Rough weekend

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by lawilliams77, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Well, I'm posting this as a follow up. I had posted a thread previously about Luke not wanting to be put down at night. He had a upper respiratory infection. Well, things turned bad yesterday evening. He was no longer holding down anything and he was wheezing and coughing so badly. I took him to the ER last night and it turns out that he has bronchiolitis. It looks and acts just like RSV but he was negative for this. My ped told us that it is probably an over reaction to the common cold or coronavirus. So anyways, I guess if you wait long enough, the problem will finally rear its ugly head. So he's on nebulizer treatments now and some oral steroid. Anyways, this stinks, I hope this isn't the beginnings of asthma or reactive airway for Luke.
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Sorry about the bad weekend, Leslie. :hug: I hope he's better soon.
  3. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Oh my! I hope he gets better quickly! Are you all home from the hospital now?
  4. rajeshris

    rajeshris Well-Known Member

    I'm so sorry to hear that. I probably could have written this exact same post (which I think I did) about a month ago. My DS also was put into the hosptial w/ bronchiolitis but negative RSV. Was he admitted? Mine was in for 3 nights. Nebulizer treatments aren't so fun, but they do work. Just forewarning, we were worried about asthma also. Our pedi doesn't think he will get that since there is none in our family but did warn us that the wheezing may continue this winter. Sure enough, after this last cold they got, he did get wheezing again and so we started nebulizer treatments again with albuterol. Our pulmonologists (jsut for RSV shots) also told us to start pulmicort (sp?) b/c the wheezing just wasn't going away this time. So we have to do that every day now, even when the wheezing is gone. They just told us that lots of preemies sometimes have to do this for the entire first winter season but usually goes away after the first or second winter. That's what we are hoping. If yours isn't a preemie hopefully this is first and last time for you.

    Hope your baby is better soon!!!!
  5. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone,

    We actually got home from the hospital this afternoon, so just one night. He responded really well to the nebs and Dr. Stedelin thinks he will do well at home. We took two days off of work last week so my mother is volunteering for tomorrow. She is so awesome. He was not too premie. He was born at 36 weeks and did not need NICU time. I really do hope this is going to be a one time event. I feel so bad for kids who have to deal with this for a long time. I've never dealt with this with any of my other kids and is ID twin is fine. I'm glad for that.
  6. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    Poor little guy...poor stressful. I'm glad to hear he's responding well!
  7. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    :hug: I hope he's 100% soon!!!
  8. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Oh poor baby, I hope he feels better soon.
  9. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Lila had bronchiolitis when she was little (a couple of my older kids had it too at one time or another). It is a very scary illness, I remember just sitting & watching her sleep the first couple of nights because it seemed like she was breathing so badly. We caught it fairly early & she was treated with some really strong antibiotics but didn't end up needing a nebulizer at home. She has never had any respiratory infections or complications beyond a simple cold since then so, fingers crossed, your little guy will be the same way!
  10. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    My best friend has a 41 week old son who is 4 weeks older than my boys who was JUST hospitalized with this 3 weeks ago. He was given the neb for the rest of the winter AT LEAST. My friend was told that he will wheeze (most likely) after every cold and to keep using the neb around the clock til cold/flu season is over and see what's going on.

    Just wanted to let you know, you're not alone and it isn't always a preemie issue.

    He had SERIOUS trouble getting a correct diagnosis tho. It took about 4 or 5 months. It was thought to be Pneumonia, then h1n1, then pneumonia again, then bronchitis.. just a mess. Finally, figured it out! Poor guy.

    Good luck :) I know it can be VERY scary.
  11. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    We had Bronchiolitis when they were 11 months old. The boys both ended up on a nebulizer and the Ped was questioning the issue with their lungs if it was due to their prematurity. Well whatever it was , they outgrew it. It is very rare that we need to use a nebulizer on a cough and honestly I only use it since I have it and the meds.
  12. mommyto3boys

    mommyto3boys Well-Known Member

    I hope he is feeling better soon. DS1 had bronchiolitis for the first time at 6 mths and then again at 10 mths. He tended to wheeze with every cold for the first 2.5 yrs. As soon as a cold started, we started using the nebulizer even if it was just a runny nose. Now at almost 3, he seems to have outgrown the wheezing for the most part. We found that the most important thing was to start the nebulizer early enough that the cold didn't turn into something worse. Good luck!
  13. lawilliams77

    lawilliams77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for being so supportive. The first night was the scariest for me because I knew he needed the neb treatment and I didn't have a neb machine since all my other kids never had this problem. That is probably the main reason we went to the ER.. and to make sure it wasn't pneumonia. I feel so much better and comfortable now that we have the neb machine and apparently it is ours to keep so if we do have issues in the future, I won't feel so helpless at 10pm.
    Anyways, he's doing great. We're still holding off on solids since the appetite isn't back yet, but otherwise much better.
    AND he slept good last night. He was up once and he slept in his vibrating chair (which doesn't vibrate, they just sleep in these since they won't sleep in the crib) as normal instead of on one of us. YAY!
  14. krisdeb04

    krisdeb04 Well-Known Member

    Sorry to hear about your weekend. Hope he is doing better now. I had bronchitus when I was 9.5 months and I haven't had asthma or anything of that nature.
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