Everythings coming together!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by rhc0607, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    The boys are napping great and the new schedule is going great!

    Here is my schedule:
    7a wakeup
    7:30a bottle
    8-9:45a playtime and first solid(oatmeal with fruit)
    9:45-11:30a nap
    11:30a bottle
    12-1:45p playtime
    1:45-3:30p nap
    3:30p bottle
    4-7p playtime, little nap, and last solid(veggie)
    7p bath
    7:30p bottle and bed

    Since changing from 3 to 2 naps a day, they sleep longer and I can actually get stuff done! Plus my boys will be 6 months tomorrow!!
  2. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Congrats! I loved, loved, loved when mine finally started getting a regular schedule. Go babies!
  3. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    :banana: Yay for you!!! I must add that I am verrry jealous. I swear, I still can't get mine to do the same thing more than 3 days in a row. A routine...ANY routine...would be sooooo nice.

    Hopefully before they start kindergarten..... :rolleyes: sigh.

  4. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    YAY!!! I can't wait to start getting a routine too! And yay for longer naps to get stuff done or just breathe a little! ;)
  5. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    Now I am just waiting for the teething to come in and screw everything up! :aggressive:
  6. Momof2wonders

    Momof2wonders Well-Known Member

    Well done Holly!!!

    That's a brilliant routine, it is amazing all right when everyhting comes together nicely!!!
    Don't worry too much about the teething though, A & C are suffering a bit but DS1 and DS2 never ever flinched and would wake up with a new tooth every once in a while[​IMG] , so they might just breeze through it!!!
  7. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    congrats!! i am jealous!!!!!
  8. JenKik

    JenKik Well-Known Member

    Great schedule Holly! As a matter of fact ours is VERY similar to yours, only difference is that we have 3 solids instead of 2. It works well for us too! Yay!!

    Your boys are getting big!! And they are so darn cute!!
  9. acjb2004

    acjb2004 Well-Known Member

    Great schedule, and I have to admit I am a little jealous, I can't wait for them to nap longer than 30 mins at a time, I hate when things are unpredictable and all over the place :headbang:

    BTW are they napping in the crib I remember when you transitioned from swing to crib how did that go for you? I am planning on doing that next month, oh joy?
  10. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    Great schedule! I didn't even know you had started solids yet! Sounds like your boys are doing great! Mine thrived on the same routine too. We just now dropped the third nap and bedtime is earlier. Way to go Momma!!
  11. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    They are napping in their cribs! It started out with just 20-30 minutes and if they weren't crying I let them stay in the crib so they knew how long naptime was and then I would go get them when it was time to eat. Naps slowly got longer and now I just put them in there and within 5-10 minutes they are asleep!
  12. tinalb

    tinalb Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Congratulations! You survived the first 6 months & it sounds like they are doing great! :woo:
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