so the peas went horribly wrong

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by haleystar, Jan 11, 2010.

  1. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    As to the bolded, I think the points have been that it's slow and frustrating BECAUSE you are starting them before they are ready. Overwhelmingly, the women here have said that you should hold off, give them a break, etc. I suggested fruits only after it became clear that you didn't intend to listen to anyone's comments.

    Everyone wants the new mommies to post questions, and people give a lot of their time trying to answer them because we have BTDT. We know how hard it is. But when you don't listen to anything we say, it gets really frustrating really fast. So, I'm not telling you to not post your questions here, but perhaps you should consider asking questions of people whose answers you have some respect for, because, quite frankly, you are just wasting people's time.
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  2. OneBoyOneGirl

    OneBoyOneGirl Well-Known Member

    I just dont understand, so did you totally skip plain cereal and go straight to baby food?
  3. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My pediatrician suggested the same thing...I did one food a week. We cycled through all of the veggies before we even began with fruit. But right now it is just practice. Once we got through the cereals in the morning (rice/grain), the first veggie was carrots...I think peas were one of the last they tried.
    I am sorry if you felt like you received unhelpful advice on here but every one is just sharing their experience and trying to help you out. We all understand that it is tough being a new Mommy and trying to navigate all new milestones. Our pedi told us to start at 4 months. I thought it was too soon and figured we will try and if they don't seem ready or willing, we'll hold off.
  4. Tracy5780

    Tracy5780 Well-Known Member

    what is BTDT??????
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Been there done that. :)
  6. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member


    Kristine, I really wish I could copy all of your previous
    argumentative, confrontational, contradictory pleas for help into this thread so you might actually get it (or would you?). EVERY time you ask a question, you get some EXCELLENT advice. And you promptly turn around and give US the "real" answer. So, ummm, why do you bother asking anyone else if you already know the answers???

    I have so much I would love to add to this but guess what? I, like everyone else here, have to take time from other things (including MY babies) to try to help you. Now don't get me wrong, I love TS and the women here have helped me tremendously, even though I don't post that often. For that, I am eternally grateful and always more than delighted to try to help others because it IS hard to raise twins, and no one "gets" it like other twin mommas. It does take a village sometimes. really don't want help. Otherwise you wouldn't ask a question, argue with everyone, and then go and do your own thing anyway. Don't believe me? Please reread your old posts. You get SAME level of frustration from responders almost all of the time, so what does that tell you? Where is the common thread???

    Well, I've already devoted more time to this than I should have. If you will excuse me, I have 3 little people to raise. One is almost 4 and I long to have him as a baby again...he's growing up far too fast. The other two? Well, they're 8mos and they're NOT yet sitting unassisted, walking, or reading friggin War and Peace, but they are perfect little babies...progressing exactly as they should and I cherish EVERY moment. These are my last children, so every milestone - although cheered on wholeheartedly - is still one step closer to them growing up...and moving on. In fact, I've closed the "What to Expect.." book for good. They are healthy and happy and fun and smart. That's all I need to know. I seem to recall that these are YOUR last children, too. Please consider that long and hard and try to focus on what really matters with your them your love. Not other people, not your ego, not comparing them to other babies, not what material possessions you have or don't have, etc., etc.

    7 people like this.
  7. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    that's what i want to start doing, practice so they'll be ready at 7 months and then at 8-9 months for meats. GI said veggies first and then in a month add fruits so fruits in the am, veggies in the pm. so that's what i went with. peas it was. no one said peas were bad for beginners so how did i know. the boys ate VERY well off the spoon and chewed the peas right up it was just apparently hard for them to digest so they threw up. GI said to wait 3-5 days before introducing new veggies so i stopped giving them peas on friday to give their bellies a break. i have been told (by a lot of ladies in the FY) that squash is an excellent first choice and easy on the belly so that's what i'm going to try next.

    i've been feeling like they were ready to at the very least experiment with solids since they were 4 months because that's when they started showing signs but every ped around here says 6 months despite 90% of mom's i know (preemies included) started at 4 months.

