Did you use the following

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by CuriousGeorge, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. CuriousGeorge

    CuriousGeorge Active Member

    I registered for the following but don't know if I will actually use it or I should just take it off.

    Baby boppy
    14 blankets, the thinner ones
    lots of burp cloths or should I cut it down
    swaddle me blankets
    ummm... Those are the ones I am confused about
  2. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    Baby boppy: Yes we used this alot! Great for helping me hold them when they were babies (my arms got tired after a bit ;) ) and it was used later on for tummy time. :good:

    bumpo: Not sure what a bumpo is? Do you have a picture? If you mean the bumbo seat, get only one because they may not like sitting in it and they are pricey. :good:

    14 blankets, the thinner ones: Like receiving blankets? Yes, I used them alot. :good:

    lots of burp cloths or should I cut it down: LOTS!!!! Unless you want to do laundry often. :lol:

    swaddle me blankets: Used only for my dd. Get only two to start just in case they don't enjoy being swaddled.
  3. Fossie

    Fossie Well-Known Member

    It definitely doesn't hurt to register for more than you need!!! I ended up getting a lot of things off of my registry that I probably wouldn't have ended up buying and they were great to have.

    Baby boppy - The boppy was a lifesaver for us. We ended up getting two to keep upstairs and two to keep downstairs (actually those boppy newborn lounger things were two of ours). They were great for feeding, great to have somewhere to put them before they had great head control, etc.

    bumpo - We didn't get a tremendous amount of us out of the bumbos because by the time they liked them they were strong enough to get out of them! I fed them in those when we first started solids and they lasted in those for a couple of months. We then moved to the Fisher Price booster seat thing and it has been fabulous! Have only used my highchairs once and will never use them at this point since those booster/high chairs work so well.

    14 blankets, the thinner ones - I honestly, didn't use that many blankets but my babies were born when it was warm and we had activity mats for tummy time and swaddle me blankets for bedtime so there wasn't much occasion to use them. I did have blankets rolled to keep their heads up in the swing, bouncers, and carseats.

    lots of burp cloths or should I cut it down - I don't think you can ever have too many burp cloths! We eventually (and still do to clean up after they try to learn to feed themselves) began to just use washcloths, but it seemed that I could have a full load of burp cloth laundry each day (if I had actually washed clothes every day :)). I have heard that cloth diapers work well, but we literally bought a mega pack of washcloths at Sam's because the pretty burp cloths we had just didn't deserve the abuse of my little spitters!

    swaddle me blankets - THE absolute best thing we got. This is different for everyone, but once we started using these at about two months their sleep got so much better, they couldn't break out, and they were just so easy to get squirmy little ones into. We stopped swaddling at four months, so they kind of have a short lifespan, but they are a great registry gift because they aren't too expensive and they are useful to have around if you decide to go that route.

    Good luck!
  4. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Baby boppy
    I had both the regular boppy's and the Boppy Newborn Loungers. I don't think I could have done without the newborn loungers, they were my life savers in those early months! I didn't hardly use the regular boppy's at all.

    We had 2 but really didn't use them that much. If you can, I would get them off craigslist or something because IMO they are not worth the $30/each.

    14 blankets, the thinner ones
    I had a TON of blankets, and didn't use hardly any of them at all. Looks like your babies are going to be born more towards the summer months where it is warmer.

    lots of burp cloths or should I cut it down
    I don't think you can have too many burp cloths.

    swaddle me blankets
    The Swaddle me blankets don't even come close to being as good as the Miracle Blankets. My girls could easily break out of the swaddle me blankets from early on, and were all but worthless. I definitely preferred the miracle blankets.

