Dry Skin?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by brandycaviness, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    This weather is making Mattie's skin soooo dry. She has red scaly spots on her legs, torso, and arms. When she gets out of the bath or has been running around it gets worse. I am assuming it is dry skin, but I am not so sure. She says it doesn't itch or hurt. I gave her Benadryl last night, but it didn't seem to help. :pardon: I tried Eucerin cream, but it didn't seem to help. I guess because it is so thick and hard to apply. Is there something else that would be better?
  2. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    My girls get the same thing, and I have found that Aquaphor works pretty good. I usually apply it 3 times a day. I can't stand how thick the Eucerin is, so I guess I never used it long enough to see if it actually works. :pardon:

    ETA: Our Pedi said it was Excema as well.
  3. frickandfrack

    frickandfrack Well-Known Member

    Sounds like excema although typically that itches. Is it on the bends of arms and legs? We use Eucerin 3-4x/day. Vaseline is also worth a try. If it is not bothering her, I would leave it.
  4. MLH

    MLH Well-Known Member

    Sounds like eczema. We've had good luck with Gentle Naturals eczema cream, but it is really thick and really greasy. Lately, we've been using Gold Bond Ultimate healing lotion. It's still really thick, but that's they kind of lotion you need with those pink/red blotches of dry or scaly skin. It's not super greasy and has worked wonders this winter. If it's really flared up and doesn't resolve with just the lotion in a few days you can try a bit of over the counter hydrocortizone cream just on the spots and then slather the lotion on. Lotion 2-3 x's a day. Also, we've been running humidifiers in their room to help get some moisture in the air. HTH.
  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I ditto eczema. :( I use Aveeno baby unscented after the girls' baths and it seems to keep their dry skin at bay.

    I would definitely use the Aquaphor that Kyrstyn suggested until the patches fade a bit.
  6. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Thanks Ladies! I will get some of the Aquaphor. I did pick up the aveeno healing lotion. I used it last night after her bath and it doesn't really look any different this morning. Would oatmeal bath work?

    She still says it doesn't itch. :pardon: This is the first year we have had to deal with this, so I was completely lost.

  7. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    It has never seemed to itch or bother my DD either. And despite putting the Aquaphor on 3x's a day, it is still there, just not nearly as bad.

    I never thought of an oatmeal bath! I certainly don't think it could hurt anything, and might be worth giving it a try. Let us know if it works!
  8. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    It does sound like excema. I second the recommendations of Aquaphor. If that doesn't work, try Triple Cream. If that doesn't work, get an over the counter steroid (hydrocortisone) cream and put that on the scaly spots. We actually have a stronger prescription cream for Anna, so you could talk to your pedi if the lighter options don't work.

    (I'm sneaking into the 2-4 forum even though we are still a couple weeks away from 2. Shhhhh.)

    ETA: Oatmeal will help with any itching, but not with the underlying issue. If she says it doesn't itch, I wouldn't expect Aveeno or an oatmeal bath to help.
  9. brandycaviness

    brandycaviness Well-Known Member

    Is that the name? I assume it is OTC? Thanks!!

    Makes sense. I have used it in the past for poison, so I guess you are right. :good:
  10. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I agree it sounds like eczema. Jacob has it pretty bad right now, too. All of the previous suggestions are right on! :good:
  11. Aprilisdisney

    Aprilisdisney Well-Known Member

    Alexis has dry skin during the winter months as well. Our pedi advised us to try different OTC medicines first, but said that nothing worked (or if we wanted) he would refer us to a dermatologist. He said to get something that doesn't contain any alcohol, which we found was alot harder than we thought. We've used both Aquaphor and currently have been using Nivea lotion. We try to apply it three times a day. It's not as bad, but doesn't completely go away.

    Of course Peyton got the silky smooth skin ~

    April :)
  12. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    It's OTC. They sell it with all the other baby lotions and things. I wish I could remember the brand name, but it comes in a tube that says Triple Cream on it really big.
  13. snoopytwins

    snoopytwins Well-Known Member

    Jonas has/had issues with eczema...we do aquaphor for "outbreaks" and use Aveeno for daily use. One thing that really helped was not taking long hot/warm baths as that can tend to dry the skin out too. I mean, they take a warm bath, just not too warm and not for too long. Just something I thought I'd throw out there.
  14. allboys

    allboys Well-Known Member

    Definitely sounds like mild eczema. All my boys have it. My pedi recommended using OTC hydrocortisone cream on the red spots and then slathering with a good unscented lotion (we use Aveeno) right after baths. We have prescription creams for when it gets real bad and they start itching it. I wouldn't bother with benadryl or oatmeal baths since both are to treat itching.
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