    yes i skipped rice cereal on a spoon completely, GI OK'd this because they get such a thick consistecy (thicker than that of solids from a baby food jar) that it shouldn't be a problem. seriously, if the boys actually liked the peas everyhing would have gone great, they eat VERY well from a spoon and take bottles even better when they had solids.

    so i guess what is so terribly frustrating on both sides of this fence is that since every baby is different (we all agree on this) and all i asked is if squash was a better choice then peas and then get bombarded w/ppl saying i got great advice from my previous post about waiting a month and restarting when in reality that previous post was filled w/both ppl saying to wait and others saying to try things like it was 50/50. so when i come on here with a VERY simple question and get slammed because i am refusing to listen to the "majority" of BTDTers who said to wait a month, when in fact there was no majority because everyone told me something different. from waiting a month, trying fruits, wait a few days and try carrots or squash, no two answers were the same. give me a break. but THANK YOU to everyone with the advice on solids to start out with, that was VERY helpful!

    so yeah it's frustrating.

    i'm not going against the grain and ignoring people's responses because "i don't want to hear it" or because "it's not what i wanted to hear" it's more so because (and ths could be me not expressing in words properly what i m asking) is that people aren't listening so i come back and it turns into this over dramatic heated debate w/ppl getting their panties in a bunch when it doesn't need to be.

    so chill out. if my threads irritate you so much, or you feel like i don't listen to you or that i merely frustrate you simply dont read them...period. i appreciate everyone's helpful opinions and advice and take what i think will work w/my family and roll w/it.

    otherwise i will just continue to piss people off apparently to the point of ignorance. everyone chill out - as my husband says "fighting on the internet is like trying out for the special olympics"....we all have more important things to do.
  8. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    With my last singleton around 6 months old she got pretty sick with the flu, prior to that she had just started formula from breastfeeding and we had just started some cereals as 6 months is the average they are telling us to start in Canada. Well because of her being so sick she reverted back to the breast refusing formula and any solids and it took her until at least 8 months before she actually started eating. I was soooo stressed because every one else's kids I knew were eating and mine wasn't.

    So given our history I think I may start a bit earlier with the twins so that they are hopefully in the groove or at least interested in trying before 8 months. Our recommended first foods were the cereals and then mixing fruits or veggies in with the cereal and then separate. Squash and sweet potato are great first foods. I actually tried some homemade sweet potato and she loved it. Maybe try some homemade stuff too, much better for them and they may prefer it. Mine would only eat some of the foods as homemade and would refuse the same foods from a jar. At our mommy and me class we had a taste test of homemade vs jarred and with some of those its no wonder they'd prefer homemade heehee.

    Good luck!
  9. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    i won't bother saying what i want to so thank you for those ultra kind words and have a marvelous new year...oh and i joke that these are my last one is fixed yet so who know's. and i give them love everyday of my life but thanks for the judgement of me, that was super sweet of you.

    happy new year. hope it's a grrrrrrrrrreat one.
  10. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Oh my God, that is so incredibly offensive. How could you possibly think that is an appropriate thing to say?

    Honestly, I keep responding because I am concerned about your babies. You push food on them, change their diet daily, wake them up at 5:00 in the morning and from naps, and freak out that they aren't progressing well enough despite being told repeatedly that they are on track. I keep hoping that you will listen to someone's advice.
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  11. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    it's a joke sweetheart, maybe in poor taste but you have to have a sense of humor and the ability to laugh at ALL things...if it's in poor taste, oh well...that's how DH and i are...sorry it offended you.

    you are concerned about my kids? this implies that you think i am an incompetent parent (as opposed to all the other BTDTers that KNOW what they are doing)....i'm not endangering my kids, i'm not hurting them, i'm not abusing them, i'm not changing their diet daily (they've been on the same formula and rice content for weeks), and i wake them up because they need to eat...i'm sorry that i don't want underweight malnurished children. they get 4 bottles a day at 5 hour intervals, you do the math and find me a time schedule that works better, either they stay up late or get up early and go right back to sleep...either way they sleep as much as they need. i wake them up for naps for play time because unlike your kids mine dont really care that much about food so waking them up an hour or two before a meal gets them humgry and they eat better...infact the worst feeds of the day are the ones they are just waking up for.

    i freak out - like most mom's....don't single me out missy. new mom's always second guess theselves, if we didn't we'd all be experts and we arent because there is no such thing.