    Hope that helps! :good:
  5. bkpjlp

    bkpjlp Well-Known Member

    Never used a bumbo or the swaddle me blankets. I used cloth diapers as burp rags as they covered more of my shoulder and most of my back. I never used the boppy for my singleton, but used it for my twins. I personally only felt the need for 1 boppy and not two. And I have WAY too many blankets. The thin blankets were nice for the first few months, but after that I never used them again.
  6. kcprochazka

    kcprochazka Well-Known Member

    Baby boppy - Yes, for nursing and for the kids to lounge on when they weren't eating. I had an E-Z 2nurse pillow too, but never used it - we always used the boppy. If you don't plan on nursing they are still great for propping up the babies so you can give them each a bottle at the same time.
    bumpo - I'm assuming you mean a Bumbo seat? Our girls loved them and shared the 1 that we had. We never felt like we needed a 2nd. These are great to get secondhand since they are foam and easy to clean up
    14 blankets, the thinner ones - Yes, but not necessarily for use as blankets. During the summer months we used our blankets a ton for travel (to put over the car seats while out and about so people didn't peek in at the babies) and to put down to sit on while outside.
    lots of burp cloths or should I cut it down - Get as many as you can - you will use them all. An easy way to get fabulous burp cloths is to buy cloth diapers (not birdseye - real cloth prefolds) and embellish them yourself with ribbons. They look great and are very functional!
    swaddle me blankets - We never used the specialty swaddle blankets, but did swaddle the kids from day 1. We loved the Gymboree blankets, Barefoot Dreams blankets (the kids still use and love theirs as loveys) and this time have stocked up on Aiden and Anais. The A&A blankets are awesome for swaddling and very thin and lightweight so perfect for summer babies.
  7. mommylaura

    mommylaura Well-Known Member

    Definitely yes to all except the Boppy - probably will need the twin nursing pillow. Don't stock up on too many of one item until you find out what your babies love (e.g. we had tons of those halo sleep sacks, and it turned out my baby needed the swaddle-me, so we have all these barely used sacks).
  8. Haydie

    Haydie Well-Known Member

    I Breastfed, so I LOVED my boppy. To this day still love it!

    Bumbo - Hmmm my kids really liked the bumbo chair. I found it perfect for us. We also used it for feeding in the start. We got a lot of use out of it. We are planning on getting a 2nd one since we are having twins. This item really is a 50/50 thing with parents. Try Ebay for a lower price?

    Swaddle me blankets - I swaddled with normal blankets on the 1st baby. 2nd baby we used them a handful of times.

    I don't think you need 14 blankets either. You could use less than that. :)

    Burp clothes I bought a large pack of Cloth diapers. They are perfect for burp cloths. I think this is a must as babies love to spit up. I never left home without one. :)
  9. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    Boppy - mine's practically worn out. I used it w/ singleton and with twins, too, and not just for nursing/feeding...they help when the peeps are learning to sit, too

    Bumbo - for me, nah. And you've read the other "meh" comments, which is what I've read/heard about them myself. Maybe they'll get used, maybe not, but DARNED expensive!! We also used the Fisher Price (healthy something-or-other) boosters for high chairs for all 3 kids and LOVE them. Cheap on cash ($25), cheap on square footage you have to sacrifice to use them. I'd NEVER get a "real" high chair now that I've used these!

    Receiving blankets - probably not 14. I do leave one in the car and one in the diaper bag, as they come in handy for emergency diaper changing pads, rain/sun/wind shields, you name it. But not 14. Maybe 8?

    Burp cloths - definitely! I like cloth diapers (although I use cloth dipes, so...) But they are great burp cloths and they make killer household rags later!

    Swaddlers - a lifesaver for us, but again, maybe not for your babies. Get two to start, or at least keep the extra in packages w/ receipts if you get more, just in case.

    Hope this helps!
  10. brieh

    brieh Well-Known Member

    You cannot have enought burp cloths. My mom cut up receiving blankets and sewed up the edges to make larger ones. We have a spitter upper and those tiny peanut sized ones for over the shoulder were no good.

    Large receiving blankets work great for swaddling if you don't want to by an actual swaddler type with the velcro do ups which are more expensive. The nurses in the NICU just used blankets and did them tight..I swear they take a special course in how to swaddle :)

    The bumbo is great for sitting them in. I use it up on the couch, when I am feeding one, the other can sit in it beside me.

    Also if you are planning on bottle feeding bibs, bibs and more bibs!
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