Whining and Crying

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by gina_leigh, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. gina_leigh

    gina_leigh Well-Known Member

    The kids are driving me nuts. I know a lot of it is their age, but this as got to stop. They whine from the moment they wake up until they go to sleep. Either it's not getting what they want or wanting to be held constantly or bickering with each other.

    What do yall do for this? I am at my wit's end with all the crying. I never thought I would say this, but I am seriously missing those tiny baby days. Nothing I do makes them happy. Just now they were both screaming for juice, which is rare in our house. I gave them watered down juice in their cups. They threw the cups down and continued to scream.
    I just give up.

  2. JessiePlus2

    JessiePlus2 Well-Known Member

    Oh boy, we are right there too. What I'm doing right now is to tell them that mommy doesn't understand whining and that they have to use their big girl/boy words to ask mommy for what they want. (When mine whine, they don't use words at all. It's just ehhhh ehhh eeehhhh!) They actually stop whining and ask for what they want the majority of the time, even my son who is very speech delayed. If he can't tell me what he wants, then I ask him to show me or take me to it.

    I'm also trying really really hard not to respond to what they want when they are whining. If it doesn't work to get them what they want, the'll stop it eventually. (Or at least, so I've been told!) I've also been thinking about counting them (via 123 Magic) and giving them timeout for repeated whining for stuff they know they can't have. Like when they whine, I prompt them to use words, they ask for candy, I say no, and then the whining gets worse. :headbang:
  3. MusicalAli

    MusicalAli Well-Known Member

    My boys are 4.5 and STILL behave this way. It's a nightmare. I wish I knew what to tell you. I just tell them if they are going to whine, they are going to do it in their room. If it continues at that point, I actually DO put them in their room until they are silent. I also don't respond unless they are talking in a "big boy" voice. Of course, my boys are 4 so this latter part is probably more appropriate for them. I know that when Becca (almost 2) is throwing a fit and whining, I move her to another room to calm down before addressing her. Her language skills are not that advanced so I don't expect her to behave as well as I expect her brothers to behave.
  4. LeeandJenn15

    LeeandJenn15 Well-Known Member

    I do this, too, and have for awhile. If DS whines or cries about something insignificant, I tell him I don't understand, and he needs to go to his room if he wants to cry. He goes, then comes back 5 seconds later saying "All gone, mommy".

    Of course, I know I'm probably lucky, and just telling them to "go to your room" probably won't work for everyone.
  5. ldrane

    ldrane Well-Known Member

    Oh, yes...Welcome to the 2's! :ibiggrin:

    I do the same. I try not to respond and give them what they want when they are whining. If it results in a tantrum, then I start counting them (123 Magic).
  6. twoboys3

    twoboys3 Well-Known Member

    When there is a bunch of whining and I cant even think ,they go to there rooms until they act like big boys. Its usually Alex who is about the whining.. He goes to his room and crys for a bit then comes down with a smurk on his face like Ok iam done whining..Works like a charm for him!
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