
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Kateryna, Jan 13, 2010.


Watching TV at 6 month?

  1. NO WAY!!!

    4 vote(s)
  2. I thinks it's ok, but set a limit

    11 vote(s)
  3. Whatever works

    6 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    Hi girls,

    Do you let your babies watch cartoons? If so when did you start and how much do you allow?

    I started to let mine watch Dora the Explorer which they love for MAX 30 min a day which is usually reserved for 15 min a "rescue" effort in case needed during the day and about 15 min before bed while I prepare formula and they don't want to wait and a super duper cranky. Am I terrible to let them at 6 months...
  2. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    I say whatever works!!! Mine are in front of baby einstein right now so we can breathe. When I'm done nursing one I usually sit the other in their rocker in front of the tv that's already on cartoons for my 19 month old so they hopefully don't fuss while i'm feeding their brother/sister. (I hate not being able to get to them to calm them.) As parents we know limits and as long as you stick to what you feel is ok I say go for it.
  3. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I don't think you are horrible. Honestly, sometimes you just need a bit of a break, especially in the first year! I certainly wouldn't make it an all the time event, but I think it's fine sometimes.
  4. eliseypoo7147

    eliseypoo7147 Well-Known Member

    I put my girls infront of the tv with their blue's clue's dvds sometimes when I am doing laundry or dishes & they are really fussy, or the inbetween time when I am getting formula ready. Like PPs said, we all know they can't wait TV all the time, but I think a little bit isn't bad.
  5. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    You know, I was the biggest anti-TV mom out there w/ DS#1. And then *they* were born. All bets are off. If needed, I will use the tv to amuse the non-nursing baby to keep the peace, and I allow myself to use PBS as my sitter just to get something accomplished from time to time, too. DS is almost 4 and, of course, thinks that's a GREAT idea! But I'm ok with it, too, honestly. Not a LOT, but occasionally, and I do try to find educational TV.

    Funny how many of my "rules" have been broken since I've become a twin mommy. :pardon:

  6. danabd

    danabd Well-Known Member

    No youre fine. I felt bad too but I also limit it-we need our sanity and they learn from it. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about it. In the end they're happier waiting that way and we only have two arms! Your then less frazzled too and able to give back more. Just limit it like you do and try to teach concepts or things they see in cartoon by reiterating what they see.
  7. dowlinal

    dowlinal Well-Known Member

    Before I had my first, I swore that "my" kids wouldn't watch TV. Well signing times DVDs were the only thing that kept my sanity at times with her. With the twins, during the move we found that Alex adores Baby Einstein stuff. If both boys need to be fed at the same time and I am alone with them, I pop in the DVD for him and it keeps him happy long enough for me to feed Nick. I also have older kids so the morning cartoons are just a fact of life her. My three year old watches the Disney Channel in the mornings before breakfast and since the boys are in the room with her they kindof watch as well.

    This reminds me that I want to try and watch the signing times DVDs with the boys. My oldest daughter was great at sign language and it really helped understand her before she was verbal.
  8. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I say whatever works. You are not a terrible mother.
  9. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I agree with Aimee. Sometimes 30 minutes of cartoons allowed me to get some things done and a little break. It was worth my sanity!
  10. Kateryna

    Kateryna Well-Known Member

    Thanks girls :FIFblush:

    You know it is so true. Before I had kids, I had this idea of how I will be as a mother and my number one priority was to never let my children watch TV until they are at least 2 y.o. and yeah, that went out of the window. I guess that`s why I feel so terrible about doing it.

    It`s crazy how many of your views get evaluated. I still try to make emphasis on books and interactive play but TV does sound so so tempting at times when you are ready to loose your marbles :p

    Ahhhh.. Motherhood... :rolleyes:
  11. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    I'm one of those people who didn't let my kids watch cartoons until they were over a year. However, that didn't mean the TV wasn't on for my sanity. They just didn't watch it. A lot of my concern was that I didn't want them to become obsessed with all the commercialized shows. I didn't want them demanding only Cars fruit chews/underwear/bedding/cereal/etc. We've stuck to PBS and it's a treat when they get to watch Disney or Nick Jr. Just my opinion and I don't think less of anyone who does differently.
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