Bathtub splashing...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by maybell, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    So... we've had a great run in the bathtub, not really having to get their behavior under control or making them sit down in the bathtub because it hasn't created any problems. but lately some nights the twins really just enjoy splashing a lot! and my dh says that they are "just having fun"...

    for some reason I don't like sliding shower doors... and he wants them.

    My thoughts on the sliding doors is that they are one more thing to clean, they will permanently block at least 50% of the 5 foot opening on the tub.

    I (personally) think that we could 'just' get their behavior "under control" a bit more and not have to deal feeling the need for shower doors...

    anyway, tia for any insight you can give into either the shower door situation (pro or con), and/or the whole splashing thing!
  2. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    just to clarify, your DH wants to get shower doors to keep the water from the splashing from getting out of the tub?

    i'm with you - shower doors drive me bonkers. they're a PITA to clean & i would hate not being able to reach every corner of the tub without having to slide the doors over first.

    as for splashing, i don't worry too much about it. i usually lay a towel over the edge of the tub to help keep some water in. any big spills on the floor i'll wipe up after with the same towel. then i just hang it to dry. i wash it a couple of times a month or so. as for myself, i just assume i'll be getting wet & don't worry too much about it. if i can't get wet for some reason (going out for the evening or whatever), DH will do bath time that night or we'll just skip it altogether. HTH.
  3. dtomecko

    dtomecko Well-Known Member

    This might sound like a dumb suggestion, but could you close the shower curtain to cover the same amount of opening that a shower door would? As long as the liner is inside the tub, I would think it would be just as effective? At least as a trial run, maybe he could see how annoying it would be to bathe them with half the space blocked off?

    I get annoyed with too much splashing too, and I will tell them to stop if it's making too much of a mess. If they don't listen, I start draining the water so they have less to play with.
  4. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    yes, the door will be to contain the splashing... we didn't have a curtain liner on there for a long time (I think I used it for something else...) and we did get one, but I think they kids just kept wanting to play with it. my thoughts are that the novelty of the curtain might wear off...

    I like the idea of the towel over the edge of the tub... might also help for any bumps. we do have a towel on the floor, instead of a bath mat, b/c its easier to wash and dry, but maybe the towel on the tub is good...

    and yes, I like the idea of testing out the shower doors with the curtain, making sure he doesn't just move that half of the curtain b/c he couldn't if it were a door...

    we try the ending the bath sometimes... sometimes it works, the next night they will be calm. but I think my dh thinks its "breaking" their spirit... b/c they have so much fun splashing... so maybe we just need to take the attitude of we'll all get wet?!

    thanks for the ideas!
  5. vharrison1969

    vharrison1969 Well-Known Member

    I just give it up and try to accept the fact that I'm going to get soaked. ;) They love splashing so much, and I figure if it's amusing enough to keep them from standing up or trying to drown each other, I'm all for it!
  6. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    Splashing is just a phase, and they'll grow out of it in a month or two (or six). Installing sliding doors is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Besides, since sliding doors block half the tub, you either have to keep your kids on the one half you can reach or risk having them fall over into the water behind the door where you can't get to them easily.

    We dealt with splashing by covering the floor with a towel and me with another so that I wouldn't get totally soaked. Then I'd usually use the other side of those two towels to dry the girls off, so we weren't even using extra towels.
  7. ChaoticMum

    ChaoticMum Well-Known Member

    ugh! I hated sliding doors on our bathtub - a PITA to clean both the kids and the tub.

    We removed them and put in two curtain rods - one with my patterned one for 'prettyness' and one with a clear shower curtain. I can pull the shower curtain and still see the kids thru it - so while I'm sitting on the toilet watching I'm also DRY! :) :) and yes, the novelty of it wears off.

    We have 2 rules
    1)Splash all you want with the curtain closed. If you play with the curtain it gets opened.
    2)If you've played with the curtain and it gets opened and you continue to splash, you're OUT! You had your chance to splash with it closed.
  8. nateandbrig

    nateandbrig Well-Known Member

    I have to agree that they will grow out of it... Mine hardly splash anymore YaY LOL... My IL's have a tub with a half door and they spent more time banging it with their hands then they did with bathing and playing with toys. I thought for sure they were going to break it or slip trying to hit it and make noise :headbang: We have a shower curtain and they do play peek a boo with it but that's it.
    At this age I'm not sure there is a win-win situation :) Good luck!
  9. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    Thanks SO much for all the different insights!!

    I totally don't want the doors, and I think I have more reasons to not get them - yay! I also like the various solutions of towels to cover us, the floor etc.

    And best of all, that splashing is a phase! thanks again ladies!

    (of course chime in with more info if you have that too!)
  10. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    Ours splash too ... We actually used to have the doors and we removed them and replaced the doors with a shower curtain right before the babies were born. I am so glad we did, because I think it would be more difficult to bathe them with the doors on. Also, it's just my personal opinion, but I think the doors are ugly. My shower curtain is much prettier!
  11. marcymiller

    marcymiller Well-Known Member

    I had DH REMOVE our shower door as soon as the girls transitioned into the "big tub" because it was a huge PITA to bathe them w/only access to half of the tub and the railing HURT my forearms like crazy!!!! Plus, like everyone else said... it's just more to clean and not too attractive:)
  12. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    This right here is the reason to not get the doors. I can't drape myself over the tub to get whoever is in back without destroying my arms. I have a permanent bruise line. And you know that they're gonna get back in that corner and look at you like, "I'm not coming up there, you have to come back here and get me."
  13. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have done the same as others on this thread, put a towel down on the floor and over me to guard against splashing. I'm not a fan of shower doors. Mine went through the phase and then it loses it's allure and they are back to their regularly scheduled programming.
  14. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    thanks again everyone!!! I knew I didn't want the doors... and had totally forgotten about the track! what a hassle. I also don't like the look of them, and am glad to have more reasons to not get them!

    throughout the week I've mentioned items that you all said, and that splashing was a "phase"... its great, because some nights they are really good in the bath, and it gives me hope! anyway, I am happy for all the suggestions and reasons you all gave! thanks!
  15. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    Mine are huge splashers and I tell them to keep the water in the tub. If they get TOO energetic with it, I take the toys away and tub times over. I'm content to let them splash and play providing they are not dumping cups of water on the bathroom floor.
  16. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I just keep hoping this is a phase... I was getting exasperated by it tonight... and just cut bathtime short. ours love that whole dumping water out of the tub...

    thanks for all the suggestions!
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