baby movement

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by healer27, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. healer27

    healer27 Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone, I'm carrying momo twins and am at just about 15 weeks about 2 weeks ago i started having flutters (insonsisitent) thursday of this week I had def kicks and was reallly happy since then I've had NOTHING and to be honest its freakign me out. I have an appt with my ob this thursday and really can't go sooner between my work schedule and having to take care of my dd. just wondering if anyone has started to have movement early and then not had it for a few days then it popped up again.. i'm trying to be positive but given they are momos i'm nervous..
  2. mommy2kaleigh

    mommy2kaleigh Active Member

    I'm having Mono/Di twins and have been feeling them since 12 weeks and at 15w3d I even saw movement...since then I haven't been able to see or feel a whole lot of movement and I've also been worried. My appt. is on Thursday too and I'm so anxious to hear the hbs. I'm sure everything will be fine hun! I think they just wiggle so much and are always changing posistions that we can feel them one day and not the next. hugs!!
  3. evemomma

    evemomma Well-Known Member

    I started feeling flutters at 11 weeks, though my peri didn't believe me! The worst part of feeling them so early is I sometimes would go DAYS without feeling them again. Things really didn't start to get quite consistent with the movement until about 21-22 weeks.
  4. lisagayle

    lisagayle Well-Known Member

    I experienced the same thing. I started feeling flutters around 15 weeks and then could feel this weird "stretchy" feeling sometimes that I could tell was the babies. But recently it's all faded. However at my last ultrasound last week they were both a rocking and a rolling in there! It was so crazy to me because I could have sworn they quit moving. Now I'm 19 weeks (tomorrow) and starting to get the stretchy feeling back. I think maybe I felt it early and then they were such small ticks and flutters that I got used to them and now that they are getting bigger I'm feeling it more.

    Good luck!
  5. heathlenore

    heathlenore Well-Known Member

    I started feeling taps around 11 weeks as well! I called my doctor around 14-15 weeks about movement b/c I wasn't sure if there should be a pattern to feeling them b/c some days I wouldn't feel them. I was told that it was too early to keep track and worry about movement. At about 20 weeks they say most should be able to feel movement. For me, at about 19-20 weeks the movement really started being consistent and keeps getting stronger. Take care.
  6. ladypotter

    ladypotter Well-Known Member

    Glad I am not the only one. For the last week or so, I can swear I have been feeling light taps and them shifting around a bit, but then the last 24 hours or so, they have been so still. It was freaking me out too!! I have my doppler at home, so I will surely be listening when I get home to make sure they are ok!! I also have my next OB appt on Monday which I would suspect they will listen for the HB's for the first time with THEIR doppler (although I have been listening to them at home since 9wks!). I can't wait for them to be more obvious with their kicks/movements (I know I will probably regret saying that in a few months, but oh well...). :babyflips: :babyflips:
  7. jromkey

    jromkey Well-Known Member

    I didn't really feel much movement until closer to 18 weeks. Even then it wasn't all the time so I wouldn't worry about it! Once they get bigger you will feel a heck of lot more movement and it will get more and more consistent. Having said that, DEFINITELY bring up any concerns re: movement that you have with your doctor. I was on bedrest the last two months of my pregnancy due to a shortened cervix and therefore was very aware of how often my LOs moved on a normal day. At 35 weeks, 3 days I noticed decreased fetal movement during the day and went to L&D in the evening just to have them monitored in case there was anything wrong. I didn't seriously think there was an issue but I wanted to make sure. Lo and behold, one hour after I got to L&D I was whisked away to the OR for an emergency c-section because at the end of the monitoring session my girls' heart rates disappeared from the monitor and it took almost five minutes for the nurses to find them again. The doc on call thought they could be in distress and so out they came (thank God they were healthy at 5lbs, 5oz and 4lbs, 13 oz and spent only two nights in the NICU). So trust your instincts and good luck!! :hug:
  8. mommy2kaleigh

    mommy2kaleigh Active Member

    I had my appt and found out why I'm not feeling them now! They're facing one another and they were kicking and swinging their arms at each other instead of me!
  9. healer27

    healer27 Well-Known Member

    Hi thats great news!! I went to my ob yesterday as well and she ended up doing an ultrasound because she wasn't sure if she was getting one or 2 heartbeats, one baby had his back turned to the other and the other was smacking him/her in the back.. LOL, Similar to your story.. Isn't it great to see, them? :)

  10. mommy2kaleigh

    mommy2kaleigh Active Member

    I'm so glad you got good news too! Yes it is great to see them!!
  11. CuriousGeorge

    CuriousGeorge Active Member

    I went to my high risk doctor last week because I couldn't feel them and I was freaking out. He put the Doppler and right away heard them. They were, like someone else on here, kicking each other... Which is so cute. They were also kicking the back, so not my stomach but the back and I couldn't feel that. I felt better after I heard that.
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