    DCF is not knocking on my door. my kids are VERY happy, VERY healthy and don't need someone saying how worried they are for their well being.

    but thanks for the concern. <---sarcasm
  12. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Just a reminder of our TOS:

  13. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Well, sweetheart, I don't make jokes at the expense of disabled people, nor do I find it humorous or want to develop the ability to find it humorous. It is in poor taste. It's cold and tacky and just ugly. Do you find racist jokes funny too?

    My concern was based more in whether your concern was to the point of being some sort of postpartum depression or anxiety. My concern included you because you have been posting since they were born about all kinds of anxieties, and while it IS completely normal to be an anxious new mom (and I'm sure you could find my FY threads expressing my anxiety), some of your posts/behaviors/concerns/anxieties are not your average run of the mill issues. So, I was concerned for you too in putting so much pressure on yourself AND them.

    But none of us can make you listen to us. You can't even consider what advice to take if you don't open up and listen to what people are telling you.
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  14. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    i take it you don't like comics? chris rock, robin williams, dave chapelle, etc.? no humor i see...

    oh my mental health is fine thanks for checking and if it wasn't you are not the person to make that judgement call, or even say what "run of the mill" is. or wait - are you an expert mom AND psychologist???

    and to think this all started over squash...hmmmmmmmmmm.
  15. AmberG

    AmberG Well-Known Member

    I haven't commented on the original post yet. I completely agree with the majority of posters. They do not sound ready for solids. There is no reason to give them solids. Ounce per ounce, milk has more calories and is MUCH more important for them. Babies don't really need solids until the second year ... they are just for practice. What is your rush? MANY babies are not ready at 6, 7, or even 8 months, especially preemies. IMO, you are ignoring their signals. I can't imagine waking my babies in the morning or for naps unless it was absolutely necessary. What's so big about your schedule anyway? Feed them on demand; let them sleep on demand. Basically, let them lead a little. You yourself say their weight gain is fine, so what is the obsession with making sure they are eating? I don't get it. They'll tell you what they need.

    I can't think of any other First Year forum members who generate this level of controversy with almost each question they post. Kristine, I'm not really sure what you intend to gain from being on these boards. And I'm not really sure what you have to offer to others, except to tick people off. It does make for a lively afternoon, I guess. I think you owe everyone on this board an apology for your incredibly inappropriate "joke" about the Special Olympics.
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  16. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Well, I have to say that I woke my babies from naps and I also woke my babies in the morning to stay on schedule..I did not want to do feed on demand..and everything worked out fine. However, I'm a little confused, have the babies been on cereal for a while? If I recall correctly, mine stayed on cereal for a very long time (a couple of months). I went from very watery cereal, to increasing the consistency a little with time. When they were eating cereal that was of more consistency then I started experimenting with the food. I also agree with pp's, sweet potatoes may be something you want to try instead of green if you want to try solids. However, if that, too, doesn't work, then hold off just a little bit longer. If they are gaining weight like you say, then they are fine for now and can wait just a bit longer. Good luck!
  17. newpairofschus

    newpairofschus Well-Known Member

    Wow. This must've been posted as I was typing. Keep talking are so much more eloquent at proving my point about your attitude than I am, or anyone else for that matter.

    "If it's in poor taste, oh well" ?!?! DO you even have a clue that there is an ENTIRE FORUM dedicated to parents of special needs children?!?! I wonder just how comical THEY find you. Me, notsomuch.

    Appalling. Really.
    4 people like this.
  18. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    ummmmm this is about peas and squash please. let's try to stay on topic.

    nighty night.
  19. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    This thread is now closed.
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