Question about going back to work

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by 5280babies, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. 5280babies

    5280babies Well-Known Member

    Hi Second Years -
    Money is not plentiful, but I am a fortunate SAHM. I say that but the grass is always greener and sometimes I REALLY miss my job. I don't think financially it would be wise for me to stay home for years until they start school, but I need some opinions. I was thinking next fall when they are 18 months or so I might think about returning to work. I know mentally it will be tough but when that extra money comes in and I can start building college funds and paying off debt again it will help. And I am hoping to find a 7-3 job or something that I can still be with them a while before bed. I have a walker and one that I think will walk in the next couple months or so, so by 18 mos I would expect them to be getting around good. For those who had the option and eventually returned to work at your own pace, what age worked for you? My thinking is that they will be able to "play" more and I won't have to count on someone else to "work" with them. I change my mind daily but I will want to start looking late spring/early summer in this economy. Amazing how time passes. I know how lucky I have been, just tough to swallow bringing in no money and accepting the fact that I would be almost 40 if I waited for them to be in kindergarten. Suddenly saving and providing is that much more important - wait, wasn't I just 25 years old? Heh heh.
  2. AngelKLP13

    AngelKLP13 Well-Known Member

    I returned to work 2 days a week 4 days after my csection and back fulltime when the twins were 7 weeks old. But it was too much for me so instead of 40hrs a week I cut back to 32hrs M-T 8am-4pm. I am an office manager and the owners assistant. It was imperative I go back to work, no one could take my place. I am very fortunate to have a Nanny that comes to my home and cares for the twins. She is wonderful and the twins love her. Childcare is expensive though and if paying that takes a huge chunk or mostly what you will make it may not be worth it for you to return to work. almost one-third of my pay is used to pay my nanny. Goodluck in making your decision!
  3. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    I am very much in a similar situation -a very fortunate SAHM but one where money is tight and a little extra income would be great. I am currenty working 10 hrs/week, I went back to work at this pace when my DD's were 10 months old. I found a great sitter via; she loves the girls, & they love her. My DD's will be 14 months old tomorrow (where does the time go?) & I am increasing my hours to 20/week in the next 8 weeks or so. We don't clear that much extra money once the cost of babysitting comes out of my salary - in fact, it is pretty much a nil-sum-gain financially, but I feel good about keeping my skills up to date & having a bit of adult time. A wise mother once told me that there was absolutley no age at which it is easy to go back to work - your children will always need you, & you will always feel that tug. I have to say I do miss them while I am working, but I think I am a better Mummy for having spent a little time away tending to my career. Hope everything works out well for you also!
  4. silver_stardust

    silver_stardust Well-Known Member

    I am a SAHM mom too and I'm currently going back to school with hopes to eventually go back to work, although, DH and I haven't really set a "time" in stone yet. I'd like to only work part-time until they are bigger (maybe 18 hehehe, don't tell the hubby that but I want to always be there for them) And we haven't set a time as to when I'll go back to work as we're contemplating having another baby sometime but just don't know when. Strangely enough, I actually have an interview for a VERY part-time job at a retail store just so I can have time to myself and I'm realizing that my boys need time away from me. I do not want to put them in day care, just a choice that DH and I have made for various reasons, but I do now want them to get out of this house more and be around other people, be it their grandparents or other friends/relatives or if they are just with their dad and I'm not here. I really only want to work one or two days a week and no more than that and the money I make can only help. I'm definitly not going to be working at what or where I would want to be in the future but I think I'll enjoy it nonetheless. Then after I've graduated and the future has brought us the decision of another child or not, I'll go hunting for my dream job.

    I think the first part is SO true but I'm hoping for the second part as well. As I said before, I've come to realize now that they are more mobile and need more play time, interaction, etc. that it would be best for us, as a family, and truly, for them, to have their time away from me as sad as that sounds. :cry: I also know that if it really doesn't work out that me and DH can reassess our decision and see what our options are. I'm not sure I was any help but that's where I'm at. Good luck in your decision. It's going to be hard at first but than things will fall into place.
  5. boog9902

    boog9902 Well-Known Member

    I am a sahm mom too .. I went back to work when the boys were 4 months because we needed the money but we quickly found out that my working was costing us more money because childcare is so costly ... So I just decided to stay home
  6. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    I started working very part time (10 hours a week) when they were about 8 months old b/c I felt like I was going nuts as a full time SAHM. I am fortunate to have my mom or husband with them when I work and that helps tremendously. Now we really need the money so I recently increased my time to 2.5 days a week on a temporary basis (filling in for someone) to see how it works for us. Mine are almost 2 and they're very aware of where I am, what I'm doing. It's tough because in the morning, they'll say "no mama work now," or "mama bye bye work" depending on whether I'm dressed when I greet them in the morning, but they love to wave to me out the window and get through the day just fine. I agree with pp that depending on your childcare situation and income it can be close to a wash. I agree there's never an easy time to go back to work and you just have to do what fits best for you and your family. Part time feels great to me because I'm home with them the majority of the time but get to have my "break" by going to work and the money helps. At this age (23 months) they are much more able to play independently and with each other and would probably enjoy starting some sort of preschool in a year or so.
  7. sruth

    sruth Well-Known Member

    I could have written your post just a month ago!
    I was a SAHM for the first 18 months and I just recently went back a month ago. It is a juggling act for sure. I have the nanny come early so I can leave work asap. But I work for the corp world so the earliest I can come and go is 8am-5pm (which is considered part-time) I am able to get them up and ready with breakfast and be home just in time for dinner. We play until bed at 7PM.
    Recently we changed their baths to every other day so I can have more fun time and we are also thinking of keeping them up a bit later--they are older now so I know they can handle an extra 30 minutes.
    One thing I learned is that the person you have taking care of your children at that age will need experience with toddlers/pre-schoolers. When I first interviewed I was looking for someone reliable, caring, etc. But found those that have somethig to "teach" them and who is a lot of fun to "play" with is very important, they are so active and need someone with energy AND experience.
    I found going back to work and having someone come into my home (a nanny) was an easier transition. If I'm running late I don't have to worry about drop off or pick up. We think when they are two and older we will enroll them in a part-time preschool for extra activities/fun time. I'm sure our house is getting boring...We also found care via
    I was surprised that I didn't feel a "tug" I was very excited to go back to work and I'm having a great time. HOWEVER, THEY ARE FEELING THE TUG! With one of my DD's she has a hard time going to bed now, we had to do CIO again! She cries 'Momma' because I don't think she had enough time with me before bed which is why we are thinking of pushing it out a bit. :(
  8. jenniferkkelly

    jenniferkkelly Well-Known Member

    I went back to work full-time when my twins were 3 months old. It was a big adjustment, especially because they didn't start STTN till they were 7 1/2 months old. But once we got into a groove, things have been pretty good. My job has been incredibly supportive & DH is very hands-on. The twins are in an in-home daycare situation (close to mine & DH's work) and they love it! They're just now starting to say their friends' names & it's too cute! I will say that since I don't get a whole lot of time together during the work week, any free time I have is devoted to them. So life is work & kids/DH. Not much room for anything else right now!

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