5 month old schedules

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by haleystar, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    our goes like this...

    wake up at 4:45am wake the boys up, give them their prevacid, take the dogs out, prepare bottles, brush teeth, feed babies by 5am.

    nap from 6am to 8am

    playtime while mommy takes a shower and gets ready from 8am-9am and then more playtime until 9:30am and then bath time.

    bottle at 10am

    nap from 11am to 12:45pm

    playtime on the playmat for 30 minutes, playtime on their highchairs (it has toys, i'm trying to get them to learn to reach out and play w/things not just suck their thumbs - you know, cause and affect?), then it's practicing to crawl, sit up on their own, play with pianos, etc.

    feed at 3pm

    no naps in cribs at 4pm so it's swing time until about 5:45-6pm

    daddy gets home (on his off days from the 24 hour shift at the department at 6:30-7pm) and we eat dinner while the babies play on their playmat (they love that thing)...

    we relax on the couch w/cuddle time with the kids until 8pm when i give their zantac and change diapers.

    feed at 8:30pm, babies in bed at 9-9:30pm.

    just curious, what everyone else's schedules where, how often your babies napped vs. played and how long their nap times and playtimes are. also how late do you keep them up and what time do you get them up in the morning or do you let them sleep in and get up when they are ready thus eliminating the morning nap??

    i try to keep the 5am-10am-3pm-8:30pm feeding schedule so that they get their 7oz 4 times a day w/o me having to stay up really late. i like my morning alone time from 6-8am, i can either do what i want or go back to sleep but it's MY time and i cherish it.

    also when we re-start solids (squash tomorrow) it will be at 1pm when they wake up from their nap, so it'll change from bottle at 5am-10am-1pm solids-3pm bottle-8:30pm bottle.

    btw - i've noticed that since stopping the solids the babies don't take their bottles as well. they sucked them dry while they were eating solids...i really think they are ready, just not for peas...lol :D
  2. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    Here is our schedule

    7am: wake up
    7:45-8:30: playtime and change clothes
    8:30-9:30: naptime
    9:30-11:00: watch elmo while playing on the floor and 4 oz bottles
    11:00-11:45: nap
    11:45-12:30: walk
    12:30-2:00: skype with daddy and exersaucer time
    2:00-3:15: nap
    3:15-5:00: music and floor time
    5:00-6:00: nap
    6:00-7:00: watch mommy make dinner, play with highchair toys, 4oz bottle
    7:00: solids, then bath, then cuddle
    8:00: bedtime

    I nurse about 7000 times during the day too. I know my girls nap a lot, but this is the only way they are happy! They nap in their cribs or I rock them for about 1 nap a day.

    I think squash is a great first food! My girls HATE peas so we mix them with sweet potatoes or carrots. You could try that to use up the rest of your peas later!
  3. JoellePotter

    JoellePotter Well-Known Member

    I just recorded for the past week when they tend to nap and notice it's actually at the same time (or dang close) every day. So here goes it:

    8:45am- Wake up... They wake up on their own, sometimes a little before, sometimes a little after, but I never wake them up. Once they're up I change their diapers and give them their prevacid.
    9am- Bottle (6oz w/ rice cereal) & done within about 5 minutes for each baby then just cuddling
    9:30am- Nap
    11:30am - Wake up & watch Baby Einstein dvds on their playmats
    1pm- Bottle (6oz w/ rice cereal)
    1:30pm- Nap
    2:30pm- Awake & playtime
    3pm- Solids
    3:30pm- Playtime
    5pm- Bottle (6oz w/ rice cereal)
    5:30pm- Nap
    7:30pm- Playtime & cuddling or just watching tv with me :) Give more prevacid
    8:30pm- Bottle (6oz)
    9pm- Bath time (only wash their hair every other day)
    9:30pm- Always in bed

    Now when I say playtime.. It's a rotation between their playmats (on their backs sometimes, on their tummies other time), hanging out in their exersaucer & jumperoo, or swing & bouncer. I don't really practice anything with them. Occasionally I'll read a book or two to them just so they can stare at pictures. A lot of times they are completely content in their exersaucer, jumperoo, swing, bouncer, on their playmats just staring at all of the stuff hanging or out in front of them.

    So I have a 2 hour nap time from 9:30am-11:30am, then an hour from 1:30pm-2:30pm, and then another 2 hour nap time from 5:30pm-7:30pm.
  4. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    emily do yours hold and drink out of their own bottles???

    and shortstackjo i'm soooooooo jealous at how quickly your boys eat...it takes an hour to get mine done!!
  5. Danibell

    Danibell Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I was just wondering if you wake them at 4:45 or do they wake on their own? Just curious because it doesn't seem like they get much sleep at night, if they go to bed at 9:30 and wake up at 4:45. I just wondered if they would sleep longer if you just let them wake themselves up...

    Our schedule was roughly:

    10am ~ wake up and bottle (8oz)
    11:30 ~ nap
    1pm ~ bottle
    2:30 ~ nap
    4pm ~ bottle
    5:30 ~ nap
    7pm ~ bottle
    8pm ~ nap
    10pm ~ bottle and then bed.

    In between eating and sleeping was random playing, whatever we felt like doing at the time. We didn't "practice" anything specific, just having fun.
  6. haleystar

    haleystar Well-Known Member

    i wake them up at 5am to eat breakfast. they get 4 bottles a day spaced at 5 hour intervals (any sooner - like 3-4 hours they won't eat well) so in order for me to get rest (7 straight hours) i get up at a quarter to 5 to get ready to feed them. after they eat they go right back to sleep until 8am when it's time to play. if i let them go they would sleep until 9am but then not nap in the afternoon. the morning feed is sort of like a dreamfeed only it's in the AM rather than PM.
  7. rhc0607

    rhc0607 Well-Known Member

    Here is our schedule:

    7a-wake up
    8-9:15a-playtime and first solid of the day(oatmeal w/fruit)
    5-7:30p-playtime, last solid(veggie), and bath(every other day)
    7:30p-bottle and bed

    Hope that helps!
  8. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    We are almost 7 mo old...still finding time to get our solids meals in..

    7 AM wake up, nurse

    9-11 nap

    11 AM 6-8 oz bottle

    12-1 play

    1 (or 2)-3 nap

    2 or 3 6-8 oz bottle

    4-5:30 nap

    6 solids or bath

    7 PM nurse, then bed

    We did do a dream feed at 11 PM until just recently when they didn't really want to eat at that time anymore. DS sometimes gets up to eat once but sometimes sleeps through. I think it depends on how tired he is at bedtime because sometimes he falls asleep and doesn't nurse as well.
  9. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    They do normally. They are easily distracted so sometimes they drop it a lot. For their evening bottle, I recline their highchair and they don't need any assistance.
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