did bedtime much later and then slept much later, which made me a much happier person because I am such a night owl.
  30. eliseypoo7147

    eliseypoo7147 Well-Known Member

    6:30-7:00, depends on how the day goes and if/how long their baths take.
  31. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Our bedtime routine starts at 6pm sharp, boys are usually in cribs sleeping by 6.30-7pm. It works great for us, we have 5 year old that we have to do bedtime routine with her, we don't want to do it to late since she in school and needs to wake up early.
  32. Gigantor

    Gigantor Well-Known Member

    6.30 with a bottle. They are usually out by 7.
  33. tundrababy

    tundrababy Well-Known Member

    Bedtime at 6:30pm although lately they have been going to bed around 6pm (due to waking up at 5:30 and since putting them to bed later makes them wake up earlier )and playing in their cribs until 6:45. Awake at 6am... works with our preschool schedule for now
  34. Double Vision

    Double Vision Well-Known Member

    WOW, we put our 6 month old girls to bed around 10:30 p.m. and they are up at 9:30a.m. They take 2 naps a day but each at different times, and for different amounts. We have a VERY flexible schedule if one at all. We know they eat every 3-4 hours and they get solids 2 times a day. Other than that, we pretty much just let them tell us what they need, when they need it. If they get tired we let them sleep, if hungry then we feed them.

    It works for us
  35. ptyflack1

    ptyflack1 Well-Known Member

    You might want to cut the 3rd and 4th nap. I noticed around the 7th month that my boys didn't do well with the 3rd nap. I cut it out and the 2 naps became longer and more predictable. The 5:30 wake up are rare now...but still 6:00-7:00 range.
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