36 weeks and counting

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Susanna+3, Jan 7, 2010.

  1. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Had my 36 week appointment last night. Baby is head down. Cervix is thin, but closed, as usual. LOL. I have no expectations of being dilated prior to labor, other than the twins when it didn't need to be dilated (go figure I was 2cm at 35 weeks with them and I had a c/s scheduled for 37 weeks!), I've never been beyond 0 prior to labor. Oh well.

    Baby went through a growth spurt though. At 34 weeks I was only measuring 30 weeks, so they were getting a bit concerned. But last night I was measuring 34 weeks, so just 2 weeks behind. I guess their cut-off is 3 weeks behind, any more than that and they'd prefer to send you for a growth scan. I have no clue what I was for the other kids, but I suspect that for at least my first child I was small. The doc kept telling me she'd only be around 6lbs because I was so small... apparently she was well hidden because she turned out to be 8lbs 1oz!! LOL. So I remain convinced that in spite of being behind in measurement this little one will be at least 8lbs if he's born on time and probably 7.5 if he's born a week early.

    I'm feeling pretty good right now. I'm having hardly any heartburn which is really abnormal for me, no swelling, but that's normal, and harder bh ctx just started up about 2 weeks ago. Normally, I have those from like 15 weeks on, and they are exhausting to me. So all in all, this pregnancy has been very easy. IF only that were a guarantee on labor being easy! I'm trying to get mentally prepared for natural labor again. I made it through a 3 day natural labor with my last child, a vbac, and this time around I have midwives so hopefully the experience will be more positive than it was with my previous vbac. Baby #4's labor was just so long, and really left me somewhat traumatized due to the lack of any support from the doctor or nurse, and even my doula somehow felt like her 'support' should be largely silent...it was just a negative experience overall. But the recovery was awesome...so I'm hoping to focus on how wonderful that recovery was compared to my c/s or my epidural birth, and maybe with the midwife I'll also feel more positive over the actual birth! And heck, I figure with a 3 day natural labor behind me how can this baby's labor be any worse than that!! Even 24 hours would be a lot shorter! LOL. One positive side effect of a really lousy labor is that almost anything in comparison is better!
  2. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I've only given birth twice but I completely agree the recovery from an au natural birth is GREAT! Compared to a medicated one (both of which Ive had). I hope you have a nice, quick, easy, smooth delivery!!
  3. traci.finley

    traci.finley Well-Known Member

    YAY! I'm glad you are feeling good! I wish I was game for a VBAC but I am just way too scared of rupture. I have a C/S in two weeks and a few days ... totally nervous about the recovery and handling 2 two-year olds. I guess people have done it before me so I need to quit stressing! Hope you have an awesome and easy delivery ... seems like by the fourth time around you should be able to just sneeze that little one out ;)
  4. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    Ha! I wish it were that easy!!!
    I think everyone has to do what they are comfortable doing regarding c/s versus vbac. I know I was really nervous over what I had 'heard' about rupture prior to my first vbac. But I did a ton of research, especially over on the American College of Ob/gyn website, and it was like every research article I read on it reassurred me more than the last. But I also had the comfort of already having given birth vaginally prior to my c/s with the twins. That put me in a much better category statistically speaking for a successful vbac. It's definitely not a decision to make lightly. And ironically, I can truly say that my c/s, thus far was my most positive 'happy' birth experience... notice I said 'birth experience'...not 'recovery.' My best recovery was with my vbac, but it was probably my hardest birth experience. I'm hoping to level things out this time around and maybe get the best of both worlds! So I'll be the first to admit that planned c/s definitely have their benefits. Recovery just isn't one of them!! But on the flip side it all depends on how your vaginal birth turns out. My first vaginal birth turned out with a 3rd degree tear due to the doc being episiotomy happy, so my recovery with my first birth which was vaginal was actually just as difficult if not more so than my c/s recovery. So it's all relative! I suppose some women probably have more complications with c/s recovery than I had too...so everyone is just unique in what kind of recovery they get. You have to evaluate things, be comfortable with your choice and with the risks that go with your choice since neither option is risk-free, and then be at peace with your decision. Hopefully you have a very smooth recovery from your c/s and a very happy birth experience!
  5. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    I hope you've discussed with your midwife what type of support you would like...remember, YOU'RE the star of the show (at least until the baby comes out, at which point it's him/her), and you have the right to whatever assistance you want!
  6. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I've discussed my previous vbac with all three of the midwives at my practice. I've let them know that I really would appreciate lots of verbal reassurance. And I've nixed any students being involved in the birth. That was one thing that really bothered me about my previous labors. With my vbac the doctor couldn't be bothered to say 'congratulations' but he went to great lengths to give detailed instructions to his resident about how to stitch up my tear. Very annoying. I'm done being a guinea pig!!
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